Song Reviews
hire Electronica The Carse
Great Instrumental great piece of work nice this AWESOME .this instrumental song has a really good.and ....................................the song was put together is very unique.......................................just love the way the sounds they were like instruments were spot on ................. perfectly........................can't say enough about this instrumental song......................................I want to thank you for letting me review your amazing song thank you.................... This is steve from voodoo dancer and thankyou..................................
United States, New York, Middle village
Very Entertaining Track
Good afternoon to you and thanks for the invite to review your Latest Track "THE CARSE" Which may I say that I found your Composition in my own personal music opinion to be a very Entertaining Track with a nice selection of various instruments used and came over as easy listening with outstanding performance and Produced and Recorded to a very Professional standard,I truly enjoyed the chance to review such great talent.
United Kingdom, Belfast
Caught my attention, firmly hooked me, and wouldn't let go until the very last note
The Carse by STX is my perfect cup of tea. It is chill, soothing and very well orchestrated. It is layered expertly with subtle melodies, while building slowly to unleash electric guitar riffs that support without overwhelming the essence of the song. I absolutely loved it, and the talent and creativity of the artist is evident. This is a song I could listen to again and again and suspect I'd find something new I'd like each and every time. This is just a damn good song, in my opinion.
United States, North Carolina, Asheville
At The Lounge
Very ambient and mellow vibe. Great for the start of the night at the club as it subtly raises the energy in the room. I personally a mini beat drop earlier in the track, but otherwise well crafted and mixed.
United States, Massachusetts, New Bedford
Trance house and chill
This is very good music a little nostalgic and a good house drive many electronic combination of styles you got here the effects make the party going on succes with your productions
Belgium, Turnhout
Clams Casino meets Ambient
I love this. Reminds me of Clams Casino. I just feel like the overall song could have so much more impact to take you on a more moving emotional journey. Each instrument could be played with, like the prime synth could use maybe a light overdrive and some quick attack/release compression to pop out of the mix. There's also a lack of low end, bass could be turned up in volume and use EQ to emphasize lower end or I sometimes blend with a second sub bassline that the main bassline floats atop of. Would also say the kick could really use some volume and some punch, similarly the rimshot could use some sharpness and hit. Piano could be distorted. And there seems to be a lack of reverb with some instruments like the piano. You don't want it to sound that close. I would try adding in some reverb there. Might also consider a way to make the electric guitar softer, agai big ethereal reverb and some muting of the high end would help. Message if i can be of any help!
Canada, Ontario, Toronto
Muy buena música
Hola amigos, espero se encuentren muy bien; los invito a navegar por esta plataforma NumberOneMusic, pues yo me he encontrado la propuesta musical de STX, realmente me ha encantado mucho, la propuesta musical de este artista, me remonta un poco a la música instrumental que escuchaba mucho en mis tiempos de estudiantes por allá de la década de los 2000, en la que yo iba a la biblioteca y con mis audífonos puestos, estudiaba mientras escuchaba música similar a esta, muy buena combinación de sonidos, te llevan a viajar por mundos imaginarios, resulta sumamente grato al oído, se disfruta mucho. Por esta razón recomiendo mucho a STX porque es un gran artista, síganlo y apoyen su carrera, merece llegar muy lejos. ¡Felicidades por esta propuesta musical! Sigue haciendo buena música, me encantará seguir escuchando más de tu buen trabajo. También agregaré esta rola a mi lista de favoritos. ¡Saludos desde Puebla, México! ¡Éxito, mucho éxito!
Mexico, Puebla De Zaragoza
The 7:50 minutes fly by far too quickly
STX enchants the ears with his Song "The Case" with wonderful arpeggiator sounds and weaves a sound carpet decorated with delicate melodies. A piano melody appears out of nowhere and is elegantly taken over by a Spherical guitar. The 7:50 minutes fly by far too quickly
Germany, Düsseldorf
Like it
Georgia, Tbilisi
musica elettronica che parte con lo stesso arteggio incessante e co note buttate a caso e si va avanti all'infinito sperando che la solfa cambi ma e' arduo sperare per chi e' una specie di musicista inventare qualcosa di decente ma a qualche raro patito puo' piacere ma alla lunga tutto prosegue con effetti e cose buttate a caso penso che la musica sia un'altra cosa e darti una stella sarebbe tanto
Italy, dalmine bg
The Carse offers gentle surprises along a pleasant journey.
Gentle yet energetic, The Carse sets up a basic harmony and rhythm that continues through out the song-- yet introduces new variants as it goes, none predictable, each some how fitting, a few moments of edge or harshness, just at the point of adding savor.
United States, Wisconsin, Madison