Song Reviews
Epic sound, perfect for a movie theme. Very relaxing and perfect to dream away. Too bad it's only 3 minutes long, triple the time! I can see images of a medievil scene with beautiful nature and few horses running to the sunset.
Belgium, Beringen
Looking for EPIC music...
Hi Susan. Heard your track here by accident. Nice melody & arrangement. Sounds good, very solid arrangement that shows your talent. MPCOM is my boutique music publishing company i run as a composer. If you like to send my any further demos/music send to demo@moveproductions(dot)com. and i will have a listen. Check our website. We're working in multi genres. You're welcome. KR claude anthony
United States, Alabama
thank you so much for sending you this song to review I really like to try it when we're together very creative and well composed. Keep on making Green music never stay inside of a box never be afraid to share your gifts and talents with the world. Hope you had a wonderful start of the year 2020 and spider was going on. thank you for sharing again your music with me please keep me posted on any new music that you may have coming out in the near future I will always support. Thank you again and may God continue to bless you in all your endeavors have a wonderful week and stay safe out there no matter what's going on God bless.
United States, California, Every Where
As the song began to play as an instrumental I begin to envision myself like I was watching a play. The intro started out Mike and introduction should then came the middle and it was almost like a romance. Then it begin to get dramatic towards the end. Wait to see the play for that. It was short and sweet listening.
United States, Tennessee, Lebanon
Picture music
Really like the orchestral feeling. your music create images of magnificent scenarious, I love the growing developement of the scene, adding new ambients to the narrative. I wish you a lot of success and all the best for 2020.
Portugal, Sobral de Baixo - Pampilhosa Da Serra
Moving, exciting, and theatrical
This piece is epic, I truly saw different movie scenes in my mind while listening. The intro captures the listener immediately and sets the tone for what's to come. The variations change the mood and walks us through the situation that cause for the need to have courage. Once the initial rise begins in the instrumentation, there's a battle back and forth that ensue making for the greatest battle in life or a movie. I can literally feel the struggle turn triumph only after the surprise of thinking it's over only to find there's more. This was truly a journey and rightfully titled: Courage. I love it!
United States, Florida, Miami
Symphony quality with wonderful tympanic resonations of the percussion. I felt this was a great track for a thriller or suspense movie. I liked the finish but it left me hanging and I would haveliked to hear more. It is the kind of compositon that srikes you like Vangellis in Chariots of Fire. If I remember correctly teh percussion made it very memorable and dynamic. I like the strings in this piece which kept the whol composition tidy and cohesive. The emotive quality of suspense and a person going to sieze the day was what I felt was special about it. Thank you for sharing! I think you should submit it to NYC hits for a soundtrack for Radio Picks for Classical music. You would get lots of airtime. Also on Google Music and Radio Airplay worldwide would get you some top exposure.
United Kingdom, Tintern
At first I wasn’t sure what I would think about this song until it got going. The audio is mixed and blended well with good separation for the layers of or castration. It is bold and beautifully arranged. I gave 4 thumbs up and would have gave 5 thumbs if the climax would have been a little more dynamic. Good job overall.
United States, Virginia, Virginia Beach
I really can't criticize anything here. If you aren't involved in soundtrack work you should be. Curious about what your using to create these orchestral sounds, but assume it's computer based program. Great stuff, superior songwriting talent!
United States, Oregon, Clackamas
good orchestral strings song.
I listen "courage" song i like different part of strings , can imagine big orchestre here. it is really a very good job . I recommend all to listen to this music, very well orchestrated, a perfect sound will be like Concert Hall
France, villecresnes
Nice soundtrack
The soft textures were great. This would make good in a movie. When considering the title, I expected something a little more aggressive. Though very pretty, I found it being a little monotonous.
United States, Georgia, Atlanta
Beautiful and deep
Un precioso tema para orchestra. Sensible y muy delicado. No desarrolla grandes ideas melódicas pero sus texturas son atractivas, asi como la instrumentacion. Felicitacioes Susan!! Espero escuchar mucho mas!
Spain, Madrid
Thank you for asking me to do your review. I love classical and instrumental music! I think this has a great start with a rolling strings. I can feel the sincerity of the music as there may be a challenge ahead that is faced. There is a nice selection of instruments with a nice setting. It has a nice smooth feel overall a nice tempo and nice placements of the orchestra. I think you have something here. Keep up the great work! All the best!
United States, Utah, Logan
This is Very Nice Composition good for a Life Concert and also for a Movie Background..I do think It will not have any problem to be played on Classical Radio Stations.. It has a Perfect Tine for You know Music Publishers almost never take a Classical Instrumental Music to Publish..but with Good Luck some movie Studio might gave You a try to send It to Them and let's see what They will say.. I do think this is one on The Best from You...GOOD Job..
United States, California, Los Angeles
This is a Very Nice Tune.. It was a Pleasure to listen..You are Painting a Picture with Your Music and This is Very Important..It is Good not only for a Movie but as Instrumental Piece in Concert call...I Think You need to send It to some Music Publishers and let's see what They will is not easy to place an Instrumental Music but with good luck who know..also try to send It to some Radio Stations..Iwish You good luck with submissions.. Good Job...I Really Like It..
United States, California, Los Angeles
It comes as a wave crashing upon a shore, a tenuous feeling of agitation from strings counting time, and a melody beginning to question the feelings created by an underlying beat of the heart. Then as contemplation delivers a decisive conviction, strength of character spills out with a glorious feeling. Energy carries movement forward to an explosive finale. Courage is gained through conviction, artistry is defined by expression, music is the language that conveys virtue.
United Kingdom, Bristol
This is Very Nice Composition..You are painting a Picture with Your Music..and I Like That Very much..I hope that someone will use it in Film or Video.. is good also to play at a Concert Hall..Music Market for Music like That is very limited it will be hard to pitch It to a Music Publisher..but Try and let see what will happen and if You have some contacts send It to some Movie Studio..You gave me a nice Surprise today.. Good Job... I Like It a Lot...Keep going...I wish You Good Luck..
United States, California, Los Angeles
Quality Music
Wonderful dynamics and crescendos. Every chapter is different but all are connected by the theme and the key. The rhythm flows as if liquid supports it, and it’s almost any tempo you wish. Very Nice! I still have no words to describe the ending, and I’ve listened to it a few times. Susan Garrett is a creative artist, and I can’t imagine anyone not liking her music. Again Susan has raised the bar for quality music, and everyone else might as well get back to work. Thanks for your art Susan; I enjoy listening.
United States, Washington, Lakebay