Supreme Entertainment / Members
Miss Serious
Recording ArtistBMG Records Independent Artists
Sinbad 1Life
Recording ArtistBMG Records Independent Artists Signed to BMG, Supreme Ent. & CEO of 1Life Stt Writer, producer, composer & actor. All around ARTIST! "Living Life one day at a time because you only have 1 LIFE" Sinbad started as an underground artist with a mixed culture of Caribbean, R&B, reggae-ton, rap and hip hop type music.
Bugsy Streetz
Record Label Recording ArtistCEO of BMG Records inc Bugsy Streetz aka BDot Is a Boston based artist whose primary focus is to bring the entertainment and party back to hip-hop. Since 1998 when Bugsy born Bobby Reed was a teenager when he witnessed, his friend's murder because of the violence terrorizing the streets of Boston Ma. That’s when he took his late friends advice to get out the streets by doing his music.
Prince Emai
Recording ArtistBMG Records Independent Artists is a reggae / pop artist from Lawrence Mass born 1989. He grew up listening to dancehall /reggae music when He was growing up and decided in 2008 to become and artist inspirations such as t.i, tupac, juelz, kc & jojo and more welcome to my journey and this is my story be a part of the experience of his life story as he work and study whats going on with relationships, and what ihis been through/ witnessed. #iambmg #akaprinceemai #Spacedout