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Merry Christmas

by Michael McBride

00:00 / 03:16


Living Waters recorded this Christmas song written by Mike back in 1984 with the whole band; this is found on our album, "The Joy". Now, Mike has produced his own modified version of his song. He now makes the original chorus a waltz & adds colorful seasonal word decoration. (I love the string quartet underneath the gentle chorus!) It captures the Christmas feeling & praises the King. What a present! We plan a digital distribution release asap. SING!


Merry Christmas
2023 Version
By Mike McBride
Copyright 2011, RN SR 679-889

Merry Christmas Happy New Year too
May Christ Jesus Walk among you
May God’s Love reign Rain upon us
May Christ Jesus Name Live among us

May all your days ahead be bright
May all Your Christmastimes be white
Let it snow…

Ring, bells ring
Ring ring those Christmas bells
Sing carols, sing
Sing those Yuletide carols
Bring gifts
Bring your greatest gift
Sing for Peace
Sing for Peace on Earth

Let’s all sing Merry Christmas
To Christ the King
We follow You
Let it snow…

Merry Christmas Happy New Year too
May Christ Jesus Live among you
Walk with Jesus He walks with you
Merry Christmas Happy New Year too
Let it snow…


released December 14, 2023
Produced entirely by Mike McBride. Cover by Mark Lajoie


all rights reserved



Living Waters Nashua, New Hampshire

"Let It Reign"
Over 10,000 plays YouTube

"Anna Post Writing" - over 100,000 streams on Spotify
Winner of the Radio IMC Award Songwriting 2020
AVA Radio #1 Song of the Year 2020

"Alive Again"
Best Contemporary Christian EP Award and
#1 Catholic Music on Adoration Radio

"Love's in a Name"
Platinum Auddy Songwriting Award

"Peter the Rock"
Presented by Ambassador Raymond Flynn to John Paul II
... more

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