Toe Jam Beats
10 years ago

Things get heated in Chapter 4 of LOVING YOU, The Novel./See Strawberry One-Act Festival - ON DEMAND

Hi, I hope all is well with you. I'm very excited about the new things happening right now and I want to share a few things with with you. First of all I've added Chapter 4 for you to read along with the song TRIALS by SnuggS, which I've added to our playlist for your listening pleasure. And I'm happy to announce that you can now See The Strawberry One-Act Festival – ON DEMAND on Vimeo.com What is the Strawberry One-Act Festival? Think American Idol for Playwrights! The play festival is a competition where plays compete for the title of Best Play of the Season. The New York Daily News calls it the American Idol for Playwrights. The Strawberry One-Act Festival, where you the audience gets to see the plays and cast your VOTES to determine which plays advances to the next round. The Festival will be release ON DEMAND beginning February 12th. There are performances every day through February 22, 2015, when we’ll have the Awards Ceremony & Performance, in which the 4 Best Plays will perform and Awards will be given out for Best Play, Best Director, Best Actor & Actress in a play. But you can preorder the festival now at https://vimeo.com/ondemand/strawberryfestsa and check out the trailer. Also like us on facebook at www.facebook.com/RiantTheatre #StrawberryOneActFestival LOVING YOU, Chapter 4: TRIALS by Van Dirk Fisher The clock struck 12 in Michael Cavaughan’s office at B-Boy Records and still there was no sign of Tyrell. This wasn’t a good sign, but Michael was doing his best not to let it show. Tyrell was the latest hip-hop artist added to the roster of impressive clients and Michael was very pleased with his performance. His debut CD Tyrell – Taking It To The Streets had sold over 600,000 units, and it was still climbing the charts. Bobby was supposed to pick Tyrell up and have him in front of Michael at 11:30 a.m. Traffic can be a bitch in Manhattan, but this was ridiculous. If it wasn’t for the fact that Michael had been busy with another client until now, it wouldn’t have been so bad. But now he was free and Michael wanted to get Tyrell to renew his contract so he could move on and plan their next CD. He glanced at the two bottles of champagne that were sitting on ice, waiting to be opened. Michael was happy. He had done well. He had made a wise investment in Tyrell and it had paid off handsomely. It was now 12:15 p.m. As soon as Michael pressed the intercom to speak to his secretary his door burst open and in walked Bobby sweating profusely. “What is it Bobby? Where is Tyrell?” said Michael. “Don’t tell me he forgot about our meeting today?” Bobby wiped his forehead with his handkerchief and said, “I wish I could tell you that, but I don’t think he forgot.” “Then where is he? Look, I don’t have time to waste. I have another meeting at 2pm,” Michael said trying not to show his impatience. “Well I went to his place like you told me to. I spoke to the doorman and he said Tyrell was on his way down and he would be right out. I said, “Cool.” And then I waited in my car. When Tyrell came out of the building, I thought he was coming over to my car, but he didn’t. Instead, he got into this black SUV,” said Bobby. “And? And? Where the fuck did he go?” Michael said perplexed as his pressure was starting to rise. “Spit it out Bobby! WHERE IS HE?!” “I followed the car and it pulled up in front of Killer Inc. Records. I was going to follow him upstairs, but I thought it would be better if I came back here and told you first to see how you wanted to handle this,” Bobby said quickly, looking to see if Michael was going to explode, but there was nothing but silence. Bobby figured Michael was in shock so he helped himself to a glass of ice water. “Oh, shit,” Michael tried to pull off a nonchalant laugh, but he couldn’t even fool himself. “That punk ass nigga. So he thinks he can step out on me like this? That nigga better think again. I MADE him and I OWN HIM!” Michael said as he poured himself a glass of Courvoisier. “So what do you want me to do man?” Bobby said anxiously. “Get Bonz, get the car and meet me out front,” Michael said firmly and with that command Bobby finished his water and quickly left. Shit was on, Michael thought to himself. Why did people always want to fuck with him? Why? It seemed the more successful he became the more people wanted to challenge his authority. They wanted to see how much they could get away with and if he would really put up a fight. But some people just didn’t understand. They couldn’t see past the fine suits and ties that Michael sported. They forgot that he knew the hood. He may have the look of a prince, but he had the heart of a thug. When Michael and his boys walked into Killer Inc. Records security waved them through and they quickly entered the elevator and took it to the penthouse. Bobby and Bonz didn’t know what was about to go down, but they were prepared for anything. The fact that Michael had asked Bonz to come along could only mean one thing and that is -- some shit was about to go down. The elevator door opened and Michael got off first. Stogie was CEO of Killer Inc. Records. Many people in the industry thought that B-Boy Records and Killer Inc. Records were