Australia, Warragul 3820
About Themistoklis
This is about preaching the gospel salvation blessing healing perfection so on for all creation i believe we all need JESUS and he came to save the cosmos if he did not need to save us all we be in heaven now living forever but as you see we die if we are raised to life to live again forever it is because he saved us i know the holy bible better then anyone true when he gives the impression to believe some go to heaven some to hell people translate that as some people go to heaven some people to hell but this is not how i translate it i translate it as some going to heaven meaning creation and some going to hell meaning evil spirits for the whole book is in parable i new that if i have the love to save the cosmos i new GOD'S LOVE is much more better and grater i new he saved it all but would not speak up this was about 30 years ago so GOD took me in heaven and turned me by transfiguring me to a chicken ye true i said as i picked his foot with my beak i do not want to be a chicken turn me back chickens end up in pots i am human so he did i new what he meant he wanted me to speak out that i understand all the text and he wrote it for me to interpret as i did somewhat above i tell you GOD is bigger then the text he can do the impossible even if we think he can not even if it appears to be that some are going to hell well what do you think? dose GOD burn his children? off course not no matter how wrong they are he will diceplen them instead i know in the holy bible and history GOD took away life but the words took away got mixed up today as kill no he takes people away to sleep in the grave not kill kill meens to end ones life in hell perdiction take means we go in the grave to sleep it off so he operates on us heals us perfects us so on so he raises us to life when it is time to live forever we need to go through this life's good and bad times others more or less because we are different and in order to be strengthened so to live forever as gold is tested in a furnace after it it becomes pure gold so as then we are tested by him here on earth until after in the next life we are strengtened to receive a none corruptible body by the quickening of the dead to the resurrection of eternal life THIS IS THE MEANING OF THE CROSS why GOD is showing us he raised him to life so he is saying by his actions rather then words that in the same way i will raise creation fear not i am with you now this ministry is for the purpose for all creation to know that the above is for all creation my ambition is to also help as many charities and or christian churches as possible for a better world to stop all wars so as terror attacks and threats for a safe world to establish GOD'S KINGDOM ON EARTH for the automate world of GODS WAYS that benefit everyone if you really new him and his ways to pray for the 1000 year reign of JESUS CHRIST AND THE RETURN ALSO FOR NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH FOR ALL CREATION TO ENTER now if i got this love ambition for loving you all imagine GODS LOVE FOR ALL OF US IT IS ETERNAL MUCH BETTER THEN MINE he took me in his presents one time and showed me his love for me saying in heart words rather then speeking out the way i love you i love all creation i tell you the truth you can not find this love no where not even in the holy bible that is it is written there yes but people can not understand it unless they see and meet GOD as i have. those that have gone to see him so on can testify to all truth
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