Booze Blues Cruise
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Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality downloads of Perfect Gift-Song, Love's Beginning (Remix), Glory (Remix), Searching For Home, You Were There SINGLE, You Need Love (Don't Throw Your Life Away), Ring the Jesus Bell, Merry Christmas, and 13 more.
Excludes subscriber-only releases.
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Booze Blues Cruise
by Mark A. Lajoie
Copyright 2011, RN SR 679-889
I've heard they put ships in a bot-tle
But I got my-SELF trapped in-side
Out of con-trol, get-tin' blown a-way
On a ver-y ex-pen-sive ride
On the booze blues cruise
You lose...
On the booze blues cruise
No tack left to choose
Three sheets to the wind
When am I gon-na hit bot-tom?
When am I gon-na be free?
Here I am trapped in the bot-tle
Some-bo-dy res-cue me!
On the booze blues cruise
You lose...
On the booze blues cruise
No tack left to choose
Three sheets to the wind
Heard the Lord's love like a ze-phyr
Like a gen-tle warm-ing breeze
Let the Spir-it come in, let it blow a-way
Let it wash me in the seas
Let my ship out of this bot-tle
With a gen-tle warm-ing wind
Let the wind in my sails, let it blow a-way
Let me be born a-gain
No more booze blues cruise
I choose
No more booze blues cruise
One path left to choose
Three sheets to the wind
The wind (it blows)
The wind (it blows)
The wind (it blows)
The wind (it blows)
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Take Me
“Take Me”
by Mike McBride
Copyright 2013, SRu 1-133-313
I’ve got a one track mind and it’s to be on time
When it’s the right time, Lord, for me
So, steady ahead, and we will get to the end
And we will catch eternity
Take me….
Please take me!
You are the reason for my life
You are the beauty
You are the light
You're everlasting from the start
You are the motion, you are the mind
You are the only one of a kind
You are the potion in my heart
So please don’t take our love too soon (don’t take our love too soon)
Even the dark night has its moonlight (the dark night has its moon)
We will remember all of you (we will remember you)
So please don’t take our love too soon
How can I learn to forgive?
How can I go on living?
When all I ever wanted was to hold you in my arms
To protect you from all harm
To keep you safe and warm
Next time, Lord, take me
Please, take me….take me
I’ve got a one track mind and it’s to be on time
When it’s the right time, Lord, for me
So, steady ahead, and we will get to the end
And we will catch eternity
Take me….
So I keep living with the living
And I keep giving all I’m giving
And I know one day I’ll come home
Take me home with you
Take me
Please take me…..
Take me
I’ve got a one track mind and it’s to be on time
When it’s the right time, Lord, for me
So, steady ahead, and we will get to the end
And we will catch eternity
Take me….
Please take me…..
Take me
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Home is Where the Heart Is
by Mark A. Lajoie
Copyright 2011, RN SR 679-889
A tear rolls down my cheek as I lay dy-ing
Wond'r-ing will I e-ver find a home?
A life-time speak-ing through these tears I'm cry-ing
Do I still be-lieve that I am not a-lone?
With all the strength that's left me I am pray-ing
A song of trust that I'm still tru-ly loved
And in the song I hear the an-gels say-ing
With words of wis-dom, com-fort from a-bove
Home is where the heart is!
Home is where the heart is!
When I go it won't be far!
When I leave I'll be where His Heart is!
When sor-row pierced his Mo-ther's heart
It bound her heart to His
When love has filled a sor-rowing heart
Then He is where it is!
When I go it won't be far!
When I leave I'll be where His Heart is!
Home is where the heart is!
Home is where the heart is!
Home is where the heart is bound to lo-ove
So I know and I be-lieve
Please don’t grieve for me now that I’m leav-ing
‘Cause e-very-thing He gave to me
I gave it all a-way
And now that I’ve been bound to love
Then home is where I’ll stay
When I go it won't be far!
When I leave I'll be where His Heart is!
Home is where the heart is!
Home is where the heart is!
Home is where the heart is bound to lo-ove
Bound to love
Bound to love
And with my fi-nal breath my eyes are o-pened
And I see two hearts pierced u-pon a sword
And I feel all my sor-rows melt-ing with them
The Sa-cred Heart, the Mo-ther of the Lord
Home is where the heart is
Home is where the heart is
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Save Me From Myself
Save Me from Myself
by Mike McBride
Copyright 2014 RN SRu 1-177-488
Too much hypocrisy within one democracy concedes to insurrection
And too many talking without any walking will proceed without direction
Deep iniquity leads to duplicity its evil’s own reflection
But by bearing the cross you have taken the loss of the cost that it takes to save me
Save me from myself
When you came along you know you made me so strong that you saved me from myself
You gave me something else, you shocked my soul when you took control and now you know you
Save me (save me), save me (you save me)
Save me (save me), save me (you save me)
You rocked my soul when you rose up you made me whole
You saved me
All we are worth is in heaven not earth
Call on faith first mankind is not cursed (because mankind he is not cursed!)
