Toe Jam Beats
10 years ago

Happy New Year! Here's Chapter 3 to LOVING YOU, A Novel by Van Dirk Fisher

HAPPY NEW YEAR Toe Jam Beats Fans! Here's Chapter 3 to LOVING YOU, A Novel by Van Dirk Fisher. I'm wishing you happiness and continued blessings in the New Year! Cheers, Van LOVING YOU, a novel by Van Dirk Fisher Chapter 3 Chapter Three: Knock, Knock As Justin laid in his bed his shit was like BRICK. He always woke up with a boner and this morning wasn’t any different. But Justin didn’t want to get up yet, no not yet. Laying there nude, the sheets felt good against his skin rising and falling with every breath he took. Suddenly he felt a warm wet tongue licking at his balls, ever so gently, lovingly, and attentively, “Ah, dats wassup.” He moved his legs apart to give better access. Dayum, if he was gonna get done he wanted to make sure every inch was licked. “Oh, yeah,” he said as he stretched his arms out to grab the bedposts as if he was strapped to it. Mmmmmmmmm the velvet tongue was skillful that paid close attention to his balls making them swell with milk so sweet you could taste it. “Ahhh,” as he moaned with pleasure his lips parted and a sigh of ecstasy escaped letting his dawgs below know that he was pleased. He was dripping pre cum and a trail began to race down the side of his shaft. But none was wasted as the tongue swiftly lapped it up with a quicker pace to insure that none was missed. Justin thought he was dreaming as he quickly remembered seeing Mariah last night at the club. But wait a second, how could she? He wanted her so badly. Did he chase her down last night and persuade her to come home with him? He didn’t remember doing such a thing. Besides, she left with Michael and by the time he got outside the club she was long gone. “Oh, shit,” his toes began to curl as the licking became fierce as it swept the head of his dick and teased it ever so gently. “Oh FUCK, I’m gonna nutt!” Justin couldn’t hold back any longer so he grabbed his shit and finished it off. As his hand replaced the tongue, a nail scratched him and he winced in pain, but it didn’t matter cause that shit felt good. So good that he let out a sound loud enough to wake up his neighbors as his body shivered uncontrollably with glee. It sounded kinda stupid, but he didn’t care. He tried to brush the hand away with his other hand and when he did he heard an all too familiar sound from Tina, his cat. He bolted up in bed and sure enough it was her. He should have known it was his cat Tina. She was naughty, but nice as she sat on the side of the bed licking her paw with content. He laughed to himself. “Thanks baby girl. I got the hint. Daddy didn’t feed you, huh?” Dayum, what time is it? Justin thought to himself as he glanced over his shoulder to see the clock. “Oh, no. I forgot to set my alarm.” He looked at Tina. She was one hell of a cat. Smarter than any dog he ever had and faithful. He picked her up and kissed her. “Thanks baby girl. You knew my ass was supposed to be up by now, right? Right? Well, thanks.” He gave her another kiss as he walked into his master bathroom to take a shower. Yeah, today is an important day alright. Justin had a callback for the cover of Men’s Health Magazine and he didn’t want to be late. By the time Justin got out of the shower and dressed, his doorbell rang. It was Keith and Troy, two of his running buddies. They were models too with chiseled bodies that were toned and firm. They weren’t competitive like most brothers. They always had each other’s back and they kept each other in the loop to make sure they got in on all the go sees. Nine out ten times one of them would book a job. Sometimes they all booked the same job. When that happened it was sweet! Hell, as long as it was one of them, they were content. The intercom rang again and again. Finally Justin decided to answer it. “I’m coming yo, chill!” “If you got some girl up in your spot tell her you’ll see her later. We got business to take care of partner,” Keith’s voice boomed through the intercom. “It ain’t like that man. I’m coming now,” Justin said. “That’s probably what’s taking you so long man. You can do that shit later. Let’s beat it man!” said Troy. “Oh, oh, you got jokes! I’ll see who’s laughing when I book this job,” Justin said. When Justin stepped outside his brownstone he could see they were happy to see him. These were his boys. One playa to another, he knew he could tell them anything and they would tell him the truth. They were like that with each other. They were tight and they knew how to keep it real. Harlem was changing. New town houses were going up everywhere. Money was moving into the neighborhood. Blacks with money were staying. Whites with money were moving in. Shoot after Clinton set up his office on 125th Street several businesses, retail stores and people finally discovered that Harlem was an attractive place to live. Shit, Justin knew that and so did a lot of other people. Finally, money was being spent to bring Harlem back to the glorious luster of its heyday. Some people thought things were moving a little too fast and now they were putting up street signs saying SoHa and NoHa, meaning South Harlem and North Harlem. Justin had to laugh to himself. But some people weren’t laughing, because now Columbia University wanted to change the complexion of Harlem a little bit more and decided it needed an additional 17 acres surrounding its college for expansion. And merchants and people who have lived here for decades were being displaced. Anyway, Justin didn’t have time for all that. He had enough on my mind. Mariah. He couldn’t believe that he saw her after all these years. He told Keith and Troy about last night, running into her at the club and kissing her. “That shit was intense. It was as if we had never been apart. I felt her in my arms and they ached from holding her. But it was a good ache, you know, like after a good workout. Like when your body is sore, but you know its good for you, cause you needed to work those muscles again. Well, that’s how I felt when I saw Mariah. I felt alive again, man! I could breath again. I wanted her and I wasn’t going to give up on having her again.” Keith said he knew something was up with me. He said he could sense it. Every now and then he said he felt like I wasn’t there with them. Like I was some place else. Some place better. Troy was a little more crude. He just