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The Joy

by Living Waters

Glory 00:00 / 04:40
Glory 04:40
by Mark Lajoie Copyright 2011, RN SR 679-889 [Introductory paraphrase of Luke's Christmas story] CHORUS Glory to God in the highest! Glory to God in the highest! Glory to God in the highest! As the Bridegroom weds the Bride so I will marry you My Morning Star will rise and all who seek me will find joy! [CHORUS] They'll come from every land to see my radiant light And raising up their hands their songs will split the night with joy! [CHORUS] The deaf and blind and poor have seen a mighty light For us a Child is born! Go sing it from the heights with joy! [CHORUS (2x)] Glory to God in the highest! (2x) Peace to His people on earth
City of Joy by Mark Lajoie copyright 2011, RN SRu 1-004-340 There is a place to go where joy will o-ver-flow I know, I know There is a place to go where joy will o-ver-flow I know, I know God comes down to the Ci-ty of Joy God comes down as a poor lit-tle boy To die and rise a-bove My faith will lead me where My God will real-ly care 'Cause He's there,yeah, He's there, yeah, My faith will lead me where My God will real-ly care 'Cause He's there, yeah, He's there God comes down to the Ci-ty of Joy God comes down as a poor lit-tle boy To die and rise a-bove My God, your-self you take my place I on-ly want to see your face And now I see you there My God, I know you real-ly care O sweet ba-by Je-su I give my life to you, I do, yeah, I do, yeah O sweet ba-by Je-su I give my life to you, I do, yeah, I do God comes down to the Ci-ty of Joy God comes down as a poor lit-tle boy To die and rise a-bove Rise a-bove
written by Michael McBride Copyright 2011, RN SR 679-889 Love's Beginning, This is Love's Beginning (2x) Whoa-oooh High above in the brightest sky Shines a love that catches my eye Like a rainbow I will follow To find the treasure that it holds Love's Beginning, This is Love's Beginning (Feel it!)Love's Beginning, This is Love's Beginning Whoa-oooh Beneath the star I find a crowded stall And there you are a Baby born that's Lord of all I am in awe from what I saw I have witnessed (I have witnessed) Love beginning (I have witnessed) Love beginning (I have witnessed) Here under a star (I have witnessed) Here, here you are! CHORUS This is love's beginning, the Savior's Birth Feel it, love's beginning, he'll save your earth This is love's beginning, the Savior's Birth This is love's beginning, he'll save your earth (Lead) There I stood with three Kings and a Drummer Boy Presidents and New World Kings should feel the joy Animals were well aware and everybody standing there had chosen We chose to follow you, follow you, ah CHORUS This is love's beginning! (4x) Whoa-oooh
Greatest Story by Mark Lajoie Copyright 2011, RN SR 679-889 If you're not in a hur-ry No par-ti-cu-lar place to go I could tell you a sto-ry A sto-ry 'bout love long a-go It's a sto-ry 'bout Je-sus It's a sto-ry 'bout God made man He died and rose to save us And He's gon-na be com-in' back a-gain 'Cause they heard Him and seen Him Ask Pe-ter and James and John Now there's no need to wor-ry 'Cause the sto-ry will al-ways go on and CHORUS It's the great-est sto-ry e-ver told! (Repeat) It's the great-est sto-ry e-ver told! (Repeat) So let the sto-ry line en-fold you in-side His heart It's the great-est sto-ry e-ver told! The sun and stars are sing-in' the sto-ry Day tells night; night tells day All the seas are bring-in' Him glo-ry Moun-tains and val-leys are mak-in' a way And when it all is o-ver When all cre-a-tion is done There's no need to wor-ry 'Cause the sto-ry will al-ways go on and CHORUS Yeah! It's all right! It's O K! (Ooooo don't worry! Ooooo don't worry!) It's all right! All right! 'Cause it's a true sto-ry, a true sto-ry, yeah It's a true sto-ry, a true sto-ry A true sto-ry, yeah, yeah, yeah CHORUS It's the great-est sto-ry It's the great-est sto-ry It's the great-est sto-ry e-ver told! Oooooo!
by Mark Lajoie Copyright 2011, RN SR 679-889 This moment's much more than this moment The stars are pouring out light like they're new I may be just a poor, lonely shepherd But I think heaven is breaking through I leave my sheep in the valley I run to the cave, what else can I do? And there He is a poor little baby And I see heaven breaking through CHORUS God is with us! God is with us! Now He's someone just like me! (2x) God is with us! (4x) Breaking through the darkness of my long and lonely night Aching with the longing of the Song of Peace for good-willed men of right Gloria, Gloria, Gloria in excelsis Deo CHORUS I'm back with my sheep in the valley Things are the same but now I am new I may be just a poor, lonely shepherd But I know heaven's breaking through God is with us!(4x)
