Terrance Alan
8 months ago

Summer's Here

It's here you all, and I pray everyone is fine by the grace of God. There's sure a lot involved with moving out and moving in my new place. Just getting settled in after a month here. Didn't know I had so much stuff. I just got word that my song that I have on my new album "Just Friends" called "Summer All Along" Went to No.1 on the Top 40 Country Chart this week and was a finalist for the World Songwriting Awards "Best Modern Country Song" Spring of 2024 To celebrate, Please download free, "Summer All Along" for a limited time, tell your friends and the y can tell their friends. Maybe we can get the song to go to number one on N1M.com The album is for sale, thru Distrokid and other arenas and is also on Spotify. Thank you for hanging in there with me all this time and glad these songs are a blessing to your hearts. My new album I am starting on it in Late Sept. God bless Terrance Alan (aka Songedge) that's all for now





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