Save me, save me
Save me (save me), save me (you save me)
Save me (save me), save me (you save me)
You rock my soul when it all unfolds and now you make my heart explode
The cross that you carry should be mine for the bearing
But you take away the pain and the sorrow that burdens me
I may never be ready I may never be worthy but you are unrelenting
You mistakenly forsaken become forgiving of all that is breaking me
The cross that you carry well that is the very symbol that has saved me!
Save me from myself
When you came along you know you made me so strong that you saved me from myself
You gave me something else, you shocked my soul when you took control and now you know you
Save me (save me), save me (you save me)
Save me (save me), save me (you save me)
You rocked my soul when you rose up you made me whole
You saved me
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by Mark A. Lajoie
Copyright 2011, RN SR 679-889
There is a Name
There is a Face
There is a Heart which gives us God's grace
Je-sus! Je-sus! Je-sus! Je-sus!
There is a Way
There is a Door
And there is Life for-ev-er-more!
Je-sus! Je-sus! Je-sus! Je-sus!
A-bove the storm a voice is heard
Our Fa-ther's own E-ter-nal Word!
Je-sus! Je-sus! Je-sus! Je-sus!
To you my mo-ther my eyes I raise
When I look at you
My mouth sings His praise
My mouth sings His praise
My mouth sings His Name!
Je-sus! Je-sus! Je-sus! Je-sus!
Sing praise, you an-gels
Sing praise, all men
His is the Name to which we bend
to which we bend
All things must bend!
Je-sus! Je-sus! Je-sus! Je-sus!
Je-sus! Je-sus! Je-sus! Je-sus!
Je-sus! Je-sus! Je-sus! Je-sus!
E-ter-nal praise to you, O Lord Je-sus
Je-sus! Je-sus! Je-sus! Je-sus!
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by Mike McBride
Digitally date and time stamped
copyright 2015
If I could tell you everything that I want to tell you every day
I'd tell you happiness just flows thru you, and I want to say
I'll always care for you, I'm there, forever true to you darling, you keep me smiling
If I could hold you near, and dear if you would never let me go
Then I would show you love like you could never believe you would ever know
This I vow to you, right here, right now and every day
Stay! I always miss you so I want to kiss you every day
Stay! I can't live without you, every minute's about you and it's every day
Stay! I celebrate you and everything great you do every day
Stay! I just want to make you happy like you make me every day!
Stay Every day Stay Every day!
I always dreamed that my life could be like this, it's like I'm living in a miracle
You always lift me high when I'm low
I want to pledge my love, my life is bliss, and everything surrounding us is lyrical
Together we'll live in eternity, forever in love and in loyalty
And we will never give in, oh no, we'll never give up
And we will never say never, because forever we're forever in love!
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We All Did It
by Mark A. Lajoie
Copyright 2011, RN SR 679-889
Some peo-ple want some-one to blame
For all the e-vil, mi-ser-y and shame
You know that's such a big waste of time?
Fi-gur-ing out who made Je-sus die
We all did it! For all He is ri-sen!
We all did it! So all can be for-giv-en!
We all did it! For all He is ri-sen!
We all did it! So all can be for-giv-en!
Con-si-der all the birds of the air!
They ne-ver sew but look at what they wear!
Our on-ly job has got to be to love
So leave the judg-ing to the Per-fect Judge
We all did it! For all He is ri-sen!
We all did it! So all can be for-giv-en!
We all did it! For all He is ri-sen!
We all did it! So all can be for-giv-en!
Con-si-der all the birds of the air!
(Look at the birds)
They ne-ver sew but look at what they wear!
(Look at what they wear)
Our on-ly job has got to be love
(It's got to be love)
So leave the judg-ing to the Per-fect Judge
We all did it! We all did it! We all did it! We all did it!
We all did it!
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Let Me In (2014)
by Mike McBride
copyright 2011, RN SRu 1-004-340
Falling deep within myself without a heart to hold me
Only if I could get out, then, I’d not be lonely, I’d not be lonely
I know it’s true, I’d not be lonely, I’d be with you
Da da da da da da da da da da da da da
da da da da da da da da da da da da
You catch me from within myself, you use your heart to hold me
Only you could lift me out, now I am not lonely, I am not lonely
I know it’s true, you come and hold me, I am with you
Da da da da da da da da da da da da da
da da da da da da da da da da da da
I have been with you for a long, long time
I have stood here by your side
I have seen you through your hardest times
With a love I'll never hide
I have watched you grow from young to old
I have saved you from your sin
Told you stories no one’s ever told
Open up and let me in
O, won’t you let me in
Let your life begin! Let me in!
who-o-oah [I’m at the door]
Won’t you let me in!
