Song Reviews
Very nice..
The guitar comes in gently in minor chords. The finger picking sounds beautiful as well. It's melancholy but not overwhelming. I wouldn't call it spooky at all. The low vocals are great as well. To be honest, I'm unsure where you going with the lyric, I was thinking of it through an almost fatherly someone who loves boy/girl who has a lot of sorrow, and he feels responsible. The chorus makes perfect sense in both the first verse and second verses. However, that's where is gets a little shaky in lyric and form of lyric and how it should all come together. This would come with the same repeated words, or phrase the chorus to fit with the verse of thought, emotion and narrative of the main thought, story, emotion you are putting out . Then the piano and drums come in. I would have loved to have the piano played with the guitar, and the drums faded in. I think that would be a great transition to the next part of your song where it's just a pick up. Thank you for putting this out there. I know it's not easy to be reviewed as it seems personal (obviously as a fellow musician; that's what we are here for) because you've worked sooo hard. Trust me when I say I'm not trying to completely frustrating you (I sometimes think that way) all in all this song has a LOT of potential. Constructive criticism is the only way to better outselves!! Glad you are part of the community contributing to what we all love to hear and love perform! ✌????❤????
United States, Connecticut
Not offended
Smooth and controlled voice all the way through song Good arrangement Sounds I nice mix through iPhone Not sure if he messsage you were trying to tell Not sure about the stop start between verses And key changes . But over all good tune
United Kingdom, Boston
The Fluffy Bullets
Nice melodic style with perfect harmonious vocals make this a great song.... if you like country at all, you'll love this. Check it out and see for yourself. It will relax you and put you in a mellow frame of mind. Enjoy first thing in the morning to have a great day ! .... Papa Joe DeMaio (The Papa Joe Show).... KEEP ROLLIN' 'LONG
United States, Connecticut, Danielson
Very soothing
Reminds me a little bit of Bossa Nova and somewhat Phil Collins. Has a really clean sound and is relaxing. I like it, I'm not sure if I can say anything in terms of improvement. A random idea for future songs would be to add bells.
United States, Texas, Austin
First listen I was greeted by this incredibly warm vocal, although sang low and chilled you can tell that this singer has a strong voice and personally I'd like to hear some up tempo material which I will search for. Great production, I like the jazzy type feel to this song. My only less positive thing I would say about this is I would love for the song to lift at some point and boost the song upwards completely. It's a lovely song and the lyrics are clear and do take you away. I could sit on a beach and listen to this with headphones on, nice and relaxing and an over all great song but maybe a key change or something to give you that "YES!" But a brilliant track and I did enjoy listening to it! Well done!
United Kingdom, Bolton
Great song
This song from The Fluffy Bullets has a nice mellow vibe ,well written and performed .The vocals are smooth and very cool , the bass is perfect and drives the piece perfectly. A perfect song for the sun going down on a nice spring evening .
United States, New York, Brooklyn
Review Of Force 9 Gale
I loved listening to this- a lovely mellow song with great and intriguing lyrics. It's well- produced with lovely instruments which are contrasted in a wonderful way with the lovely husky vocals. The singer almost reminded me of Michael McDonald (if you can imagine him as English and singing Folk!) I hope that is taken as a compliment! -as I loved the voice and how it blends with the music. I'll look forward to hearing more from the Fluffy Bullets! :)
United Kingdom, London
a tropical depression at best
The Fluffy Bullets brings us Force 9 Gale... a song whose title does not reflect anything of the song... which is neither of gale force or of the level of 9 which is non existent. From a listener's perspective it is a floaty dream like song but its lyrics are disjointed at best. From a producer's perspective it is a song using straight out of the box using presets from tracking and recording to mixing and mastering. It maintains a dynamic range and has the requisite reverberations but lacks some subtle eq adjustments that could have given more credit to this song.
United States, Texas, Houston
This song is a Tour de Force! Takes you on a journey like a Steely Dan song. The song has the high lyrical standard of story of one of Dan Fogelberg's song lyrics telling of love lost. Resonates those soulful notes in a beautifully composed instrumental like a piano bar 60's song. I loved the way it started and ended keeping me in suspense to hear if he ever persuaded his love to return to him. However, it was not to be as is the case with so many. I look forward to hearing the rest of the album. I especially loved the unique tone of the lead singer's voice. Within the first few words his voice captured my attention.
United Kingdom, Tintern
Mr i i listen to hear beautiful songs
Iam amazed to hear your songs my friend keep sing album all day enjoyed it very good songs my friend and I i listen to hear your songs make me enjoyed full some my friend too more very good songs all day enjoyed it
Jamaica, Clarendon
hi dude well im listen your theme and let me tell... that great art of the acoustic guitar really this song have the necesarry to be greatness in the music and the rest really good, keep the great work
Colombia, Medellin
Nice Track!
Hi, well done, it's a very nice and well structured Song you've recorded! Keep on doing' this and believe in your feeling for your voice and intruments in the backround. I can her virtuosly guitar skills, which fits good to the whole mood of the song. AYou have got a very emotional voice, so that your message catches your audience really very well and on point. Cheers ,Judith M. from Schwerin in Germany
Germany, Schwerin
Soothing and Relaxing
The song is well structered and makes nice use of differing instruments throughout the arrangement. Very nicely played keboards and guitar add nice textures and remain under the vocals but still stand out throght the mix. Nice use of musical breaks at places provides a nice intro to the following transistions. The only thing I noticed is a slight bit of static during the breaks and during quiet parts of the song. The vocals are well recorded, on pitch with a nice tone that projects the overall feeling of the song. Well played, arranged and produced.
United States, Alaska, Fairbanks
The Fluffy Bullets hit the target
What stands out for me about The Fluffy Bullets and their track 'Force 9 Gale' is the lead vocalist, who has a soothing, full, rich voice. Although the band puts themselves in the acoustic/folk/indie genre, it's a voice which sounds better suited for R&B. Whether they know it or not, this track sounds like a early-90's Sade song; and believe me, there's nothing wrong with that. Certainly the arrangement is less jazzy than something Sade would put out; the chords are more basic (in keeping with their folksy roots) - but the sparse instrumentation and the airiness of the production sound like something off of 'Love Deluxe'. The band does a great job of creating the space for that big voice to swim around in; they play just enough to let you know they're there. Maybe some strings could embellish things, but other than that, this is very good song.
United States, New Jersey, Roseland
What can only be described as a cross between Elvis Coseley and Paul Wells in one oh his more mellow moments Force 9 Gale is a lovely Melodic tune. Probably a little long for my taste but there's no accounting for that. Keep it up
United Kingdom, Manchester
thank you for the belated Christmas present, England
super sound, great voice, lyrics are superb. best i could say is that, "wish i'd written the song." will be coming to the UK next year, and i will look up this group. this song makes me want to visit my cousins in England for an extended stay.
United States, Connecticut, Danbury