Many thanks for following me, it is very much appreciated, my EP has now been released, it's available on amazon, itunes and spotify, you might have to look for the individual tracks though, the (expired link). itself does not show up in internet searches, watch this space. Its been a real nightmare pulling this together and I learned a lot of valuable lessons along the way, (even at my age) but I hope you all enjoy the results. There are 4 songs on the (expired link).
Identity Crisis
All The Beautiful People
Going Down That Road Again
Paper Jack
At some point in the future I will be recording an album as I have lots of songs to put down, I hope the inspiration keeps coming, I have often gone through periods where I cannot produce anything, sometimes I dream songs and have to write them down quickly when I wake up or sometimes, when life gets complicated lots of ideas present themselves. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the result.
Thank you everybody.
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