Apocalypse Moon Live Version

Hope all is going well in your world. Here is a new live version of Apocalypse Moon. this one is just me. In the studio version it was 19 layers of synthesizer but probably way overly self indulgent. This is stripped down to the basics. The audience, my guitar, and the song.
The world is a bit of a crazy place these days. You can stick your head in the sand and ignore it or you can face it straight on and call it for what it is. That is what I tried to do with this song.
Hope you like the song. Would love to hear your reactions.
PS: I had to rebrand from being the Big Silver Daddy. I kept getting all these emails from young men in India. Apparently Big Silver Daddy has an entirely different meaning there than it does here. OOOOOPPPPPSSSSS! Chalk that one up to cultural cross up. Live and learn....