Toe Jam Beats
10 years ago

Thank You! Here's Chapter 1 from the novel LOVING YOU by Van Dirk Fisher

Thank you for subscribing to Toe Jam Beats. As promised here's the first chapter to the novel LOVING YOU. Each chapter features a song on the Soundtrack. I've also uploaded another song GET LOOSE by CHRISTINA. I hope that you enjoy it and share it with your friends. The novel will be made into a movie. It hasn't been cast yet, but as you read it I would be interested to hear your suggestions on who you would cast in the various roles. Thank you for taking the time to read it. As the holidays approach I'm thankful for all of my friends, fans & family. Know that you are loved and blessed and be a blessing to others! Enjoy! Best, Van LOVING YOU, a novel by Van Dirk Fisher Place: Chances Night Club. Time: After midnight. Song: GET LOOSE by Christina is playing. Chapter One: Get Loose It’s Valentine’s Day and the sweet scent of love is in the air. It’s thick and smooth, sweet and strong. Intoxicatingly and hypnotically filling the nostrils of every human being bold enough to step out on a night like this with an aroma of sex so strong that if you dared to do something naughty you could swear it wasn’t your fault. Cupid’s playing a game and he’s picking his subjects with much delight, and if his arrow hits you, you’ll quickly discover that you’re simply his puppet so you might as well give in. Besides it’s better that way. The less you resist the easier it’s all going to go down. And isn’t that what everyone wants anyway? It’s Friday night. A little after midnight in New York and the moon is full, giving everyone a good excuse to bust loose, get buck wild and drop it like it’s hot! The place to be on a night like this is Chances Night Club, and Mario, the dj, is rockin’ the house and pumping it so good that you can hear the people on the dance floor moan with pleasure. Oh yeah, he’s that good and he knows it, as a sweet smile slides across his face revealing a seductive smile with a promise that it’s going to get hot and you’re going to love it. A hot stud, Mario knew he could have any girl in this club if he wanted them and any man for that matter. He was that fine and he knew it. His skin was so smooth and golden caramel that it glistened as he worked up a sweat spinning the beats to Christina’s hit song GET LOOSE. And that’s exactly what everyone was doing as the song filled the air. The vibe was electric. Everyone was dressed to impress and hopefully would find that special someone to make the night complete. Justin, a tall glass of chocolate that could give Tyson Beckford a run for his money, was getting his drink on when this girl stepped up to him and tried to lure him to the dance floor. She was hot and was snatched from head to toe in an outfit that left very little to the imagination. She had the goods, but Justin never liked it when women threw themselves at him. He wanted to work for it. He wanted to be in control. She kept fawning over him, but he wasn’t having any of it. He wanted to say something, but didn’t want to be rude. Finally she got the message and moved on to the next guy longing for attention. Dayum he wished women would just let him be the man and take that shit when he wanted it and how he wanted it. But when they saw him they couldn’t help themselves. That’s because Justin oozed sex, but when it was too easy to acquire he wasn’t interested. Plain and simple, he liked the attention, but preferred being the one to make the first move. He loved to tantalize a woman until she begged for him to rip her clothes off and take that shit. He had skills and he knew it. He wasn’t conceited, but he also wasn’t interested in a quickie. If he was going to make love to a woman he was going to do it right, and she was going to remember that he touched her in a way that she would scream his name and only his name, over and over again until they both lay there spent from reaching an orgasm so good that you would swear you died and went to heaven. But there weren’t many women who could satisfy him to completion. When they saw the size of his dick they would shiver and their eyes would bug out as their lips voluntarily became moist in anticipation of what’s to come. Most women couldn’t take him all the way, but there was one woman who could and her name was Mariah. She was a class act, tall and sexy, with long legs that seemed to extend forever. Justin always liked a woman with sexy legs. He liked running his fingers up and down them and massaging their feet. It turned him on, especially, when they wrapped their legs around him and gave him the pleasure of sucking each toe as if they were a delectable piece of fruit meant to be sucked on and licked until they screamed with delight. God must have been reading his mind, because as he finished his drink and wrapped his tongue around the cherry in his glass and pulled on it ever so gently, the stem gave way and juice squirted out from it’s core. The taste was so sweet he thought of Mariah again and then suddenly, as if in a dream, he laid eyes on her as she descended the stairs entering the club with her entourage of girls behind her. She didn’t see him, but how could she? When the light he illuminated upon seeing her would have blinded anyone who looked at him. His pulse began to quicken as a single bead of sweat raced down his neck, heading straight for his navel to hold conference with his dawgs below that they were now beginning to stir as if someone had told them it was now worth making an appearance at this party. They had a mind of their own and Justin could hear them barking, standing erect and tall, demanding to be let out. Mariah was beautiful as ever. The lights in the club seemed to love her as they followed her as her girlfriends led her to the dance floor. Her hair caressed her shoulders bouncing with delight that they had it going on as she smiled and moved her hips with such grace that only Beyonce could envy. Her dress flowed with a motion that seemed perfectly designed to embrace her body. Her skin glistened and glowed a golden hue like Krispy Crème donuts, sweet to taste and soft to touch. Yeah, Justin remembered her well. Who could forget a girl like Mariah? She was a class act. Her nipples stood erect and firm, but hidden behind a veil of fabric meant to tease and please. She was radiant as she danced with her girls. “GET LOOSE!” Christina sang out loud and seductive, as the dance crowd reached a frenzy of ecstasy! Mariah’s back was to him, but that didn’t bother Justin, because he loved approaching her from