Dont Let Me Down Slow

Lost Spider

Song Reviews

Exceptional sounding track

Powerful intro with punk-rock beat of the drums. It isn´t only the engaging repeated pattern of the e-guitar which forcing the music constantly on a higher level. Also dramatical sounding keys accompanying the whole song. The drummer is playing his kick-stuff really powerfull. Strong lyrics above emotional feelings while loosing someone you love. The vocalists of the band brings really feeling into the song. Overall good recorded song influenced by Hard-Rock and Heavy-Metal. I´m sure you will like to add it. Let others know your recommendation.

Germany, Hamburg

Punk Rock Can Still Be New and Exciting

I am going to start this off by saying that this type of music is not usually my thing, but as soon as the music kicked in (and boy does it kick in hard!) I knew that I was in for something entertaining and interesting. This is "punk" in the original sense of the word: it is weird music that is hard to fit into a genre. It doesn't have the stereotypical three chord distorted guitar, nasal vocal that far too many think of when they hear the word "punk". This is something else. This is something original and weird, and is well worth the two and a half minutes of your time it takes to listen. Geeks, dorks, losers, nerds, outsiders, and anyone who has had "DEVO!!!!" screamed at them by some dick in a Lynyrd Skynyrd would probably dig this (I mean this as a compliment)

United States, Oklahoma, Hughes County

I Found The Lost Spider!


I listened to the song, then forwarded it to Flash Brendan and Harley Ice to get two more opinions. The Flash’s mom got back to me first with two thumbs up from her, and a pretty cool from the kid! Harley, said it sounds like a cool song for a video game! I gave the song a thumbs up for its artistic value, and the mix is Good . I’m not much for repetition, Heck I barely play the same note twice, but this is a catchy little tune. We All agreed to give it a five star rating. The kids said they’d like to see a better picture next time! A+ for originality. Be love... evolve... iAndroid Dior D’Nai Dei

United States, New York, New York

Lost Spider Stephen Lester

Yes, you all need to check out Lost Spider Stephen Lester's song "Don't Let Me Slow Down', I can't get enough of this song! I play in the kitchen, the bathroom, the car, I just keep playing it over and over!

United States, Illinois, Chicago



Dont Let Me Down Slow by Lost Spider Stephen Lester . yes i really like this music . it has old school new ish feel to it . i could listen to it all day and night . i like the lyrics too . DONT TELL ME THATS ITS OVER .. LOL i know you,re going to tell me thats its all over

United Kingdom, Birmingham

The Unconscious Creation

In requesting a review for this song, Lost Spider Stephen Lester stated he knew not from where this piece came. Well, regardless I'm happy it did! It seems some of the more interesting creations come from that magical place of not being in full control over the process or the creative energy from which it flows. It shot me back to the Talking Heads, and what they might have sounded like today (plus a bit of Bowie around the edges). It kicks in all the right places, keeps you interested and I found myself listening to it several times on repeat.If this is 'not knowing where it came from", then even in the world of music ignorance can truly be bliss.

Germany, Berlin


as you all know by now I love a good introduction, this is a little in your faces. Bowie meets death metal meets Johnny rotten. Great song really and if your into thrash metal this belongs to your exclusive collections, although not my cup of tea, I can really appreciate the style and production of it.. If I was in the mastering suite on this I would certainly be making a few changes, the Strat for one is almost like its slipped out of someones Han, the rest of it really pans along until you get the ending and then it suddenly sounds as if the engineers teas going cold and he can't wait to go home, even though the artists are begging for one more take

United Kingdom, Bridport, Dorset

Grungy glam is here!

Sounding like a throwback from the back end of the 70s. In a good way mind! This sounds like Johnny Thunders joined the Glitter band! I’m guessing big hair and platforms. Brilliant. They have all the qualities of a great live band and a promising future in the studio too if they can keep the songs coming. As long as they don't succumb to the trappings of glam and grungy hair rock like Motley Crew before them, they'll have a promising future. They've made a fan of me.

