Dreams of 9 July 2010
Сны, 9/VII 2010 г.
To convert themes connected the Holocaust into art is a very delicate enterprise. Literature and sculpture are perhaps the most adequate media for carrying it out, due to their capability of giving a testimony without falling into manifestations of bad taste or lack of sensibility. The bronze sculptures of concentration camp inmates created by the Polish-Israeli artist Samuel Willenberg (1923-2016) are an eloquent expression of the Holocaust.
I tried to externalize my feelings of mourning and also, anger, about the Holocaust in music, including reminiscences of better times, the suffering, and, as a conclusion and culmination, variations on the Israeli national anthem.
The different sections appear here separately, but they are meant to be played one after the other without interruption, and their titles are:
I. Большая славянская симфония (Great Slavic Symphony)
II. Путешествие (Travel)
III. Воспоминания (Remembrances)
IV. Последняя остановка (Last Stop)
V. Разрушенные надежды (Destroyed Hopes)
VI. Государственный гимн Израиля (National Anthem of the State of Israel)
The idea to section III which appears again in V, I had already in 1961, when it came to me in a school excursion in Mexico City.
The cover artwork, a photograph of sunflowers, alludes to the book "The Sunflower" by Simon Wiesenthal.