Nobody Else
Get all 21 Living Waters releases available on Bandcamp and save 35%.
Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality downloads of Perfect Gift-Song, Love's Beginning (Remix), Glory (Remix), Searching For Home, You Were There SINGLE, You Need Love (Don't Throw Your Life Away), Ring the Jesus Bell, Merry Christmas, and 13 more.
Excludes subscriber-only releases.
1. |
Nobody Else
by Mark A. Lajoie
copyright 2011, RN SRu 1-004-340
No one lived a life any better
There was absolutely nothing wrong with Him
And you can ask anyone who knows
And they’ll tell that He never ever sinned
No one else has filled the hunger
No one else has met the need
There’s no need for you to wonder
There’s nobody else like Him
Yeah, Yeah, nobody else like Him
There’s no way you can stay unchanged
No one else has claimed what He has claimed
And no one else has ever done
What’s been done by the power of His Name, no!
You can say that He was crazy
You can say He was a fool
Or you can see that’s He’s the Way
There’s nobody else like Him
Yeah, Yeah, nobody else like Him, like Him!
Deep within I felt the shame of a life that had no meaning
Couldn’t rise above the pain, saw no use in my believing
Then once again I had to meet Him, there was no way to defeat Him
‘Cause He cut through all of my madness and the reasons for my sadness
Then He brought us all together, both the choosers and the beggars
We all fell to His persuasion, He alone is the equation
No one else has filled the hunger
No one else has met the need
There’s no need for you to wonder
There’s nobody else like Him
You can say that He was crazy
You can say He was a fool
Or you can see that’s He’s the Way
There’s nobody else like Him
Yeah, Yeah, nobody else like Him
Like Him!
2. |
Peter the Rock
"Peter the Rock"
by Mark A. Lajoie
copyright 2011, RN SRu 1-004-340
{This song was presented to & blessed by Pope John Paul the Second}
Simon, all night through, on the mountain, I prayed for you
And I prayed for all who'll come to know and believe the truth
But how can they know what's really true through the test of time?
I will choose for them Twelve, and from the Twelve, I will make you mine, Peter...
You are rock and on this rock my Church will grow
You're my voice and through your mouth my words will flow
When on earth you bind and loose
I'll do the same in heaven, too
And all who listen to me will listen to you
Simon, all night long, I prayed for you that you might be strong
For Satan has wanted to sift you, to tempt and test you all
But when you get up again go to your brothers and strengthen them
I will give you heaven's keys, to tend my sheep, to feed my lambs. Peter...
My sheep and my lambs, I've prayed for you that you might be one
One Lord, one faith, one in heart and mind in the son
So, fly to the rock, for the gates of hell will not prevail and hear me as I talk through my Shepherd whom I will never fail. John Paul...
3. |
Rock and Boat
“Rock and Boat (Boat of Peter)”
by Mark A. Lajoie
copyright 2011, RN SRu 1-004-340
I see a Boat on the horizon
It fills me with such deep elation
It is a Dawn that’s rising
Carrying a new and special nation
Though it may seem so stormy now
So as to smash It into the sea
Up It rises the Boat of Peter
It is sailing!
It is sailing! It is sailing!
It is sailing! It is sailing on the Eternal Sea!
Well, talk about your unsinkable Rock
That’s what it was when I climbed aboard!
It seemed too much for most to believe
But it’s something I can’t afford not to, for…
I used to take in water so bad
I used to drag everybody down, but…
Up It rises the Boat of Peter
It is sailing!
It is sailing! It is sailing!
It is sailing! It is sailing on the Eternal Sea!
We are sailing! We are sailing!
We are sailing! We are sailing on the Eternal Sea!
[interlude with lead]
We are sailing! We are sailing!
We are sailing! We are sailing!
We are sailing! We are sailing!