staunch enemies, but that wasn’t true. As far as Michael was concerned Stogie was small stuff and no competition. Stogie was a glasses wearing scavenger who quickly signed any artist who lost a record deal with a major label. That’s how he got his talent. He didn’t cultivate them the way Michael did. “There must be some mistake.” That’s what Michael kept telling himself. But he was about to find out. Veronica, Stogie’s secretary looked surprised to see Michael and his boys exit the elevator and spoke up at once, “Excuse me, can I help you? Is Mr. Stogie expecting you?” Michael didn’t pay her any mind and said, “Don’t bother to announce us. I want to surprise him.” And with that Michael and his boys burst into Stogie’s office. Stogie was on the phone looking out of the window and laughing up a storm. He was a stout Black man about 5’10 in height and immaculately dressed in a blue gray suit. His suit jacket was on a coat rack in the corner of the room. When he turned around and laid eyes on Michael and his boys his laughter died and the smile quickly left his face as if he had been caught with his pants down and his dick in his hand. “I’ll have to call you back. I have a meeting I have to tend too,” Stogie said as calmly as he could to whomever he was talking to on the phone. “Oh, please, don’t let me interrupt you. I can wait,” said Michael patronizingly. “No, I can talk now. Have a seat,” Stogie said as he put his phone down and cleaned his glasses and then put them back on. Michael stood there and didn’t move an inch. Bobby moved to the left of Michael, but stayed slightly behind him. Meanwhile, Bonz carefully closed the door and locked it and then moved to Michael’s right side, but within arm’s distance. “Never let them see you sweat,” is what Stogie was thinking, but that was hard to do. Shit like this always made him sweat. Some guys just didn’t know how to let go and Michael was that kind of guy, Stogie thought to himself. Just then his intercom rang and it was his secretary Veronica calling. Stogie pressed the button so he could hear her, “Is everything alright Mr. Stogie? Michael Cavaughan didn’t give me a chance to announce him. Will you be needing anything?” “No Veronica, everything is fine. Thank you,” Stogie said as he tried to sound like it was business as usual, but he knew better. Suddenly it was hotter than a witches brew and somehow Stogie managed to loosen his tie. “Well, Michael I figured we would talk, but I just didn’t expect for us to have this conversation so soon. Would anyone like a drink?” Stogie said as he got up to make himself a screwdriver. Michael noticed the drink and thought Stogie was trying to fuck with him, because he felt that it was him that Stogie was trying to screw. Stogie stirred his drink and took a sip and then let out a satisfying sigh and smiled as he sat down, hoping that the drink would settle his stomach. “Well gentlemen, what can I do for you?” he finally said. “Look nigga, don’t play dumb with me! You know why I’m here. You’ve got something that belongs to me,” Michael said as he leaned on Stogie’s desk practically breathing in his face. Bonz thought that they were awfully close. Too close. So close that you would have thought Michael was going to kiss him, if you didn’t know any better. Stogie could feel the hairs in his nose part as the sweet smell of Michael’s cologne invaded his nostrils. “Come on Michael, you know me better than that man. Why would I try to fuck with you man? This is nothing personal. This is bizzness.” The funk coming out of Stogie’s mouth was more offensive than the words he spoke and Michael stood up to catch his breath and to clear his head, but Stogie kept talking and every word he spoke continued to cloud Michael’s mind. “Tyrell came to me. He said, he was looking to move in a different direction and I asked him if he was sure and he said, “Yes.” I didn’t force him to jump ship. You did! He said, he wanted more personal freedom to express himself and that’s what I gave him,” Stogie said defiantly. Slowly Michael leaned into Stogie to make his point -- again. “I don’t give a FUCK what he told you and what you offered him. He’s mine! Do you hear me? HE’S MINE!!!” Michael said as he stood up trying to compose himself. “Look Michael I didn’t want you to find out like this. I wanted to call you, but Tyrell said he would handle it and I trusted he would, but it’s too late man. It’s a done deal. In fact he’s going to be on Wendy Williams’ show in about a few minutes -- making the announcement,” Stogie said as he turned the radio on. Michael couldn’t believe his ears, but the sound of Wendy Williams voice was undeniably coarse with glee as she prattled on. She was the kind of woman whom you didn’t want to get on her bad side, cause she could stir up some shit, and even if it wasn’t true most people believed everything she said as if she had an inside track to the gospel truth. “Well ladies and gentlemen, as I promised you, I have an artist here with me today who’s going to make a major announcement, and if I do say so myself he’s cuter in person. I could eat him up right now if I wasn’t already married. Say hello Tyrell,” Wendy said with a honey tongue so thick that even bees wouldn’t trust it. “How y’all doing? Thanks for having me Wendy,” said Tyrell like