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Glory (Remix)

by Living Waters

00:00 / 04:37


written by Mark A. Lajoie
composition completed c.1983; released 2011; remixed 2024


UPC: 198875019316 for the remix
by Mark Lajoie
Copyright 2011, RN SR 679-889

There were shepherds in their field that night
Watching their flocks
When suddenly the angel of the Lord came to them
And the glory of the Lord shone all around them
And they were very afraid
But the angel said to them,
"Don't be afraid!
For this night
In the city of David
Is born for you a Savior
Who is christened as the Lord Himself"
And suddenly there was with the angel
Millions of angels
Praising God and saying,
"Glory to God in the highest
And peace to His people on earth"
Glory to God in the highest!
Glory to God in the highest!

Glory to God in the highest!

As the Bridegroom weds the Bride, so I will marry you
My Morning Star will rise
and all who seek me will find
Glory to God in the highest!
Glory to God in the highest!

They'll come from every land to see my radiant light
And raising up their hands
their songs will split the night with

Glory to God in the highest!
Glory to God in the highest!

The deaf and blind and poor have seen a mighty light
For us a Child is born!
Go sing it from the heights with

Glory to God in the highest!
Glory to God in the highest!
Glory to God in the highest!
Glory to God in the highest!

Glory to God in the highest!
Glory to God in the highest

Peace to Your people on earth


released November 22, 2024
Produced by Steve Pipitone, Mark Lajoie, Greg Loell, Dave Bourque & Mike McBride.
Written by & lead vocal by Mark Lajoie
Backup vocals: Dave Bourque, Denise Vassel, Mike McBride, Mark Lajoie
Acoustic guitars: Greg Loell, Mark Lajoie
Bass: Dave Bourque
Drums: W. Anthony Vassel
Piano & Various Keyboards: Mike McBride


all rights reserved



Living Waters Nashua, New Hampshire

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