4. |
City of Joy (live)
City of Joy
by Mark Lajoie
copyright 2011, RN SRu 1-004-340
There is a place to go
where joy will o-ver-flow I know, I know
There is a place to go
where joy will o-ver-flow I know, I know
God comes down to the Ci-ty of Joy
God comes down as a poor lit-tle boy
To die and rise a-bove
My faith will lead me where
My God will real-ly care
'Cause He's there,yeah, He's there, yeah,
My faith will lead me where
My God will real-ly care
'Cause He's there, yeah, He's there
God comes down to the Ci-ty of Joy
God comes down as a poor lit-tle boy
To die and rise a-bove
My God, your-self you take my place
I on-ly want to see your face
And now I see you there
My God, I know you real-ly care
O sweet ba-by Je-su
I give my life to you, I do, yeah, I do, yeah
O sweet ba-by Je-su
I give my life to you, I do, yeah, I do
God comes down to the Ci-ty of Joy
God comes down as a poor lit-tle boy
To die and rise a-bove
Rise a-bove
5. |
It's Not the Same
by Mark A. Lajoie
copyright 2011, RN SRu 1-004-340
They're real-ly burn-ing out in Hol-ly-wood
They say that John-ny has to be bad to be good
Well, I don't real-ly wan-na rock the boat
But that story just won't float[, no, no, no]
It's not the same
[(It's not, not the same)]
It's not the same
[(It's not, not the same)]
That fi-re may be a flame but it's not the same
Jo Jo Lib-er-a-tion wrote a book on Marx
He say the night light has a right to be dark
He say, 'Yes, he-re-sy; no Ho-ly See'
And 'You've got to burn to be free'
If they say Je-sus did-n't come as a man
If they say that He's not com-ing a-gain
If they say that He's not God the Word
(It's the Fa-ther of lies you heard)
Oh, get back, Jo!
[Go home!
Oh, John-ny be good!]
Ho-ly Spir-it send your fi-re on me
Ho-ly Fa-ther give me light to see
I know your Ho-ly Church will pre-vail
(And the fires of hell will fail)
It's not the same
(It's not, not the same)
It's not the same[ No No]
(It's not, not the same)
That fi-re may be a flame but it's not the same
(It's not, not the same)
That fi-re may be a flame but it's not the same
(It's not, not the same)
That fi-re may be a flame but it's not the same
6. |
Love's in a Name
by Mark A. Lajoie
copyright 2011, RN SRu 1-004-340
The world is fall-ing a-part
E-very-one is so cold of heart
Not ea-sy to see
What's to be-come of me and you
So blue! No one knows what to do but
Still I will be-lieve in what is true that
Love's in a name
Je-sus will ne-ver change
He's al-ways the same
His love is a flame for you and me so free
It's flow-ing so ea-si-ly
Oh, can't you see
To love is how to be
All we've got to do, All we've got to do, All we've got to do is
Love to be free
All we need to know, All that has to show
The on-ly way to go is love
Yes, Love's in a name
Yes, Je-sus will ne-ver change
He's al-ways the same
His love is a flame for you and me so free
It's flow-ing so ea-si-ly
Oh, can't you see
To love is how to be
All we've got to to do, All we've got to do, All we've got to do is
Love to be free
All we need to know, All that has to show
The on-ly way to go is love
If we don't have love, If we don't have love
We are just a clang-ing gong
But if we have love, Oh! If we have love
We sing a song, We sing a song
We are strong, We are strong
We are strong
All we've got to do, All we've got to do
All we've got to do is
Love to be free
All we need to know, All that has to show
The on-ly way to go is
Love to be free
All we've got to do, All we've got to do
All we've got to do is
Love to be free
All we need to know, All that has to show
The on-ly way to go is love
Love's in a name
Love's in a name
7. |
Let Me In (live)
by Mike McBride
copyright 2011, RN SRu 1-004-340
Falling deep within myself without a heart to hold me
Only if I could get out, then, I’d not be lonely, I’d not be lonely
I know it’s true, I’d not be lonely, I’d be with you
Da da da da da da da da da da da da da
da da da da da da da da da da da da
You catch me from within myself, you use your heart to hold me
Only you could lift me out, now I am not lonely, I am not lonely
I know it’s true, you come and hold me, I am with you
Da da da da da da da da da da da da da
da da da da da da da da da da da da
I have been with you for a long, long time
I have stood here by your side
I have seen you through your hardest times
With a love I'll never hide
I have watched you grow from young to old
I have saved you from your sin
Told you stories no one’s ever told
Open up and let me in
O, won’t you let me in
Let your life begin! Let me in!
who-o-oah [I’m at the door]
Won’t you let me in!
