Resist Hatred

I never thought I would see this day come to pass. We have become so disconnected from each other that we condone hatred as a way of life. When I think about the United States and what we have as individuals and collectively, I am reminded that what we have, we have from the contributions of immigrants. Everyone in this country is an immigrant except for Native Americans. Why then have we allowed fear to cloud our brains so much that we want to isolate ourselves from the world? How will that work? The parts that make up every electronic device you have comes from different parts of the world. Do we want to live without that? The houses we live in are made from lumber & metal from all parts of the world. Should we live without that?
To hate someone because of their race, gender, spiritual background etc is a road that has been travelled before and never ended well. We reject this type of hatred. We embrace diversity and the beauty that culture can bring to the world WHEN IT IS SHARED.
As we work on completion of our latest material, One song continually comes to mind from our past album. Ujima. Please listen to the song and may it's rhythms flow through you to Unify you with those around you in Peace.
We send this to you and ask that you RESIST hating those around you just because they are different from you. Have the courage to stand with them when the time comes to reject division. There is a Creator that created ALL of us, not just those who look, sound or feel like we do.
May The Creator bring you peace in your lives & love in your heart!