About The Coverberries
T H E__C O V E R B E R R I E S__H I S T O R Y.... Like every cover band, we take inspiration from an artist, the one that strikes us in a particular way, to elaborate around this and create what I call “your own musical awareness”. There are certain rules which need to be followed of course, trying not to annoy anybody, etc. Coverberries, which embody the fatigue and ups and downs of their singer, is a project which has left traces in the underground music of Genoa, but which found it difficult to put in order and find again the right balance. Since autumn 2007, there are four members in the band, each one from a different musical environment, who contribute homogeneously and persist in the idea, which always offers the same repertory, but with a completely different attitude. For us, Cranberries are the starting point, in order to achieve a “live” which is light and direct, where the reward comes directly from the people who participate at our performance, accompanying Monica in the most famous songs of this band, which toured the world, producing simple but effective music…As far as what is technically possible, we hope to move the dream of the Cranberries music to the pub next
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