Let me in, won’t you let me in (2x)
Aaaaaaah! Aaaaaaah!
I have watched you grow and you should know
I have loved you every day
Open up your heart and let me show you
I am the Way, the Truth, the Life
I am Jesus!
Open up and let me in
Let me in, won’t you let me in? (2x)
Aaaaaaah! Aaaaaaah!
8. |
Make Me Free
by Mark Lajoie
copyright 2011, RN SRu 1-004-340
1. Make me free! Take this poor heart of mine
Make me humble, patient, pure, obedient and kind
If it's hard for me to understand, why don't I take your hand?
2. Make me free! When the hungry cry for bread
Let me see, they are all the Body, You, the Head
If it's hard for them to understand, why don't I lend a hand?
3. Make me free! At your table of Bread
Let me eat like I love you, not as if I'm dead
Even if I just can't understand, let me thank you, not demand!
4. Make me free! At the hour of my death
Let me see all your glory at my dying breath
And, Mary, pray I will understand what God has meant for man
To be free! Make me free! Make me free to laugh!
Make me free to cry!
Make me free to live!
Make me free to die!
For to give all that I am is to live in your freedom!
Make me free!
9. |
Fight For Me
Fight For Me
by Mark A. Lajoie
copyright 2011, RN SRu 1-004-340
Why should I lose my-self in sin-ning?
When there's a war for peace to be win-ning in me
I've got to see
'Cause when I hear the bat-tle cry of love
Why should I fear? You ne-ver give up!
So if you fight for me
Oh if you fight for me
And if you fight for me
How can I lose?
So if you fight for me
Oh if you fight for me
And if you fight for me
How can I lose?
I've got to choose!
All of yours who came be-fore
Gave it all and more
They were on fire so why am I a-fraid?
In your blood they washed them-selves
And de-feat-ed the pow-ers of Hell
So, tell me why I've got to try, try a-gain
'Cause I can win
I can win
I can win!
Why should I lose my-self in sin-ning?
When there's a war for peace to be win-ning in me
I've got to see
10. |
Carry On (live)
by Mark A. Lajoie
copyright 2011, RN SRu 1-004-340
I was dream-ing, I was walk-ing a-long the shore
Two sets of foot-prints; there were mine
There were those of the Lord
And we were walk-ing
Walk-ing a-long the shore
And I was think-ing I couldn't go on a-ny-more
Two sets of foot-prints were now only one on the shore
But then the light be-gan to dawn
I was be-ing car-ried by God's own Son
Car-ry on! Car-ry on!
So I will fol-low you each day my whole life through
And when I pick up my cross
I will be car-ried by You!
Car-ry on! Car-ry on! I am weak, you are strong!
Car-ry on! Car-ry on!
So I will walk a-long but I'll never walk a-lone
My heart is beat-ing strong
Your heart is bleed-ing on your throne!
Car-ry on! Car-ry on! I am weak. You are strong!
Car-ry on! Car-ry me, Lord!
On your back the weight of a world of sin
By your stripes heal-ing the world be-gins and it goes on
So car-ry on! Car-ry on! Car-ry on! Car-ry on! Car-ry on!
11. |
Let's Stay
by Mark A. Lajoie
copyright 2011, RN SRu 1-004-340
(drum solo)
I once knew a witch; it’s sad but true
Her magic wasn’t black but it still made her blue
‘I’m a good witch, not a bad witch; my magic is white’
But to me white is wrong if you can’t see the light
Black or white, day or night
You can‘t tell who’s wrong or right
Which witch is which one?
