RIDERS On The STORM (Doors Cover)


Song Reviews

it just doesn't work ,sorry

sorry guys , but my title says it all.... so i'll start with the good stuff . your keyboard player is very good, high skill level copying some of Ray's playing on this, and nice touches of his own.....ok that was the good stuff , and now ,why this doesn't work. the concept is interesting , but in practice ,it doesn't make it... the first thing is the basic rhythm track that is an electronic loop the feel is jittery and has a nervous feel to it the vocalist is copying Jim to the point of ,is it a sample....and the thing that really ruins it all is the stop start jagged feel to the song itself.... Now you may think it's inventive ,and thus cool. inventive ,yes , but it still is a failure ... the doors version has a very smooth hypnotic feel ,and morrison creates an ominous and mysterious vibe and the keys also moves the song along in a very smooth and again an almost scary ,mysteriousness ..that IS song ...this version is an attemot to be hip ,and thus misses the entire point and feel of the song.

United States, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

Outstanding Vocals

A very good evening to you and thank you for the invite to review the track "RIDERS ON THE STORM" Which may I say that I found your cover version of this great Composition in my personal music opinion to have Outstanding Vocals and great performance with a great Chart Sound to it and Produced and Recorded to a very Professional standard and I truly enjoyed your cover version of this Classic Song and look forward to hearing more of your own songs as well.

United Kingdom, Belfast

RIDERS On The STORM (Doors Cover)

this is right up my alley..very different right out the gate. they take a very iconic song that shaped like a whole generation..and by only using the very root of the song, they totally turn it in to their song...this is not a cover of a song at all. its a total original piece ...so good....I'll say you took it further than the doors...and I love the doors. You did not change the tempo or any of that...for me you changed the mood ...the vibe . seriously great stuff..."There's a killer on the road"............Love it

United States, Michigan, Detroit


Great song really love this song great piece of art work delivered beautifully guitar sounds are amazing sing great backing vocals are great while I'm writing this and im listening to this a second time......I just love it,.......the lyrics are awesome tbe arraignment are awesome ......it's written and delivered beautifully ...the lead guitar sound as me myself a guitar player love tbe sound. I just started for the third time............love it love it love it ........tbe musicianship is great was played vreat ..................thank you for letting me review this song I truely love

United States, New York, Middle village





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