the chicken to the fox. “Anytime baby, anytime. You know you are welcome to come by here and chat with me anytime you want. Now what is this big announcement you wanted to make?” said Wendy as if she didn’t already know. You could tell she was just busting at the seams to tell it herself. “Well I just wanted to thank all my fans for buying my first CD and I wanted to let them know that I’ve got a new CD that’s a little more personal that I hope they’ll love just as much.” “Well, I’m sure they will Tyrell. I’ve already heard it and it’s earthy and deeper than anything else I’ve heard you do,” said Wendy coaxing him and trying to get him to spill the big news. “Thank you. I’m glad you’ve noticed. I was able to record a CD like this because I’m under new management now. I’m with Killer Inc. Records,” Tyrell said almost confidently as Wendy hit the applause button, but Michael couldn’t believe his ears. “I’m releasing a single from my new CD and I would like you to play it first, right here for your listeners,” said Tyrell finally loosening up with a smooth and silky voice that could make any girl wanna be a do right woman by him. “Well let’s not keep them waiting any longer. What’s the name of this single?” Wendy said. “It’s called TRIALS,” said Tyrell. As the song blared out of the speakers in Stogie’s office, Stogie had a look of contentment on his face. As he smiled he forgot that Michael was standing in his office listening to the interview. That’s why he didn’t see what was coming. WHACK! Oh shit, Stogie thought to himself, as he winced in pain, as his face whipped around with such force that his glasses flew across the room and landed appropriately on his bookcase as if they had never read a book before. A tear cowardly and uncontrollably fell from Stogie’s eye as Michael raised his hand back and said, “You got some big balls nigga. From the look on your face I know you ain’t seen one of these before, so say ‘Hello’ to my Magnum.” Stogie opened his mouth in surprise, but Michael pistol-whipped him before he could say a word. This time some blood trickled down Stogie’s nose. “Oh, shit. You better not get any blood on me. You hear me?! Shit!” “Michael man, Tyrell said he didn’t want to renew his contract with you. That’s the only reason I agreed to sign him. It’s all legal man. It’s all legal!” Stogie raised his voice, trying not to sound like a whimp. “Legal? Legal?! Did you even bother to read the contract he signed with me?” Michael said as Stogie just looked dumbfounded. “I didn’t think so. I had a first option to renew. I didn’t break his contract. He owes me 3 albums. Now, I could sue your ass for doing what you did, but since I like you, I’m going to let you release your album, but every cent of the proceeds is mine. Mine!!!!! Do you hear me?” “Yeah,” Stogie said with a whimper. “DO YOU HEAR ME?” Michael said as Stogie finally found the strength to pick his ass up off the floor. “YES, I HEAR YOU!” Stogie said loud and clear. “That’s better. If you had any sense and if you were a REAL man you would have contacted me when Tyrell came to you and I would have told you what the situation was and we wouldn’t be in this shit we’re in right now,” said Michael as he gave Stogie a tissue to wipe the blood from his nose. “We CEOs have got to stick together, you know what I mean? Otherwise people will start talking. And I know you ain’t gonna tell anyone about our little meeting, cause how would that sound? ‘CEO of Killer Inc. Records gets beat down by his competition. News at eleven!’ Michael said with a smirk on his face, while Bonz and Bobby could hardly contain themselves and bust out laughing. “That shit ain’t right boss! That shit ain’t right. It’s the truth though, word,” said Bonz. “Sure nuff. Funny as hell though,” said Bobby. Then all four of them looked at each other and then Bonz said, “So what you want us to do with him now?” “Teach this mother fucker a lesson so this shit don’t happen again. But don’t leave any marks,” said Michael and with that Bobby and Bonz held Stogie up by his arms and proceeded to pummel him in the stomach. “Enough! Let’s go,” said Michael as he unlocked the door. As the song TRIALS ended on the radio Wendy Williams hit the applause button again and said, “Well Tyrell, I think you’ve got a hit on your hands mister. I love it!” “Thank you Wendy and there’s a lot more where that came from so look for my CD Tyrell – A Hard Knocks Life. It drops next Tuesday,” said Tyrell. “Thank you Tyrell, I’m sure they’ll wanna buy it. Thank you for spending some time with us and I hope you come back again, cause I’m sure we’ll be hearing more from you come the Grammy nominations.” More applause. “I hope so,” Tyrell said with a modest laugh. “You’ve got it. That’s wassup.” Stogie heard the door to his office close as his anger grew. He was nobody’s punk. And Michael Cavaughan was going to have to pay for what he had done to him and Stogie was going to see to it that he did. If payback was a bitch, then Stogie was going to be worse than a bitch’s bitch! To hear TRIALS sung by SnuggS check out the latest song added to our playlist. Thanks for taking the time to listen to our music and read the chapters from LOVING YOU. Have a blessed week. Take Care, Van





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