Rounded Brainary - Full

Songs from the Trailer Park

Song Reviews

Jim Gramze (Songs from the Trailer Park) I wish he was my neighbour


Jim has an extraordinary ability to write with not only a musical style in mind, but a melody and accompaniment that harkens back to the period where men wore wigs. Now, I don't know if Jim does wear a wig when he is composing, but I am certain that if the classical composers i.e. Bach, Haydn, Amadeus or Mendellson can hear his music from where they are now, they would be pleased to know that there are still musicians capable of introspection and dedication to quality. Thanks Jim for sharing your work with us. Medjivepjis

United Kingdom, Bristol



It is a very particular piece and it is precisely in its particularity that one notices its beauty. the initial round is very nice, a bit melancholic but it transmits emotions and that's what is important for me. if I can use a definition I think it's a neo melodic waltz. an applause

Italy, italy

Beautiful Theme and Variations!


This is a very beautiful theme and variations composition in a lilting 6/8 meter that is very evocative of the similar works of the Baroque, but with a few more contemporary chord progressions than might be expected. The ensemble seems to be for violin, cello and harpsichord so you definitely get a sense of basso continuo ground against a melodic instrument. It's a wonderfully composed piece and technically flawless. Could be used for a variety of purposes, such as a play, a ballet and even would work very well in a film. I've heard quite a number of tracks by Danny Elfman which this reminds me of. Excellent Job!

United States, New York, New York

Rounded but sharp


This is a fresh work with interesting parts. The rhythmical nature of the song is vivid. The construction is itself OK. I would however like to hear more "rounded" (soft) tunes in the leading melody. And maybe a place in the dramatic structure where the sounds don't fill the whole scene. I liked to hear this song.

Finland, Espoo

Not too interesting to me


Not too interesting The piece has a folk character. It uses quite common melodic phrases that could be taken from village festivals. From the melodic, harmonic, rhythmic and structural point of view I do not find it particularly original. The "violin" always remains equal to itself, with little expressiveness, relying only on the melodic motifs, repeated and juxtaposed, proposed one after the other, never in true dialogue and never developed. In general the piece seems a succession of little pictures, very similar, in terms of sound, rhythm and everything. It would have been interesting to introduce more dialogue between the harpsichord and the singer instrument. Moreover the violin tends to use all the notes at the same height, in the same timbral region. This, in my opinion, tires the ear. The sound of the recording is also too poor: the sound of the digital violin is too sharp.

Mozart watch out


Love the strings. The sound is beautiful. This is a beautiful and relaxing peace, up beat. It clean and meaning full, I would love to hear more of your music. It didn't sound like anything from the trailer park. Lol

United States, Iowa, Davenport



I like the composition. It is well-written and arranged. It had a bit of a frantic and somewhat chaotic feel to it which is something I really like. I do feel that the piano might have been a bit overpowering compared to the violins. There were some parts where I felt there were the dynamics were a little off. What I mean by that is there was some parts that felt they could have been represented a bit softer as far as the volume goes to get that emotional feel that the piece has. I felt a lot of emotion through it but like I said there were a slight bit of dynamics that were missing and that could have really taken it to the next level. But all in all, I think that this is a fantastic piece of music. I really like it and would definitely recommend and promote it!

United States, California, Riverside

Hi Songs from the trailer park my review.


S.F.T.T.P.Here is my review I can say you are very good at what you do and I really do enjoy listening to you on a scale of 1-10 again I give you a 10 I hope you generate many listeners all over the world best wishes my friend and good luck my talented friend keep making great music from J.Milligan President/CEO,New Experience Records Rick Ross Music Group/UMG.

United States, Mississippi, Marks

Going for baroque


To my under educated ears I'm feeling a Bach kind of thing going on. That's as good a keyboard violin sound as I've heard I think. The musical knowledge nessesary to write and perform this and the talent and creativity required are at a different level than the rock songs many of us put together and post on N1M. Impressive.

United States, Oregon, Clackamas

Wonderful job

Grate !! Beautiful sounds, romantic atmosphere, classic influence. I like it very much, keep on the good work you do!! BRAVO ! Wonderful job. Take a look - listen to my song and tell me your opinion.

Greece, Athens

Well rounded


Interesting sound from the opening note to the closing note. Looking at the name of the band I would never have guessed I would hear a song of this style. It is a beautiful piece that carries on the tradition of classical music. The violin and it's scales add a rougish gypsy flavor missing from that 17th, 18th century style and adds to a rich past. Of musical tunes it's own unique flavor. The only thing I might suggest is a little compression on the strings in the mix.

United States, Illinois, Aurora



This was great, I can see it in a movie, you shouldn't have an issue getting licensed for a major soundtrack. It was well orchestrated, it painted a picture for you. I enjoyed hearing something different for a change, the arrangement was great, continue with you craft, this is a pleasant piece of art! Classy!

United States, Florida, Miami

Music to my ears!!!

hey i was browsing for some new good music and came across your wonderful sounds! I've just joined your network to recommend your music on my facebook and earn blincoins. Keep in touch!!Have a great day!!!!

United States, Georgia, Atlanta



Pretty good, specially for a ballerina play. That's the first thing that came into mind when I hit play. Sound quality wise to my ears it sounds just right. Well balanced instrumentation sounding full.

United States, New York, Queens

Rounded Brainary


"Rounded Brainary" work of Songs of the Trailer Park seems a great and very interesting work for me. It's very well constructed, respected the original mood and ambience of baroque, and it's really impressionism how it's developed. Whit several moments on the variations with sucha good taste, at laest for me, that finally you have there a great work and very enjoyable. But what I was enchanted more it's that on just a lttle more that three minutes a rounded and perfectly resove work, and tht'a not easy at all. Congratulaions and enjoy.

Argentina, Buenos Aires





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