Song Reviews
"Sleep Now My Sweet Baby Bird", The Antique Harmoniums - DESIROUS REVIEW
Hi there!! Thank's for asking a review!! It is very enchanted and sweetie track... It's with quality... and harmonious it is. I felt now with a better and nice atmosphere inside. By the way... check my profile please.. you'll love it... Similar to yours.. but with big compositions.. more psychedelic. I hope more from you... feel free to up date me. Wishes of a great summer and a super 2018, PEDRO MIGUEL.
Portugal, Figueira Da Foz
I loved the choral voices toning in the background as the music gently lulls one to sleep. It was sweet to layer in the voices of a child and parent putting her to sleep as a reminder what the intent of this brief track was. If only I could fall asleep so quickly I would listen to this every night!
United States, Florida, Boynton Beach
A great introduction to something to come...?
GREAT! to me...This tune would disserve to be developped in more lentgh. It's like a trailer, just to get you fan, waiting for the real tune, the one to come. It could be the introduction to something really powerfull. It makes me think to film music, earth seen from space and a far (in time and space) muffled voice coming thru . Psychedelic, enygmatic, great sounds and emotion, I love it! thank you for this great work.
France, Toulouse
Very nice song
It's really pleasant hear and discover, at end, a very gracious moment. Bring me back to the childhood where the present moment was appreciated in a pure way and we were going to sleep deeply connected with whole nature. Simple and beautiful song.
Brazil, Florianópolis
I loved the intro, reminding me of all the best soundtrack/experimental music. You have to love and appreciate where this comes from...excellent production, all is well in every respect. It was short and sweet, but, i get it. This should be everywhere! I expect to hear this in a movie soundtrack. Best of luck in your excellent future! CHEERS!!
United States, Massachusetts, Rockland
A Heavenly Feeling.
This is a beautiful song. Beautiful timbres, with a kind of heavenly feeling. It took me by surprise the duration, did not expect it to be so short. But it certainly serves its purpose. I imagine it must be part of some context. I liked it, and I'm curious about the style of the band, and the rest of their work. Maybe that's the purpose of this song. Be a kind of preview and make you curious.
Brazil, Sao Paulo
Sleep Now...Harmonious Lullabye
Heavenly sounds resound in the choral introduction of this composition.then suddenly and unexpectedly the listener is treated to the sounds of a Daddy & child saying, "Bye Bye to the piano!" A treat in it's simplicity. I hope there is a re-mix with more instrumentation and choral added, especially the piano referred to yet to be heard from at present. I enjoyed it nonetheless, for the lovely harmonious blend of voices.
United Kingdom, Chepstow South Wales
Review for Antique Harmoniums
Very nice tune, combining classical and contemporary sounds with angelical vocals and strings and infant speech. Creates a unique ambient atmosphere with haunting and eerie sounding voices.
United States, Michigan, Ann Arbor
A touch of choral harmony and childhood memory.
I enjoyed listening to this beautiful interlude piece of music featuring choral harmonies blended with gentle synth pads, bells and some goodnight dialogue between father and child which sets the mood for evening sleep. Reminds me of childhood. Listen to it a couple of times to fully appreciate what the artist has painted.
Australia, Perth
Excellent piece of music regardless of how you accept it!
In the Midwest where I'm from, this would be termed "Space Music". The harmonies and textural transitions are superb and in my opinion, this is a perfect example of that form of music. Rules are meant to be broken and experimentation is the path to new style and musical form. "Sleep Now My Sweet Baby Bird" is a wonderful track for those who might be a bit adventurous with imagination. I applaud the effort put into the conception of such a piece of work.
United States, Arizona, Sun City
Good Job
I love this sound I wish I could use this sound for some of my movies keep making the great sound that will inspire people the melody of the rhyme is great seems like you bout to walk in a dark place
United States, Kentucky, Mayfield
Sleep Now My Sweet Bird
Great for one man space shooter videos games. This tracks brings the feeling of your surroundings, to the ear and mind. The Antique Harmoniums a sound to look forward in film.
United States, Texas, San Antonio
The Antique Harmoniums has sent you a request for review 12/20/14 12:56:09 AM Sleep Now My Sweet Baby Bird The Antique Harmoniums has sent you a request for review 12/20/14 12:56:09 AM Sleep Now My Sweet Baby Bird
United States, Oregon, Portland
very sweet and touching, first a little too short but intense. I would work a little on it to give us some variation also because the piece lends itself to being touched up. in my opinion, if you work there, something really nice comes out
Italy, italy
So peaceful, meditative, puts you in a dream like state, loving the soft tunes, lovely child and fathers voices, beautiful, definately reccomend, I normally prefer more vocals but this was perfect the way it was.
Australia, Wallsend
nice and clean. would make a nice intro to a rock song, you can imagine a bass kick coming in slowly followed by a double snare hit. then silence for 4 counts, then all hell break lose to two grudged guitars pan L & R playing some gothic riffs, with low bottom bass guitar in synth talking funky low down, you hear me!!!!!
United States, Alabama, HUNTSVILLE
A Review of ‘Sleep Now My Sweet Baby Bird’—‘The Antique Harmoniums’.
The use of sound technology to create such a fusion of Classical peaceful peace and computerized [edited] theatrical spoken lines is remarkable—especially when it goes chorale. There is also a good melodic-harmonic progression in this passage. However, a shadowy vocal-like tone becomes apparent from 00:05 onwards. This sounds like a wavy frequency as a result of some technical factors. It can be fixed by some sound filtering techniques so then it would sound very close to a real choir.
Australia, Sydney
esoteric ambitious and soul soaring melodies that captures the essence of the soul.breathtaking universal connection that breaks in another dimension. its a neo escapade into a continuous journey of climaxing
United States, swansea
I really like and enjoy your music keep on making great music and never stop creating Growing up as a little kid I use to listen to all types of music and keep in touch with me be blessed and enjoy your week.
United States, California, Every Where
Warm, sweet and touching
VERY sweet! I can see this as a brief piece in a film somewhere, probably depicting a nostalgic moment, especially given it's short length. The mix was well done. I'm going to add a bit of critique here, as I LOVE to hear from other producers about how I could improve my own tracks. These are really VERY small technical points so don't take them as something "wrong" with the song -- just ideas. I would suggest you find the human voice samples from a few different synths, if possible, just to add some texture to the harmony. I also felt that the little kid spoken section was a bit buried in the mix. There are things you can do in mixing that will help position and focus a certain track, adding to the sense of reality. It's not hard to find online tutorials explaining how to do this. All in all, a fine piece -- sweet enough that I listened to it twice, which is rare for me.
United States, Wisconsin, Fitchburg