Strange Attractors

SOGP Music

Song Reviews

The days of bell bottomed pants, crazy shoes and wine skins


If there's anyone that thinks the smooth, jamming renderings of early jam bands like Santana, early Journey and others are gone; then you are totally wrong. The Hammond organ is thick and the beat is rock solid. SOGP Music faithfully recreates that 70's feel in Strange Attractors. It typifies the sound of the "classic rock" in such a smooth fashion that you just might experience a bit of time distortion. Strange Attractors has a groove that insists that you reminisce a bit on the days of bell bottomed pants, crazy shoes and wine skins. The only thing missing is an extended guitar solo. Great job.

United States, Arizona, Sun City

Christo's Review


Very cool Song! I think, you work mostly with the same intruments - bass, drums, guitar and keyboards (jazz-organ), without big sound changes, without noise or sound experiments. Nevertheless the songs are very interesting and cool. That means you work great with the composition, arrangement and the interpretation!

Austria, Vienna

Your Song "Strange Attractors"


I got to say this is very catchy. The way the drums starts the song and a great melody with the guitar almost telling you the words already without saying a word which makes a great story and it just seems like your just cruising along enjoying the scenery while listening to a fabuloso song full blast. Keep up the Great work. I could hear this on a frequent Rock Radio Rotation. Write On~~~

United States, Texas, San Antonio, Texas



okay well I like the truck very much it's all the instrumental obviously I think it's more of those on the Jazzy Blues type of genre but either way I like it I think it's a very good mix I really liked it when you presented the electric guitar in overall I think it's a really good instrumental and I would like to hear more

United States, Georgia, Atlanta

A new take on a classic sound.

With the new methods and technology of recording this track can show how you can take a classic vintage sound of the late 60's/ early 70's and make it sound fresh and new in 2018. I give this track 4 stars for its production quality and musicianship.

United States, Tennessee, Kingsport


SOGP what’s good with you buddy? We just came to give you a review on this instrumental. Ok first off the name is what grasped our attention first then pushing play and the start up of your instrumental sucked us in. We listen to all types of music so don’t be alarmed at all. You have talent keep pushing till your satisfied wth your position in this music world. Keep being creative

United States, Texas, Dallas


We give you Five Stars Direktly because we like what you play here. We dont want to know if you use Hammond Tutti or not. ( Full organ ) Thats because the Two Hammond Leslies are panorating verry nicely in Stereo. The Rythmguitar is verry much in the backround . Thats good we want more of this with Hammond its just Five Stars with +++++ We use Hammond Tutti in order to get heard at all, with one or two verry strong Rythmguitars. The Sologuitar is verry good played and we put you in a loop now here just to listen a lot. The drums is just perfect. Bassdrum just the way it schould be also in Hard Rock , Everyone is trying , but verry few actually knows how to do that. The Snare is verry much the same, Verry Smaschy with two sorts of Reverbs Of Course. One verry dry thats allways called Plate , and one is more bleading or give smasch. We just filter with Eq the bleading. We can here that you are doing that and thats the main reason we do this reveiw. You are doing what Rock Musik helpt Soul Music to do. We dont always agree with things like that here. Strange Attractors is a nice name . Poetical sort of . Verry Nice .Happy Easter we must say. Sincerely Yours

Sweden, Vasteras

Great tunes

This should easily make song selection. I especially love the drum session for the intro. The lead guitarist did an excellent job with drawing in the listener, the riffs and transitions were stop on. The band however seemed to have loose moments in the timing department but nothing to fret over, practice and constant booking will solve that. Over all i judge instrumentals two ways, either would this be a great song if completed for vocals or can this song paint the scene it belongs to in a script/movie? Overall I would choose this track for a soundtrack to an action film or adventure film. Keep up the great work.

United States, Florida, Miami

Strange Attractors.

I have an affinity for your eclectic mix of Rock Instrumental. Especially this song. The percussion is first rate! I am not a person who plays lots of instruments but I am a beginner drummer. It would be an excellent soundtrack for a new Detective Show. It has real impact and punch and the execution, production and composition all have hallmarks of greatness, very professional. Keep bringing out the tunes, music is healing and you are bringing that force to the vessels of many. It's in the water as they say!

