Good morning Beautiful Soul,
We are three days in 2016, so we have offcially survived 2015 by the grace of God. Unfortunately, not everyone did including a couple that's dear to me. Despite the hurt and the pain, God is still in control and going forward, 2016, I want to encourage you to stay close to God. For only He can move the mountains standing in our way. With Him all things...I say all things are possible and I am a living testimony to that. I also want to encourage you to encourage others and be a blessing to those you come in contact with. Kindness is contagious like sneezing. Let's spread more of God's love in 2016. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you all for the support you have given and continue to give me. Your love and support means more than you will ever know.There's been a minor setback but as a wise person rightly said, "a setback is a set up for a great comeback". My EP will be released soon as promised, so please stay tuned.
To learn a little more about me...check out my unofficial videos:
Until we speak again, I wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year and all that your heart desires for 2016 according to God's will. Please feel free to email me at souleising@gmail.com with any comments, questions or words of encouragement. I look forward to any feedback you have and will respond as soon as possible.