Thanks to my 2238 subscribers for the support they have shown over the past few years for my tunes!

Now is the time to step up and support our citizens and our country, our flag and our constitution and keep our fellow men and women informed with the truth! The media is so dishonest and we are being mislead! I have been ban by tweeter and it’s hard to reach anyone any more with the truth, thank you for supporting my songs, most import is you , my fans and your relationship with the maker of all, God , he is the first the last , the great I Am , put your faith in God. God will not let the Marxist left over come , I pray for my friends and your salvation! Thank you for your support ! Love your neighbors as your self go forth and spread Gods word, be fruitful, God will protect we are here for a short time my friends I am working on new material some pertaining to what’s going on now! Stay tuned ? Thank you! Feel free to comment!