
Dont forget to Join our Network!/New Single "Candle In A Storm"

Hello All my favorite People! You will be glad to hear our new hard rock single "Candle In A Storm" is in the process of being mixed and will be released within the next 2 weeks! That Being Said Please Join Our Facebook and Reverbnation To keep up with the latest news on Tunes Shows FREE DOWNLOADS and More! (https://www.facebook.com/OlsonbrosBand/) -Facebook / (https://www.reverbnation.com/theolsonbrothersband) -ReverbNation Also!!! WE NEED YOUR HELP SHARING OUR CONTENT! PLEASE RECCOMEND TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS AND HELP SPREAD THESE TUNES ALL OVER THE WORLD! FROM THE U.S.A TO SWEEDEN TO AFRICA TO GERMANY TO AUSTRALIA LETS SPREAD THE SOUNDWAVES PEOPLE! -Dylan Olson P.S. Expect More Giveaways ;)





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