Recombinant Organsims
Is GMO a bit of a misnomer? What really constitutes the definition of a genetically modified organism? It's a many faceted term really for multiple definitions of modification such as natural selection and artificially breeding but I submit this to you: If an organism is created through a process of ultimately recombining aspects of the DNA should it not be called a Recombinant Organism? Or recombinant modification?
Also, has anyone watched the new X files with as much glee as I have?!?!!
The idea of colonization interwoven with existing events or any story scarily like real world events is, well, frightening. I suppose it really remains to be seen how accurate Hollywood fiction is to the real world. Some things are not a conspiracy.
We begin more production on our singles and our videos this week, and as always, new music is in the works. More thoughts on DNA and vibrations next time. -J