Song Reviews

Classic blend of styles of rock


Reverb-drenched sci-fi sounding epic with strings and fuzzed out lead guitar sustaining throughout, the vocalist takes us on a spokien-word narrative. This might be B-movie material--definitely suggestive of a vibe that could have run over the credits at the end of the flick. I feel like jumping on my spaceship and heading to some desolate Martian desert just about now! Of course, it will take a while to float in space first, but this will set the mood!

United States, Tennessee, Nashville


Aye beat is dope asf and great mixing done on track , so shout out to whoever your engineer was and keep doing your thang keep grinding keep putting in that hard work and stay consistent Keep doing your thang keep grinding bro you definitely have potential and the talent is there continue to make that real music you doing and you gone make it fam that’s my opinion keep working

United States, Texas, Houston

What did I feel? What I heard?


Because I do not have English language proficiency, I will focus on music. My dear Trailer Park, it was a pleasure to listen to and feel your music, it really is a rock of the heavy one, with a strongly instrumental character, I found quite virtuous the solo guitar passages, if I am not mistaken this in My Doric, the form of orchestration has emphasized the musical structure, great music, you have a great talent congratulations and success.

Brazil, Juazeiro


Beautiful songs u have goin please keep up the good works,an the team ,,I'll tune in for the new songs,were can I see you in concert?from an artist to another artist I do listen to urs songs as well all songs send a message so I always want to hear what's the topic

Jamaica, Kingston

Songs from the Trailer Park!


Hi Songs from the trailer park cool song the music fits the song well created it kinda take you where you are trying to go in the song indeed you have talent the one thing to consider is how you are going to market the song if you can accomplish this you will be on your way keep up the good work I hope I have said something to you in this review that will be of some use from J.Milligan President/CEO,New Experience Rec/Rick Ross Music Group/UMG.

United States, Mississippi, Marks



Erinnert stark an vergangene Zeiten, die 80iger Jahre. Mir gefällt es... Eine Art Musik, die meiner Auffassung noch einen eindeutigen Charakter hat, was man so von der meist in den Charts vorzufindenden Musik von heute, oft nicht behaupten kann.

Space Traveler


Der Track lädt förmlich ein als Space traveler durch das Universum zu fliegen . Die Music dazu ist sehr gut ausgesucht Die Gitarrenriffs sind eingängig und Klasse gemacht im Sound hätten sie meiner Meinung nach etwas variieren dürfen.Der Mix ist ausgewogen und weiß zu gefallen. Liebe Grüße aus Germany G.W.Scott

Germany, Petershagen

Space review


The intro part sounds great and also the music following is perfect. Seems like the performer is tripping to the space in a confused way which actually I can feel from the music the way he has played. Actually the lyrics of the song is perfect and its trying to give a message that no one has landed to the space as there is nothing which is called space. The title of the song actually ironically is saying about the space travel. The only the thing I can comment on this song is about mastering as vocal pitch is not loud. Best of luck for other thematic songs like this. Cheers!!

Nepal, Kathmandu

Like the synth strings sound and use

And the solo keyboard "guitar", very, very well played. And the song itself, it's structure and sound, production. Spoken word isn't something I get into, but I can't judge it on that, because it's a personal taste thing. So for me it would work more as just an instrumental. But everything else I liked a lot.

United States, Oregon, Clackamas

Time traveler


This track definitely has an eighties classic rock sound. "It may look like a Honda but it's headed for the stars." I don't know why i liked that but it gave me a chuckle. Totally took me back to one of my favorite decades. Great on the keys man. Dig it.

United States, Indiana, Gary

Great music

I really like the song it is very unique and creative song well composed and well put together I listen to all types of music keep on going to the next level keep on taking chances it will be well worth the risk and at anytime I would love to hear more of your creative and unique music music can inspire music can heal thank you very much for sharing your gift with me and the world have a great day and may God continue to bless you in all your endeavors.

United States, California, Every Where

space traveler


The intro draws the listener in, the synthesizer is layered throughout the track reminiscent of Pink Floyd, the vocal track is dry and wants you to hear more, possibly a melody, but much like The Velvet Underground's music this works and has an urban feel. The guitar work is clean, the elocution is well done. The bass track is solid, not unlike Enstwhile's technique it works here, lift off.

United States, California, Los Angeles

Space Traveler


Hello Again, As to my ears this feels like an artistic endeavor showcasing you as an artist, I will review your song in terms of what works for me and what I have issues with. So below are my two cents worth The tracks are well recorded and they sit nicely in their prospective places. My only issue is with the tom spread... as some of the hits felt too far out of the normal parameters and unnatural to me (my ears jumped to the hit and I lost focus on your lyric). Overall a very nice job! The lyrics felt right in terms of the prosody element... As I'm such a word slut... I felt you could hone an already strong concept a little more... for example take the line "on this special ship" Understanding you would lose the alliteration of special ship... my suggestion would be to make it a magically ship thereby adding the concept of mystery .... Of course this is totally subjective... refer back to the two cents line above. Which brings me to the melody... I'll make a huge assumption that you're going for a futuristic vibe when it comes to the lead vocal. If that's in fact the case, then I would push the envelope further and consider using a vocoder to on your voice. I believe this would make the voice more detached and tighten the overall concept. A nice effort.....Keep writing! RW

United States, Kentucky, Fort Thomas

Space Traveler


The first thing that grabbed me was the reverb on the vocals, I was immediately taken back to Space 99 from my childhood. Great drums and synths give a modern space rock to this track and the Eddie Van Halen style guitar is amazing even if it's keyboard made, cuddose amigo ! Production is good but could be better, drums could be louder but that's me being very picky. It's a great song with interesting lyrics and definitely space rock.....Brilliant stuff !

United Kingdom, Jersey Channel Islands

Space Travelling


The picture profile doesn't do this track justice . Expect to hear a movie type extravaganza song . This track is well recorded , with loads of instrument separation . the guitars sound terrific . Kinda like a gary Numan style . Great quality , & I'm glad that I followed the link to review it

United Kingdom, Stoke-on-trent

A truly Classical Classic Rock.


"Space Traveler" is a song that has that classic rock feel, with a classical touch, but just enough to add some spice, not overdoing it. It's really very interesting and easy to listen. I like the strings on the introduction, and the synth/guitar job is very good and consistent on the entire song. Drums and bass give the necessary foundation to the song, and the bed of strings sets the right mood during the vocal parts.

Brazil, Sao Paulo

Absolutely listened


This song has a lot of polyphonic melodies twisting and turning in the background and you get a lot of unique tones from the led guitar. Together they show a lot of musical talent. Your song tends to get caught in the drum machine trap. Are you playing to the beat or playing to the drum machine. The vocals are singing too the drum machine and the guitars to the beat. Drum machines need a lot of variations added to their patterns and most non drummers miss These tiny changes that a drummer will do without thinking about it, and good drummers play to the beat not make oneand then they become the beat.

United States, Illinois, Aurora





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