United States, New Jersey, New York

hot arse's


nice tune.......the keys remind me of Inspiral Carpets and the vox and guitar have Sued cross Ziggy Stardust edge, a fresh sound on lockdown finally!....simular to my sound in fact but i think you maybe take less drugs, let me know if you have an EP or Album i can purchase, i rarely buy anything that does'nt get me high or laid, hot arses!.......I'd love to hear this on vinyl, it would sound even better it has the right bpm club dj's would remix well into a set, it's always a sound to invest in when a rock artist has a chance to appeal to a broader range of music punters and this has a big hairy sack full!

Australia, Brisbane

A fresh breath on this site !

"Don´t let me down slow" is a fresh breath to this site. It is great to find that there is someone picking up the legacy of the icon David Bowie, Peter Gabriel , Mr. Byrne and a few other great artists in this genre. Not that the sound is to bad and it is always a matter of opinion, but I think this song deserve a pro recording and production and a cool ending. Take a listen folks, this is great stuff ! Keep up the fab.songwriting. All the best-Kris

Norway, Drammen

Bajo la mirada de mick verger!

Una propuesta con sonido britanico, Fresco y dinamico, que al escucharlo no podemos menos que recordar al sr. David bowie! Un track que transcurre rapido de lo interesante y te deja con ganas de indagar que es lo que esta araña perdida esta tramando? Altamente recomendable!!

Mexico, mexico

Interesting song. Between glam-goth and post punk, very theatrical.

I'll try to be critical, but I straight up loved the song. The production approach is excellent, it gives a very 70s Bowiesque touch, early 80s gothic rock. The song itself is catchy and fun. Great work. Miguel.

Canada, Quebec, Montr?©al


Fggghjjhhhjkhhjjhgggfddsssffrtyujnbvcddghjjytfghh hhgddrgjjjghngfrtooknbcdsyuiojnvds a yo I on nhffdetiikjhhgffuioijjhvfftuikkknbbgggguiiknnbvfgjjkjhbhghiijnnhhhhhh

United States, North Carolina, Winston-Salem

your song

Thank you for sending me the song for review, wow, what a very special song this is! I like the fact that this song sounds and acts very different from so many others trying to be the old times. This song reminds me the old times very nicely, acts like Duran Duran, etc. This song is very well produced and put together, all the instruments going very well into the mix but I liked the most is that beautiful voice singing it, the perfect voice for such type of music, congratulations on such nice music production, keep it up, many greetings from Germany, Alfredo from King Mambo

Germany, Muenster

Bowieesque Burlesque Brilliant

This song just grabs you where it hurts and never lets go. It rebels against all "regular" song constructs and shouts in your collective face! Just when you think there is no handle to hold onto, the lament of the "chorus-outro" leaves you with an unforgettable thought-provoking line! Love it! No let down - Bowie would have loved this!

Netherlands, Amsterdam

Great tune

???????????????????????????????????????? Great tune good work on your music good luck with your movement ???????????????????????????????? Just thought I'd stop by review and shout out from Sydney Australia nice to hear your work and looking forward to hearing more

Australia, Sydney

From Louisiana

Excited to hear some new music from the UK. Very different and captivating from the beginning. Reminds of some spacey David Bowie type music, with a touch of ozzy. Different from anything I’ve heard on this site thus far. Aggravated/ Agressive type emotions are what I hear from this with a nice blend of each as well as nice melodic sounds. Cool interesting voice and playing and I wish y’all the best! -Shayliff

United States, Louisiana, Shreveport

type of creepy/kooky vibe that works

This sounds like a good Halloween party theme music. it has that type of creepy/kooky vibe that works for this song. I think the song is about a events during a break up in process. I wish the song was a bit longer but its works for what it is. it just has me begging for more. its short & to the point and it as good sound quality. I give it a 4.5 out of 5. I recommend that you check this killer track out

United States, Tennessee, Kingsport

snakebite venomous music review


United Kingdom, BIRMINGHAM

creepy good funky child

Your music has elements of the beatles david bowie and prince voxs original need to belayeted with strong chorus music good and ecclectic good vibe very nuwave futuristic keep on pumpin you are original and deadly Love spencer-guuyus-crosse Love rules music scientist

United States, New Jersey, Jersey City





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