O Holy Night! Placide Cappeau, 1847 tr. by John S. Dwight copyright Public Domain 1. Oh, holy night, the stars are brightly shining; It is the night of the dear Savior’s birth! Long lay the world in sin and error pining, Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth. A thrill of hope, the weary soul rejoices, For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn. Fall on your knees, oh, hear the angel voices! Oh, night divine, oh, night when Christ was born! Oh, night divine, oh, night, oh, night divine! 2. Led by the light of faith serenely beaming, With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand. So led by the light of a star sweetly gleaming, Here came the wise men from Orient land. The King of kings lay in a lowly manger, In all our trials born to be our Friend! He knows our need—to our weakness He is no stranger. Behold your King; before Him lowly bend! Behold your King; before Him lowly bend! Christ is our Lord! Oh, praise His name forever! His pow’r and glory evermore proclaim! His pow’r and glory evermore proclaim!
The Joy 03:59
by Mike McBride Copyright 2011, RN SR 679-889 Streets are piled high with snow Christmas trees are decorated till they glow Put up in a window, beautiful to show As we create, anticipate, we may not know CHORUS Jingle Bells never tells the Joy to the World Noel will always tell the Joy to the World The Lord is born Greetings handed at the door Christmas candy purchased from the Christmas store Gifts exchanged with love but is there something more We designate to concentrate on what this is for CHORUS Happy Birthday to you, Lord Is there any kind of gift we can afford We can give His love and live in His accord Can you relate? Participate? Today He is adored Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday Merry Christmas to the world I know Jesus will show the Joy to the World CHORUS (lead) Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas Happy Birthday to you, Lord Noel will always tell the Joy to the World CHORUS (2x) Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, jingle all the way Jingle Bells never tells Jesus is the Way The First Noel the angels did tell Joy to the World the Lord is born The Lord is born
O Little Town of Judah by Mark Lajoie Copyright 2011, RN SR 679-889 O little town of Judah, O little town of Judah Not so far away, a brightening night to day Where shining down is found abounding light A little Child to Mary born tonight O little Child of Mary, O little Child of Mary O so very small, so low to raise us all Love's Child your smile is opening up the door O little baby Jesus born for the poor O little baby Jesus, O little baby Jesus Born in Bethlehem, a 'House of Bread' for them Your Body given free will one day die And then our eyes will see you one day rise One day rise so that we can be born again born again O little town of Judah, O little town of Judah Not the least of towns From you peace will abound, surround us
“Step Down” by Mark A. Lajoie & Greg Loell Copyright 2011, RN SR 679-889 You came from on high, you were born to live and die You came to step down Once and for all to rise for our fall Born to step down You love with such love That born to die you step down, you step down Now I must try to live and die in you I want to step down Come take my heart, be my end and my start I want to step down You love with such love That born to rise I’ll step down, step down Be my Lord! Take, take my heart Be my end and my start Take, take my heart Be my end and my start Take my heart, ‘cause I step down We all need to step down Be the Lord! [lead] Take, take my heart Be my end and my start Take, take my heart Be my end and my start Take my heart, ‘cause I step down Oh, please, step down Step down!
by Mike McBride Copyright 2011, RN SR 679-889 Merry Christmas Happy New Year, too May Christ Jesus walk among you May God's love reign Reign upon us May Christ Jesus' name live among us [Spoken greeting!] Merry Christmas Happy New Year, too May Christ Jesus live among you Walk with Jesus He walks with you Merry Christmas Happy New Year, too


We started in 1976, and, from the beginning, we specialized in Christmas, doing special Christmas concerts every year for years! We wrote a lot of original Christian songs and recorded several of them on multi-track for a cassette release in 1984 - those are here. Plus, we include some special live versions. Our prayer for you is that you will experience a new birth, and have a very Merry Christmas!


released November 27, 2011


all rights reserved



Living Waters Nashua, New Hampshire

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