Song Reviews

Under The Viaduct


This tune has the groove we all gravity towards especially if from the 70's like me. All the beautiful parts give us a smooth cadillac ride to wah wah land, funk and box smashing car chases. I think the off beat keyboard chords keep it all together nicely and the lyrics a cool surprise. The drums are the only negative as to me they sounded too fake but the rest is top draw and very easy to listen to. Definitely worthy of your time. Peter T Newton

United Kingdom, Jersey Channel Islands

great music


As I listen to your music, whether for the Trailer Park or not it is really great. You know you don't have to be in the Trailer Park, just walking, riding alone, or even just a time to settle down. It will encourage others, especially those that are down and out. It really should lift them up, Iike it for easy listening. Keep up the good work, may you be encouraged as you continue in your Journey. I am not sure at this point where you are will the LORD, just know my friend, we need him more than ever. Don't stop what you are doing. God's willing talk soon.

United States, Georgia, Winder

Interesting blast from the past


A very interesting old school sound. Reminds me of the late 60s, early 70s jazz fusion. Interesting use of the spoken word in there. Puts me into that classic setting of a hipster jazz cafe.

Canada, Ontario, ST CATHARINES

Plesant sounding music & spoken word story


The backing tune is very jazzy with nice flute & Wha-wha guitar. The spoken word story is a bit depressing about a box & other junk found under a viaduct & a homeless old man living there too. The sad story contrasts nicely with the "happy" music. Nick Lowe did a similar contrast with his tune "Mary Provost", (upbeat pop tune & sad story).

United States, New Jersey, East Windsor

Well done....


I really enjoyed the old school feel of this piece. It reminded me of the detective TV shows from the 70's. The spoken lyrics were a nice touch but I really believe the music can stand alone and be licensed for media outlets. Very cool!

United States, Georgia, Athens

Songs from the Trailer Park! My Review


Songs from the Trailer this is a really laid back song with a classic touch it easy on the ears radio friendly keep up the good work I look forward to hearing other great songs from you and I noticed the production of your song good also I hope what I have said will be of some use from J.Milligan President/CEO,New Experience Records/Rick Ross Music Group/UMG.

United States, Mississippi, Marks

Elevators are going to love this

Everything works but in what situation. This reminds me of every time I go to a fancy place or casino and you hear that music playing from the elevator speakers.. not bad tho good job sounds good..

United States, Mississippi, Pascagoula

Electric piano sound is great


I love the electric piano sound, Fender? Flute soloing first rate. All musicianship top notch. Song structure great too. I'm not really a spoken word person, but I can't judge it on that because I think that's up to the listener it they are into that or not. Musically though, very impressive.

United States, Oregon, Clackamas

keeps you listening


its good, i like it. the instrumental reminds me of something you'd hear from sade of b tribe. the slow jazz hall talking over the verses isn't my type of music but if you put a melody over it you could really have something going. i love the instrumental. it definitely has a feel that goes through the entire song. if you do not know who b tribe is i recommend looking them up. id say check out sade but everyone on the planet should know who she is. not much else to say about the song. poetry verses i give a pretty good grade to, but like i said they're not my style. the instrumental though, 5 out of 5

United States, California, San Diego


I really like the song very unique and creative song well composed and put together thank you for sharing your craft with the world and at anytime I would love to hear more your music and never stop creating great music have a blessed day.

United States, California, Every Where

Jazz hands ????


Awesome abstract but meaningfull jazz ramble on lifes soggy boxes under what could be a viaduct in any town anywhere. Very accomplished musicianship and a very nice sound recording both the music and vocals, Cool flute tooting to boot

Is Zappa still with us


Good sound. The spoken words were unexpected. You need three sets of words and some gospel singer's singing under the viadock or something else in between verses. That will bring the vocals to the front. Ps no need to curse it only detracts and doesn't fit

United States, Illinois, Aurora

So Close but no soup


Good kick off into song. with interplay by the two keyboards working well as the theme / melody takes shape. The introduction vocals seem right. Spoken in a sultry kind of way with good tone against a lovely flute. Then back to what I think is a keys flute solo to the end. I like the sounds, engineering, vocals, etc., but the song in the end lacks direction. Needs another change for me vocally preferably, even introduced again to "finish it off'. I'd cut solo's down a tad, more vocal, maybe a beat to tempo variation or hook to provide a bridge... For me A grade musicianship but song structure needs a little more why into it so listener can follow Hope this helps as I like it but it could be better.

Australia, Berwick

Well conceived instrumental


This song is a keyboard-centric piece with a deep-vocal talking story about an old man and how he ended up where he is. The music is elaborately performed with strong keyboards that start off with a nice use of a wah-wah effect before the monologue comes in. Then the lead instrument is a woodwind, likely a flute part. All the instruments are well-played. Interestingly, it appears like this is merely part of a larger piece, as if it's unfinished. I would like to have heard more.

United States, Tennessee, Nashville

Under the Viaduct ( The dinner party )


I'm a freshly baked Daddy, and after another early morning, energy is starting to crash now in the afternoon. Immediately, when I put this song over the speakers, it gave me new power to start todays dinner. Very fresh and sparkling musical tones at a pace that boosts the legs. Thank you, much appreciated. This was exactly what I needed, at this moment. Conclution - My Family will be having dinner today as well. ( I apologize if this review became a metaphor for energy creation and that I did not go deeper into technical details ).

under review


ok first off..don't know that much about mic...but i do know that being often ignored allows for a home bake community but saying is a good thing because people need to get creative...under the viaduct has got a nice laid back pbs feel to it...a local hood restaraunts etc...this is my town...nice tone for the flute...and it is relaxing...guitar needs a little boost but over all pleasant...

Australia, sea lake





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