Song Reviews
Not soon sad.....
The song leaves behind what was, and leaves what will be as an open pallet of possibility. This is very good. Now let,'s discuss the song itself.... The line. "now your gone" and " I still ****" whatever that is, need to be compressed or better yet, changed . The vocal presentation on that should go in another direction. Simply and honestly, it doesn't work. Music is good, song is well presented it has a good flow but really needs to be thought-out a little more in terms of it's foundation. I would overall say.. it is okay, what you felt at the moment and is presented how you needed to present it, at the moment. Let some time go by, take another look at it. I would like to hear another version of this as you are on to something with it for sure. Not bad, but has potential to be very good...
United States, California, Los Angeles
David's Song
The lyrics of this song call to mind the sad songs of Peter, Paul & Mary, namely the song "Don't Think Twice, It's All right." The instrumental is masterful in it's composition especially the violin which compliments the expression of the longing in these heartfelt lyrics. It is a song about transcending the pain of the loss of a strong soul tie. The percussion was excellent and totally matched the nuances of the song and vocal track. I enjoyed it very much and I hope it is as great a hit as the one I mentioned. The vocalist sounds similar to my mind like Kate Bush in her song Hounds of Love.
United Kingdom, Tintern
good song
The song is interesting, the voice is not bad at all. What disturbs me most is the too demure side of the interpretation, whether it is music or singing, it is too square like solfeggio singing, too regular, while it should be nuanced and varied like the life. And yet, the music lends itself to it, the tone of the voice too, then, please, feel, live, let it go and express all this thoroughly, as if your life depended on it. I'm not english-speaker, so I did not pay attention to the lyrics, but I know that there is already a lot of potential not yet exploited in the interpretation of music.
France, Salon de Provence
Well produced, but somehow incomplete
A mighty organ is dominating this song, supported by a real rhythm section and a female lead voice. The production is bright and crisp and sounds fine. What I'm missing is sort of a flow. The parts seem to be assembled together, there's no hook line that could catch the listeners' ear. No intro, the song just starts with the first verse, followed by a chorus where the voice jumps up into regions where it could have needed a second one to become more stable. Then it's followed by an instrumental part that to me seems disconnected from the rest of the song. In principle it's good to have songs that do not follow the typical scheme, but if there's neither a groove nor a flow, I doubt that it'll catch significant attention.
Germany, Schweinfurt
David Turned Away From The Sun
Sad but poignant, this is a song about David's fall from grace. He made friends with demons and broke the hearts of many. Even with the pain of the disappointment David is still not left alone. The singer says "I'm still here... here for you." This is a simple message in song. It's very nicely done musically. All the players are good and sound solid on this track. The voice of the lead singer is quite nice as well as compelling. I look forward to hearing more for this talented artist.
United States, California, Studio City
Thoughts on "David's Song"...
The beginning, with the organ and keys and pulsating rhythm really is a great way to start this sad ballad... very nice. The song's melody is catchy and the kind of thing that has you humming along with the song. Again - nice. The dynamics are good as well, with the music ebbing and flowing with life from beginning to end, and the piano's soft touch at the end is a very appropriate way to take the song out. The lyrics are unique, and make me wish I had the lyrics right before me so I could follow the story easier ... Your voice is full of passion and cuts through the music with power and force - and the male harmony adds to the song's texture.A good touch and helps color the song with warmth. My only concern is the words as they are sung are a little unclear, and could be perhaps sung a little - just a little more clearly. This song is an unusual ballad for many reasons, but simple it is not - well thought out and a well crafted arrangement from beginning to end. Thanks for sharing your song with all of us... Michael D'Aigle
United States, Michigan, Flushing
David's Song
I really like this song. It's about forgiveness and healing for sure. I like the voice and violin and the melody to. It's a special song that has great emotion and feeling to it. Great job and I'm looking forward to your next hit.
United States, California, Sacramento
(About your song) David's Song
Yes top song perfect music perfect lyrics perfect singing and perfect performance i think so in my opinion i think because GOD is with us in what us christian do that things like our songs are tops the song has the prtentiul i beleive to make it on the top charts but there are so many other artists and songs that can do the same like the one's i hurd before to me are all top songs it is how i think and do honestly appreacheate all telent and styles in the lord as long as they are desent songs expesiolly christian types may GOD BLESS SAVE HEAL PERFECT YOU YOUR FAMILY FREINDS AND EVERYONE and remember to follow your dream where-ever the lord may lead it i loved your song so i gave it top rating ok
Australia, Warragul 3820
Music is the best form of communication
But despite of this, many musician don't communicate. You do. Yes it is a sad song, not desperately. I feel a great desire with the hope that sometime you will reach what you are longing for. For me it is a great song. It guides me to my heart and dreams. What more do you want, when you make a song.
Germany, Dielheim
Is a song that will reach certain people! I enjoyed listening to the music for the song,, the variety of instruments does make the song sound much more appealing! I was impressed and not saddened by the song at all even though it is a sad song!
Canada, New Brunswick, Bathurst
very good
Greetings good music and lyrics is a blessing to make music with meaning and purpose I encourage you to continue working for God knowing that work for him is not in vain and we will have our reward hug greetings from Venezuela
Venezuela, Barinas
The pleasantries are Relentless...
I thought some good effort was put into this work. I enjoyed it and actually listened to it a couple of times. at the intro my first impression was the "fill" of the melody was a tad light, but that was surely a short lived impression.!! I was disappointed that I could not locate a running time clock as to make reference to the parts I may comment on, Anyway, at the first chorus the rise in intensity of the "twirlitzer" sounding organ (that would have a spinning pair of what looks like trumpet horns) really made the chorus full and carried very well across the bars. I think the harmony was tight and synced very well, with just the right amount of push from the background. Nice job on the balance of vocals. Overall I enjoyed the piece and look forward to visiting more of the work. Job well donw.
United States, Louisiana, Delcambre
Chill and sandness
I dig the song. It escalates as it starts in a chill atmosphere and it progresses reaching the chorus which erupts with feelings and emotions. Is like the verses are building the mood , telling the sad story and the chorus concludes all this progression with the vocal bursts. The vocals are soothing, the instrumental is calm and clear.
Romania, Cluj Napoca