said, “You’re pussy whipped. That’s it man. Admit it. Mariah’s that girl you told me about who you fell for and then you let her get away by telling her you were some other girl’s baby’s daddy.” “Oh, shit!” said Keith. “That’s who you ran into last night?! Is that who’s got you all twisted?” “Yeah, that’s the one,” I said. “That’s her.” “Mmm and she’s engaged to Michael Cavaughan? The Michael Cavaughan?!” Keith kept saying it like he couldn’t believe my dumb luck. “Yeah that’s her,” I said. “Well let’s go book this job, man. Cause you gonna need some dollars if you wanna compete with a man like that,” Keith broke it down to me like he was speaking the gospel truth. I didn’t want to admit it, but I knew he was right. We took the subway down to Grand Central Station and walked over to Madison Avenue. Finally, we arrived at BBD&O, the advertising agency that was handling the Men’s Health Magazine account. When we stepped off the elevator the receptionist greeted us, “Sign in here, please. Then go through those doors to the left and then Stacy will give you your clothes.” As soon as we got through the doors Stacy grabbed us. She was a fairly attractive white girl, with black hair pulled back in a ponytail. “The clients are here and they aren’t too happy with the guys they’ve seen so far so I hope you guys can wow them!” “Don’t worry we will,” I said confident as usual for the three of us. “Don’t convince me. Convince them! Here are your clothes. You can get dressed in there. I’ll be back to get you in a few minutes,” Stacy said as she closed the door behind her. Cool, cool, I thought to myself. We all got dressed quickly. I of course remembered to bring some baby oil to rub down all over my body. I know they gonna make us strip down to our briefs and when we do I wanna make sure it’s hot! This is going to be a 6 page spread and they’re going to be booking 5 guys for this edition and one guy will get the cover. I don’t know about my boys, but I was determined to make sure the cover was gonna be me! I had just zipped up my pants when Stacy came to get us. She handed each of us a pair of black shades to wear. “Here guys, put these on. They’re going for the Matrix look. Hence the shades, the long black coats, the pants and shirts. You get the picture. When we open the door for you to enter the studio you will hear the music playing. The clients are in there sitting behind the table. I want you to give them attitude, sex and just be fucking bad ass, but cute. You know, like you are ready to kick ass, but they’re going to love it cause you’re the one doing the ass kicking.” Troy chimed in, “I feel you on that. I can do that.” “Good,” Stacy said. “You can strut your stuff, move to the music any way you want. The photographer will be taking pictures. Don’t worry about him. Just do your thing. We are not going to have you slate your name at this time. The client wants it to be mysterious. But don’t worry we will get your name afterwards.” Here it comes, I know she’s going to say it, I thought to myself, but she didn’t. Instead she said, “I know it sounds a little kinky, but just humor them. Make them want you damnit and the job is yours. Comprende? Understand?” “Got it!” we said in unison. Finally the moment came and the door opened. J-Smash’s hit song KNOCK, KNOCK was blasting out of the speakers and the three of us entered the studio. The lights were so bright you couldn’t see any of the clients who were sitting behind the table, but we didn’t need to. We were on and the music was hot and seductive. We each strutted our stuff and kept moving to the beat as we pulsated and began to disrobe. Troy almost made me laugh when he started making noises like a tiger. Keith tried to top him by making a sound that sounded like something right out of THE LION KING. I said to myself, “Oh hell no, you guys are not going to stand me up. Hell to the fucking NO! That’s when I decided to seductively peel out of my pants. I don’t know where it came from, but I heard myself starting to hiss like a snake. I almost didn’t think that was going to work, but then I knew they were enjoying it because I heard one of the female clients ask some body to get her some water, cause she was about to lose her breath. Then I heard a man say, “Girlfriend you’re going to have to get it yourself, cause my ass is glued to this seat and I’m not moving unless there’s a second coming, but I do believe I done died and went to heaven cause I think I found God. Somebody get me my glasses I’m seeing triples!” “Your eyes are fine Jeffrey. You’re wearing them darling! And I think we’ve found three men for our magazine, but only one of you can be on the cover.” Slowly she walked over toward us and as she got closer I could see her clearly. She almost took my breath away, but before I could say anything she singled me out. “I want you,” she said. I pointed to myself almost in disbelief with a sly smile. “Yes you,” she said as she turned back to the other clients. “Gentlemen, I’m sure you can agree with me, this is the model for our cover for the next edition of MEN’S HEALTH MAGAZINE!” Then she turned back around to me and said, “You’ll be perfect. With you on the cover the magazine will fly off the shelves. Take off your shades. Let me see our lucky stud.” Happy that all three of us would be working on this job, and that I would get the cover I obliged and took off my shades and said, “As you wish.” She couldn’t have been more surprised than me when she said, “Justin!” “I’m glad you like what you see Mariah,” I said devilishly as Troy and Keith’s eyes nearly bugged out as they did a double take. I saw them out of the corner of my eyes and I knew what they were thinking, “Dayam, she’s hot!” I knew it, she knew it and so did everyone else who laid eyes on her. “Should I put my clothes back on?” I said to her as I smiled that smile that usually makes the girls get weak in the knees. “Yes, of course, . . . please do! All of you. You may get dressed . . . now,” she was tongue tied for once and I was content, because now my search was through.” You can order your signed copy of LOVING YOU at http://www.therianttheatre.com/item.php?id=14 Or you can get the book at www.amazon.com You can listen to the song KNOCK, KNOCK that is a song included in the Soundtrack for the movie. It's also uploaded on our site here.





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