behind and so did she. Each step he took brought him closer to her and he could hear his dawgs barking louder and louder as if to say, “Dats wassup yo, we got this man, we got this!” Mario pumped the music up as Justin made his way across the room. She would be surprised to see him, especially after the last time she saw him. But he knew she would forgive him, because now he was free. He was his own man and he was ready to take the plunge. That is if she would have him. And if she did, he vowed he would never make the mistake he made before and that was to let her get away. She started to back up towards him, her hands swaying in the air, waving like she just didn’t care. And that’s when he touched her. His hands found her waist, ever so gently, like so many times before, and his hips joined the rhythm of hers and he leaned forward and whispered into her ear, “Guess who?” But before she could answer he kissed her neck. Startled she pulled away and turned to see who had been so bold to touch her in such a familiar way. “Justin!” she whispered as if she had seen a ghost. “What are you doing here?” she said loud enough for him to hear. “Dancing. Chillin with my boys,” he said, not taking his eyes off of her. Involuntarily he licked his lips, “Dayum you look good Mariah.” “Thanks,” she blushed. “You don’t look so bad yourself. I’m here with my girlfriends.” He sensed her uneasiness, but couldn’t figure out why. Wasn’t she glad to see him? “So I see,” he said as he took her hands and squeeze them gently. “Mmmmmmmm. You look great, happy.” “I am,” she said, trying not to look him directly in the eyes for too long. Justin had that effect on women, and soon her resistance would fade and Mariah knew she had to be strong. “Would you like to go some place to get a bite to eat? Some place quieter?” he said, knowing that if he was going to make his move it was not going to be on the dance floor or in a nightclub for that matter. His dawgs were still barking, and Justin knew that if Mariah looked down she would know that he was more than happy to see her. “No, actually I’m here celebrating with my girls,” she said as her lips parted as if they were begging to be kissed. “Well I can wait. I have all night,” he said. “I’m not going anywhere. That is, if you’ll still have me,” he said as he stepped closer to her that he could feel her breath on his chest. Mariah placed her hands on his chest. She could feel his dawgs brushing up against her and he knew it as he smiled at her. “Yeah, that’s wassup,” he hoped that she could read his thoughts. She did and she could feel his pulse and it was racing and pounding louder than ever, as his dawgs were begging to be let out so they could do their thing, but he was taking too damn long. “Don’t say anything, yet,” he said as he bent in to kiss her gently on the lips. “I only want to hear the word, “Yes.” He pulled her closer to him as her hands found their way around his neck and then suddenly as if no one else was in the club but them, they kissed passionately as her girlfriends stopped dancing and stood dumbfounded and in shock. Mariah’s best girl friend, Cassandra, was not having it. After all it was her duty to make sure Mariah didn’t get into any trouble and if she was it was not going to happen on her watch. Not on her watch! No one was going to blame her for suggesting they go to Chances for a girl’s night out and then find out some shit like this happened. What was Mariah thinking? Cassandra didn’t know, but she was about to find out. So with one hand on her hip and the other raised in the air as if to stop traffic, she said, “Mariah, baby, I know he’s not your cousin, and even if he was you seem to be enjoying that kiss too damn much for someone who’s suppose to be getting married in two weeks.” Cassandra tapped Mariah on her shoulder desperately trying to snap her out of making the mistake of her life. “Girlfriend, did you forget about Michael, your fiancé?!!” That question seemed to be enough to pour a little water on the two of them that even Justin had to step back and catch his breath. “Fiancé? Fiancé?” he said it twice as if the second time would grant him the response he wanted to hear. “Please tell me she’s joking.” “Read my lips,” Cassandra said as if she was talking to her fifth grade class that she teaches on the lower east side. “No, she’s not,” Mariah said, as she glared at Cassandra as if she had just sentenced her to a life in prison without parole. “Justin, the last time I saw you I thought you weren’t interested in me. Besides you were engaged with a baby on the way. What was there for me to stick around for? I wasn’t interested in sharing you and I had no intention of being the other woman.” “Point well taken. I didn’t know what I wanted at the time. Later I found out the baby wasn’t mine, and after you left, I knew I had made the wrong decision. Mariah, I love you.” She started to pull away, but he grabbed her hands. “I want you.” He kissed her passionately as Michael enters the club with his boys in tow. “Oh, shit!” Cassandra thought to herself as she spotted them. Bobby fucked up again. She told him that she and the girls were taking Mariah to Chances and he was supposed to take Michael to the 40 40 Club. She made that perfectly clear and Bobby promised her that he would, but she knew why he was here. He was here to keep an eye on her. He was the jealous type and he couldn’t bear the thought of her dancing with any other man, but him. She loved Bobby and she loved the attention, but this shit didn’t fly to well with her. Why would she step out on him? Bobby treated her well. Gave her everything she wanted and she did everything in her power to let him know she only had eyes for him. But it wasn’t her he was worried about. It was all the other dawgs he was afraid would come sniffing once they caught a whiff of her scent. He said it drives him crazy and whenever they were out in public he couldn’t wait to take her home so they could make love over and over again. So now she had to earn her title of maid of honor and she had to prevent Michael from discovering what was about to go down. “Time to alert and divert,” Cassandra thought to herself as she tapped Mariah on the shoulder, but it was too late and Michael was quickly headed this way. LOVING YOU by Van Dirk Fisher is available on Amazon.com and at http://www.therianttheatre.com/item.php?id=14 (Novel & Soundtrack) You can also get the soundtrack at www.cdbaby.com/toejambeats or on itunes (search for Toe Jam Beats)





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