9 years ago

Let Me Introduce Myself...

I first started this project back in November of 2013 and to this day I am still making music; of course. Before doing this "black metal" project of mine, I was doing many things before such as: my one-man deathgrind project "Disgorged Corpse" which lasted from 2010-2012 (not really sure if I'll ever follow up to that project), Nostalgica (a two-piece experimental groove metal band that only lasted a couple of months or so), and finally...well, not many others I'd like to bring up, honestly. Stollo was just a fresh start, somewhere I could make the most evil, dark, offensive, whatever...music I could think of. I believe black metal is just...a bit more honest, raw, credible than something like death metal which is; to me, a nostalgic-filled/teen angst type of style of metal that I've long been out of. There's nothing wrong with death metal as a music genre, I just think the state of mind that you have to be in isn't the same as being in a black metal band/solo-act. Now...I'm just getting off topic. My real name is; just to give you some more in depth information about myself, Luke. Of course, my fake/anonymous name is "Necrohermit". The name of the project "Stollo" - refers to an unknown/mythical creature that allegedly lives in the northern part of Norway that eats kids who decide to be out in the forest at night; kind of like a boogeyman type of creature. Stollo or "Stallo" is considered to be Norway's bigfoot or sasquatch that is well known in America; obviously portrayed as a hoax/folklore. To be honest with everyone, I don't really have or care to have a direct opinion on the bigfoot creature and whether or not it is real, I just thought it would be a great subject matter to tag on to. It's original but also has a creature story to it, not just a mix and mash of words to make a clever name. If you have any questions about the music, or just personal reasons to contact me - just reply to this newsletter. Check out my music at: https://stollo.bandcamp.com/ & FB: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stollo/1443389429221928

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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