United Kingdom, Chepstow South Wales

Strange Attractors "Eclecticism"

I read the bio of SOGP, felt an uneasy familiarity with the parcourse and journey this particular compadre took throughout the musical journey he has made, but a generation behind my own and understood exactly how he must have felt in the environment that surrounded him. His musical tastes are have given him the possibility to replicate the styles and sound of a string of artists already present in the psyche of most bar bands and cover groups, yet SOGP has found its own voice and expression. I was reminded of Santana, Isley Brothers, and a host of other rocking soul bands but never could I identify completely with one or the other. And this brought a smile to my face. I will be listening to some others from SOGP, whether in the guise of Shades or Seekers.

United Kingdom, Bristol

Strange Attractors Review

This track is nice. It has a nice smooth jazzy funky beat sound and feel to it. Good selection of instruments and transitions. The track has potentials for moving up the charts. Looking forward to more from this Artist.

United States, Georgia, Atlanta

Musical sensitivity

This is a very curious subdivision. I write because I miss vocal here. Then an extensive solo and motif. Everything is great - you can hear musical sensitivity. Clear division into two topics. Maybe you will develop this song with vocal?

Poland, Warszawa

Nice arrangement

Beginning too repetitiveness on the drums and throughout, drummer could have given it a little variation every once in a while and something other than the standard beat at the beginning. The guitar work is very good, although the level could have been taken up a half a notch. The bass could have come up a quarter of a notch. A little more work on the mix and levels. Nice keyboard work. Cheers, Rick

United States, Illinois, West Chicago

Good to hear some Hammond

Very well composed, played and produced. I liked the use of organ, so rare these days. And that's a great sound selected with a nice growl. I liked the drum sound and playing a lot too. Great instrumental!

United States, Oregon, Clackamas

Nice Tracks

Nice tracks, check out some of mine when you get a chance and let me know what you think. Nice tracks, check out some of mine when you get a chance and let me know what you think. Nice tracks, check out some of mine when you get a chance and let me know what you think. Nice tracks, check out some of mine when you get a chance and let me know what you think. Nice tracks, check out some of mine when you get a chance and let me know what you think. Nice tracks, check out some of mine when you get a chance and let me know what you think.

United States, California, Whittier

Nice Style

It’s nice work, I loved the guitars, leading guitar is very interesting, and overall composition matches well with the title, chords also are well set, my only negative comment is about the sound, from my openion it’s not attractive and needs to be more powerful and loud, but overall it’s very good track

Egypt, Cairo

Simple is good

Groove is the name of the game with this song, an instrumental which features a solid basic drum and bass part. The organ padding is tasteful and unobtrusive while still being integral to the sound. The guitar lines and tones are strong enough to cut through, yet not slamming you in the face. Not sure where this recording fits in for the grand scheme of the music business, but it was a reasonably pleasant listen and has the potential to be built upon for something commercially viable.

United States, Tennessee, Nashville

hi !

I'm not here for reviews so just bravo to do something by yourself. I can only encourage all those who are creators of happiness. And you're one of those people like us ! Good job and really nice ! keep going !!!!! I'm not here for reviews so just bravo to do something by yourself. I can only encourage all those who are creators of happiness. And you're one of those people like us ! Good job and really nice ! keep going !!!!!

France, Reims

fantastic electric guitar playing

that fingers are special to play the electric guitar, percussion is also very balanced and well played.sound is quiet good, maybe notes are a bit repetitive from the middle of the song until the end , maybe a change of rythm would have trasmit more quality to the song, it depends what you have thought this song is being created to.example it sounds me good for a game soundtrack in whcih is almost constant what the game requires to do all the time.always SOPG brings us good quality of works

Strange Attractors

"Strange Attractors" from SOGP Music, a complete enjoyable song for me, with a great based groove a perfect mix of the sounds, so well structured gets to the main point directly. The message it's perfectly clear because all of this and a nice interpretation. The use several times of the main figure don't bother at all, mtches in a great way. I really enjoyed listening, and the most important thing it's that behind what we listen, if you leave yourself get inside of the song you will find a very interesting insight on the melody. For me it's such a great and admirable work, how you can put together all this things, that for a natural ear seems easy, believe me it's not at all.

Argentina, Buenos Aires





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