About Splash Boi Spazz
SpazzO was born Keith Carnell Green Jr in Philadelphia Pa on September 1976 to the late Naomi and Keith Green. After the separation of his parents, he and his sister moved to the Philadelphia housing projects, known as Blumberg projects where he was raised by his grandparents.
It was in the projects that he learned about the roots of hip hop. He was so fascinated with the music that he went and found a job working in a record store. Bruce Webb, the owner of Webb’s record store mentored Nelly and taught him about the ins and outs of the music business. He also learned a lot about music from his father who use to dj. His grandmother took him to church every Sunday where he singed on the church choir at a young age.
By the time Nelly was 23, he had all ready been in and of different groups, preformed at talent shows and even won some awards for his solo performances. The most memorable group that he was in was called The Plague Regime, which was put together by Sha’ Dasious. After the group went there separate ways, Nelly connected with two members of the group, Mac G and Bishara Hakim Erwin who helped him put together his first solo project called “Bloody Green”. The album did well on the under ground circuit. It was thru them that Nelly learned to produce better and to sharpen up his lyrical skills. He even did features on both of there albums, Mac G‘s “Doomsday Album and Bishara Hakims Erwin’s album.
Nelly stepped away from the game for awhile to support his family and to deal with some family issues, such as the lost of his father and mother. Using music as a way to relieve frustration and stress, Nelly decided to come back to the game. This time with ambition of making his dreams come true. He connected with Mac G to start working on his new project called “Until I Rise”. His single “Whatcha Working Wit” was the first single released from the album.
He and his child hood best friend Anthony Quick decided to put an underground independent label together called A & G Music Group. It was on this label that he released the single Whatcha Working Wit.
With his production skills, him and his best friend decided to get a few artist of there own and start working on there projects. The first album that came out from there independent label was called (expired link) (Sounds of unified Praise) By Risen Sacrifice. Nelly produced, arranged and performed on the album as a member of the group.
Carnelly Green is set to release his album sometime this year and is ready to put his mark on the music industry.
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