Huge Heart-Bursting Thank you's to You!! I'm about to EXPLODE...with Beautiful, Exciting Things!
[If you click on the headline above,
you may get an easier-to-read version,
and the links should work!]
Greetings, my Dear Heart-Journey Partners!
Wow, I thank you "more than words" for
all of your continuing encouraging support!
"This song in me long in me kept" is just
bursting out to be shared with "the world"!
(This song I'm sharing by the above title...was really just one of my
longer, way-rhymin'-est poems...that never sounded quite right to
perform as a poem, though usually I really enjoy doing that...and
yes, I have "volumes" of poems [seven, at last count...they should
be available before long on my soon-to-be relaunched website!]
...but when I put some music to it...even though it's kind of repetitive
...and it doesn't have the usual distinctions of verses and choruses
so much... somehow it still worked, I felt...and just decided to release
it "as is".
I didn't expect it to be so well-received! I'm just so blessed that so
many of you have responded with "raves" about this unique "long-
poem" song... that still tells my a somewhat mystical-poetic
way..and I'm glad so many of you have gotten and delighted in...the
"heart" of this song...and have written me to tell me about it!)
Thank you so much for all of your words, in
sharing with others...and the biggest encouragement and "vote"
you can make, in purchases...of songs...and albums!)
Yes, though I've been a joyful little music-maker all my life, I can
honestly say...I feel I'm getting closer to sharing like I've always
dreamed...very, very soon! I realize I'm quite a "late bloomer",
but I'm blooming more than ever! =grateful-est smile=
Ever since I can remember... well since about age 9...when
I walked around the house finding things to record with my
new little tape recorder...( including seeing what it sounded
like to hear the toilet flush! =grin= ) ...and then graduating
to recording my own little pretend radio commercials and
newscasts onto tape... I know I've wanted to be a "voice"
to bring people a smile...and hopefully bring a "good word"
to uplift them!
And then, over the last eight years or so...since I started
being given poetry during the "sleep-type"...and
then later...working on many new and fresh songs arriving
in much the same "wee hours" way... I had a feeling I was
beginning to prepare to do what I came "here" (to this
odd little planet) to do! =playful grin=
And in 2007 when I walked onto a stage before 300 people
to share "the poem that started it all" , "Divinest View"...I knew
I was doing what I was "born to do"! (Of course, when those
dear people gave me a standing ovation, it helped to "seal"
that sense of purpose. But I hardly even noticed at first that
everyone was leaping to their feet! Why? Because I was so
"in the zone" of my heart-space to deliver what I felt was such
an important message... that it took me a while to come
back out/down to notice their reaction of blissful blessing!)
[ You can find this posted on my YouTube site here: ]
But now...skip the most EXCITING "NOW"...
* * *
December 2015 my one-of-a-kind, music, "spoken word",
"soothing sound" and my ever-playful "inner committee"
hosted heart-talk blended Radio Show, "Spirit Skies" to
be launched here (as a world-wide available online
"podcast" part of this new inspiring program
* * *
And December "sound health" website
will be finally launched... where people can "load up" on
some amazing "good vibe" bring energy and
relaxation in amazing ways!
(That will soon be available here: )
* * *
And on January 14, 2016 My first-ever soothing "sound
healing"-laced concert at a major night club in Charlotte,
NC, USA! Would love to see you if you are in the area
at that time!
Tickets are available here: (only $10 in advance
with special promo code: STEVEN685 )
* * *
And also...hopefully in new album
"Awaken Again" (the "sequel" to my "Awaken to Love"
album!) should be done...and unleashed on the world!
=blissful, hopeful smile=
So...thank you again...for all of your support!
I can't do it without you! (Otherwise, I could
just stay home and talk to myself in the mirror,
or sing for myself in the shower! It's just not
the same, you know... =playful grin= )
Thank you..."more than words"...for all of your
time and kind attention to so many words from me...
but... there's just so much to share... thank
you so much "staying tuned"!
With all my "forever heart"...gratitude...
for the "wings" you you
fly with me! Thank you... x 1,000,000!
S t e V e n
S t e V e n D. L i g h t S p r i n g
(Enjoy the attached song! I'll be making it
available as a FREE DOWNLOAD for just a few days!
It will be on my upcoming album, "Awaken Again",
but is available to you..for FREE...for a little while!)