O, YESHUA (We’re waiting for you)
Oh, Yeshua, how long should we wait before You return to us
Oh, Yeshua, Your faithful ones are longing for Your Heavenly Zion
In the clouds of heaven You will come in great glory
With the power of mighty angels descending with You from heavens
Oh, Yeshua, Faithful One, You are our Hope and Salvation
Oh Yeshua, we will see You,
And the words that You spoke will be fulfilled.
In the clouds of heaven You will come in great glory
With the power of mighty angels descending with You from heavens
Oh, Yeshua, how long should we wait before You return to us
Oh, Yeshua, Your faithful ones are longing for Your Heavenly Zion
In the clouds of heaven You will come in great glory
with the power of mighty angels descending with You from heavens
O, Yeshua!
In the clouds of heaven You will come in great glory
With the power of mighty angels descending with You from heavens
O, Yeshua!