Take care- Music 4 Life !
Attempting to move forward despite all things affecting not only musicians due to no where to perform. But must use time to work at jobs that help you in life. Doing the best you can to stay happy, walk, sing, get things done generally had no time for. Wishing everyone safe rest of your summer. Check out Ford clinic, who found hydroxychloroquine used early IS successful, affordable. So take care. Meanwhile, my album Daydreamer abailable on Amazon, listen on Pandora by request I am yours song is on there, other songs available request on i heart radio and spotify. Request any. Check albums Faded, Just me, Adventures of a Teenage Life, Day Dreamer under simply Tivoli Skye:) lets face it we all need money to survive, it's nice to hear great comments but all indie musicians need financial support. Thanks, for supporting my indie music! Tivoli = i lov it!