4 years ago

Wishing all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years thanks for your support!

My friends and fans thank you for a great year , I hope you are healthy and avoid this crap that’s going round,stay safe and I wish you well where ever you are inthe world! Thanks for your support andI join you in prayer for our Nation it is being hi jacked by corruption and move in from other countries and people that are all out for power,it is time we took back our country and arrested and jailed and punished the traitors to the max! I love my music but I love my country more and the ones that died defending her do not deserve the crap I have observed the past few years by a crooked left and FBI and CIAand who knows who else it seems the law does not apply to the crooked left!it is time we stopped the corruption! Tweeter cut me off, and if I vanish just know until I die I will be fighting for you the people, our country, and our soldiers and our flag! Gods bless you and our country and yours where ever you may be!





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