Star Folker
1 month ago

New Song for You!

Hope you all are staying safe and well. Have a new song to share here. I admit that when I recorded it was a bit tired... Actually, very tired after the long work week. Nothing new there, but some lyrics started coming to me as before. Just a song about a simple idea, of letting women and mothers have more say in how this Earth, our human society is run. In the ancient past many societies were mainly matriarchal, that is run by the women as they are the life bearers. I often get frustrated at the old men sending young men and women to wars. Not to get too political, but this world should listen to all the women everywhere. Well, at any rate, I hope you will like this song, even if I sound like I was drunk. I enjoy a little tiny drink but never overdo it. Guard your health folks. As I shall. Be grateful to your mother and to our Mother Earth. Our tiny marble in space. Star Folker





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