Why’re they hiding from the Son? Ooo….no, no, no
Let’s stay in the supernatural
Let’s stay away from that magical jive
Let’s stay in the supernatural
Let’s stay away from that magical jive, jive, jive, jive
(That’s all it is!)
No hope? Can't cope?
They say 'Read your horoscope'
And why're they pushing you that dope?
This is way beyond your scope!, no, no
Let’s stay alive! (3x)
Prance in a new dance! Swing in a new thing! (4x)
Yea! Yea! (8x)
Stay away! Don’t get too close!
‘cause there’s nothing to see and there’s no one to believe in! (2x)
Let’s stay! (4x) away from that magical jive!
Let's stay alive! (in the supernatural) (3x)
Let's stay alive! Let's stay alive! 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Let’s stay alive! (4x)
Let’s stay alive!
12. |
We're Gonna Stay
We're Gonna Stay
by Mark A. Lajoie
copyright 2011, RN SRu 1-004-340
You are cry-ing, you're stand-ing at the door
Your tears touch my face so I hold you more
As we stand hop-ing a-gainst this hope-less night
Please re-mem-ber I made you my wife
This is for life, this is for rich or poor-er now
It's not the end, this is an ev-er-last-ing vow
This is for all the lone-ly peo-ple
Who've gi-ven up and walked a-way
This is our pro-mise made to hea-ven
We're gon-na stay
We're gon-na stay
We're gon-na stay
You are trembl-ing, you tried to stand so strong
To me, you did-n't fail
You're right where I be-long
So as you're try-ing, please try and un-der stand
Till I lay dy-ing you'll al-ways be my man
Good times or bad
Wheth-er in sick-ness or in health
Hap-py or sad
We'll have an ev-er-last-ing wealth
This is for all the friends and lov-ers
Who let each o-ther walk a-way
This is our pro-mise made to hea-ven
We're gon-na stay
We're gon-na stay
We're gon-na stay
Good times or bad
Wheth-er in sick-ness or in health
Hap-py or sad
We'll have an ev-er-last-ing wealth
This is for all the friends and lov-ers
Who let each o-ther walk a-way
This is our pro-mise made to hea-ven
We're gon-na stay
We're gon-na stay
We're gon-na stay
13. |
There's A Woman
There's a Woman
by Mark Lajoie
copyright 2011, RN SRu 1-004-340
(Extended 12-string solo)
Hey, now, we've been look-ing 'round
For a wo-man who can't be found
Ten-der-ness or a pret-ty face
Dis-ap-pear-ing with-out a trace
(But) there's a wo-man
There's a wo-man
Her lips kissed our God each night
Her eyes fol-lowed liv-ing Light
As He grew up in-to a man
I hope you know and you un-der-stand
Who knows the love-filled glan-ces
That passed with joy be-tween their eyes
As he grew wise
Who knows what sor-row filled her
To see his Body held up high
A-lone to die
Do you know that He loves you?
And why he sends her through the skies
Be-fore your eyes?
Be-cause He loves you
He wants you a-live to-day
There's a wo-man (O Maria!)
There's a wo-man (O Maria!)
There's a wo-man (O Maria!)
There's a wo-man (O Maria!)
Wo-man, there is your child
Child, there is your mo-ther
Living Waters Nashua, New Hampshire
"Let It Reign"
Over 10,000 plays YouTube
"Anna Post Writing" - over 100,000
streams on Spotify
Winner of the Radio IMC Award Songwriting 2020
AVA Radio #1 Song of the Year 2020
"Alive Again"
Best Contemporary Christian EP Award and
#1 Catholic Music on Adoration Radio
"Love's in a Name"
Platinum Auddy Songwriting Award
"Peter the Rock"
Presented by Ambassador Raymond Flynn to John Paul II
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