
Julve Sings Again

Posted a song today, "Julve Sings Again". The title comes from a friend rebuilding an antique guitar. I forget the exact name of the model, but "Julve" is obviously part of it. Jan Antonie Baars and I were doing our usual thing, casually writing music together long distance. He is in the Netherlands, I was in Thailand at the time. For a couple months we had been sending chord and song structure ideas back and forth. Suddenly, from my perspective, he finished working on this guitar and immediately had a buyer. In a rush of two days he laid down a strumming/slapping track and overlaid that with a solo line, all from that antique guitar and based on our agreed on song structure. Then he sent it to me, apologizing that the current state of the track cannot be changed because he is no longer in possession of the guitar. I added my own baseline to his acoustic guitar track, and that is what you have before you now. It was difficult to mix because frequently the strumming is louder than the lead playing, and it is all baked into one track impossible to separate. I had to go through some mixing gymnastics firstly to get rid of some of the noise in the recording and secondly to try and EQ the thing so the lead melody could be heard as much and as often as possible. The very end of the piece had no such problems because there is no loud strumming and slapping drowning out the lead. I also chose that point to lay off with the bass and let the guitar sing a cappella. So this is the best I could salvage out of a ten-year-old project using newer-to-me mixing techniques. I did not want to pare down the midrange so much but it was the only way to get some of the lead to come through in places. The overlap in frequencies made this a delicate and daunting task. I did my best. For those not here on my site, the piece can be heard here: https://www.numberonemusic.com/songsfromthetrailerpark





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