Leave Me (inspired by the Columbine High School shootings)

Just posted the song "Leave Me". It was written, guitared, and sung by Jan Antonie Baars, my old music writing partner back in 2009. I added piano and a low string sound to provide a sense of warmth and foreboding. I also wanted to add other parts such as a ticking clock, like on an old fashioned time bomb, but Jan didn't like the idea.
The logistics of our partnership was interesting because I was living in Thailand at the time, and Jan was living in the Netherlands. We became friends through MySpace. What we would do was e-mail each other with musical ideas and WAV files. We had to agree on a tempo so that when one of us would send the other a track it would already be perfectly in time with the project we were putting together. This is one such song. There will be others as I dredge them up.