Let me in, won’t you let me in (2x)
Aaaaaaah! Aaaaaaah!
I have watched you grow and you should know
I have loved you every day
Open up your heart and let me show you
I am the Way, the Truth, the Life
Open up and let me in
Let me in, won’t you let me in? (2x)
Aaaaaaah! Aaaaaaah!
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by Mark A. Lajoie
Copyright 2011, RN SR 679-889
Lis-ten, lis-ten to my voice
I give you the choice to turn from your pain and wor-ry
Look in the dark of your heart
That's where to start
For I am with you there and
For-ev-er I will be with you
For-ev-er I will be with you
For-ev-er I will be with you
Have no fear! Have no fear!
Re-pent! Re-pent of your sin
You know you can't win
Come to my arms, my chil-dren
No, don't be a-fraid
You have been made
To be with me for-ev-er
Re-joice! Re-joice in my love
Just look above
Don't be a-fraid of that storm
O yes, I know you are poor
But you have more
I'm your e-ter-nal trea-sure
My heart is glow-ing with love, glow-ing with love
For all your weak-ness, chil-dren
You were born in blood and pain
My blood fell like rain
from the al-tar of my love
There, there on the Cross, I don't count the cost
I give you ev-ery-thing I AM
Up! Up from the tomb rise with Me
Rise to e-ter-nal splen-dor!
Have no fear!
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Good Samaritan
“Good Samaritan”
by Mike McBride
Copyright 2013, SRu 1-133-313
Bruised and battered, fried and tattered, always living in defeat
Always someone, always hurting, somehow the edges just don't meet
But I don't stop to help in any way
Cause I don't have the time to save the day
Oh, what did I do?
When I could have done something?
Well, what if I did nothing?
What did I do?
Wait a minute… What about….
When I'm standing at the Pearly Gates
And I meet St. Pete and he hesitates,
He says, "What did you do?
To get your chance to stand before the King of the Jews?"
“What did you do?
When you could have done something?
You could have been a Good Samaritan
But instead you just did nothing”
What did I do?
I had a chance to do something
But I did a lot of nothing
Be a Good Samaritan, go ahead and take a chance
See like a Samaritan in any circumstance (3x)
You really ought to try and be a Good Samaritan, go head and take a chance
You really ought to try and see like a Samaritan, a Good Samaritan of love
So, I stand before you Jesus, naked and true
And I'm begging for forgiveness, for what I did not do!
What did I do?
When I could have done something?
Well, what if I did nothing?
I could’ve been a Good Samaritan
What did I do?
I had a chance to do something
But I did a lot of nothing
What did I do?
Can't eat, can't sleep , can't earn my keep
Can't stand alone up on my feet
And I'm feeling beat. Is this defeat?
Can I get a second chance
In any certain circumstance?
What did I do?
11. |
Tell the Whole World
by Mark A. Lajoie
Copyright 2011, RN SR 679-889
I've been pray-ing so hard
I've been wait-ing so long for this day
Now the fi-re is fall-ing
The wind is just blow-ing a-way!
Con Pe-dro y Ma-ri-a
Comme Pi-erre et Ma-rie re-jouis-sez
tou-tes les pa-tri-es
Con Pe-dro y Ma-ri-a
Comme Pi-erre et Ma-rie re-jouis-sez
tou-tes les pa-tri-es
And now the fi-re falls down
The wind blows a-round
The Spi-rit's un-furled
I want to tell the whole world!
Sealed by my in-vi-ta-tion
Now I've got my con-firm-a-tion
I want to tell the whole world!
Each heart he made so near it
How can they know if they don't hear it?
I want to tell the whole world!
I've been pray-ing so hard
I've been wait-ing so long for this day
Now the fi-re is fall-ing
The wind is just blow-ing a-way!
Con Pe-dro y Ma-ri-a
Con Pe-dro y Ma-ri-a
Con Pe-dro y Ma-ri-a
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City of Joy (Reprise)
City of Joy (Reprise)
by Mark Lajoie
copyright 2011, RN SRu 1-004-340
There is a place to go
where joy will o-ver-flow I know, I know
There is a place to go
where joy will o-ver-flow I know, I know
God comes down to the Ci-ty of Joy
To die and rise a-bove, rise above!
Living Waters Nashua, New Hampshire
"Let It Reign"
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