Dream That Tells A Tale


Song Reviews


Nice 1 I like it ,keep up the good work you can send me more of your songs invite me on facebook :www.facebook.com/katapila streetleague and you can follow me on twitter:www.twitter.com/@katapilaa

South Africa, Pretoria

You got the chops

Hey, I really liked your song, and your voice. I would clean up the guitar, give it a little tuning, and work on an arrangement, because without it the song becomes a little monotonous. Lots of potential, but you need to go the extra mile.

Colombia, Medellin

Dream that Tells a Tale

Sorry - found this boring, couldnt hear or understand the lyrics.Vocals need work

United States, New Jersey


I love this, keep up the good work. TommyCCT

United States, Texas, SPRING


Your plays are not real. My band had hundreds of thousands of plays and no real fans came out of it. if you email the people on your mailing list you will get strange responses that are all worded funny and all have very bad grammar. They are not real people. They are taking your money and money from a lot of other people. Stop using it and spread the word to others. This is only the beginning of where this all starts. The people running this site also pose as record labels and fool people into sending them money for documents that you would never receive.

no good

I cant understand what is this..sorry..nothing here for me

Argentina, Rosario

dreams of tail

a lot of farting around in intro overcompressed guitars vocals buried wish i could of been there while you were drinking and screwing around now sober up and write some music

RE: Music

Nice beat, would have liked to hear more lyrics in the song though ..

United States, New York





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