The Razor’s Kiss; my upcoming concept album.
14 tracks telling a story of love, hate, death, blackness and undying salvation.
He, a lost person, looking for someone to love
She, a dark, sad soul, consumed by a blackness which demands it be fed.
They find each other, Yet, the blackness pushes Her to devour Him. She does the only thing She feels She can, attempting to end the darkness possessing her by ending her life. In His grief, he takes the same blade, and ends his own life. Hoping to find her on the other side, only to find the darkness has taken Him into its service, a service that precludes His own death.
Now a battle rages inside Him. Unable to fight the blackness, unable to live, unable to die, taking souls for the Darkness, praying the salvation of His only love can break the bonds of eternity and help him defeat the dark force only they shared and can understand.
7 of 14 tracks are mostly completed, the rest are being tracked as I’m able. I hope you will all enjoy my ideas, and return as songs are completed.
Thank you all for your support and kindness
Allen Dean, The Last Saint
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