How will we touch tomorrow?
Song Reviews
I like the sound it's original! I can feel the heart in this showing you put in some dedicated work. I like the melody and the flow of the beat and smooth and blues sounding makes the sound even better and natural, very straight forward and with some smooth lyrics I can dig it!!! Sounds like the studio vibe was feeling the vibe I could sit back to this one and zone out!!!!! More artist should study the roots of their culture of art more to be better at their own art. Keep up the good work and stay in the lab creating new material to stay fresh and on your toes. Peace!
United States, South Carolina, Rock Hill
I like the slow jazzy sounding tune. A bit like Tom Waites. I like the mention of the thin white duke(Bowie)? Good change in the song. A dark side of the stories of life maybe. The song is laid back like its a Sunday morning after a coffee and breakfast after having a hang over. Its that smoky foggy feeling, maybe a bit of melancholy. Interesting story though in your song writing style. It is interesting though and offering a different take on sons instead of the expected stuff. Surprise and revealing the unexpected is much better. Good luck with your projects.
United Kingdom, Colwyn Bay
"How will we touch tomorrow?" by Tommy Jensen
"How will we touch tomorrow?" by Tommy Jensen has a great and smoth bass, nice Blues track. Wonderfull vocals. The Piano at the end, makes ist jazzy It remainds me a little bit at the Band Cortex (Freddie Wadling) from sweden.
Germany, Erfurt
It kind of reminds me of something by the Doors musically. The Vocals take you down a dark journey. The Harmony on the Chorus work well. The Piano puts on that eerie anything can happen type of vibe.
United States, Washington, Sequim
Something new
Wow !!! Now that was different , kind of Nick Cave influence maybe ? I love the piano and Bass , they gel great together , enough to keep the listener interested , overall I think the recording sounds great , nice separation between instruments , the drums are so chilled and sitting right where they should be , at the back , my only criticism would be the guitar , my personal option is too much gain causing a slight top end fizz but you get that from all guitar processors but in saying that , I love this composition ........ Very well done ....... looking forward to hearing more Cheers ....................Squirty...................
Australia, Brisbane
Subterranean Cigar Jazz
End of days in a rippling echo of subterranean jazz, can imagine myself in a smoke filled room with an interesting old Cossack dancing the Hopak in a corner tangled in whispery ribbons of old school apparel
Australia, hobart
60's coffee house retro
Interplay between bass and piano very jazzy with an early 1960's coffee house "beatnik" vibe. Lyrics and vocal are very reminiscent of Jim Morrison from the Doors early performances. The lyrics lose a little in translation for the American market. Personally I would like to hear more of the distorted guitar and more aggressive drums toward the end. All in all a very interesting tune.
United States, Arkansas, Little Rock
Tom Waits
That's who this sounds like to me, or a bit of Leonard Cohen, with a Lou Reed lack of power and energy, laid back, I'm shocked I was asked to review this, it's been years since i was even in here it seems, nice song, love the vibe
United States, Illinois, CHICAGO
Great Style Just Like A Travel in Time
Hello everyone, a big greeting!!! I hope you´re having a great day so far. Today I gave myself the task of continuing with what is the second revision that I will do in 2023 and today I took some time to listen to the song" How shall we touch tomorrow?¨ Tommy Jensen is the name of this artist from Sweden, Stockholm, and I personally believe he is a great singer. The very old school style makes you travel back in time with those nuances of slow 70's-type club music. .. Good musical proposal of great quality, and actually I found the song and the theme quite good with a very alternative sound to my choice, so it is one for those who mostly follow soloists who sound very alternative or experimental, the sound quite dark or something dramatic and well, in general I really liked it, I think that from the beginning of the song it shows us a very specific sound and with good bases, there are parts where the piano immerses you and you feel where the energy changes once more and well, the nuance of the chorus to the The end of the song gave it a lot of added value since it makes it more versatile and not redundant in the melody. In short, a very good structure. I also think that one of the most important parts is a great mix, as I always say it is great to perceive each instrument very clearly and it feels like the voice fits quite well and it is remarkable how he makes use of his great voice and technique. I can only say very well done… take a few minutes of your time and visit his page, subscribe and follow this great proposal, that in my personal taste is a great artist from whom I love much more a greeting and thanks to listen to all those who use N1M for supporting and continuing to help the artist communities, have a good start to the week.
Costa Rica, Heredia
A Nice Unique Song
A gentle blues with alot of originality on the sound. A unique expressive voice, its always good to hear something truly unique and indivicual. This grows on you and has a unique feeling of ryhthm. Iike the guitar that comes in with unique feeling of swing!! Good job!!
United Kingdom, Oxford, England
Creepy Vibe is Awesome!
As soon as I pushed play i loved the vibe! Your voice is a dope fit for this type of song. I can definitely hear this playing in a lounge. It gave me the vibe of being in a movie with a dope standoff scene. When the chorus came in i was blown away. Great work on this record. I love the female voice in the background on the chorus. Also, the piano was a great touch for this record. It also has a very creepy vibe.
United States, Michigan, Detroit
Thank you for sharing your songs very unique yellow unique style very versatile thank you for sharing it keep me posted on any music you may have in the near future. Hope you enjoying your week so far and keep on creating people making great unique music keep on being a blessing to the world thank you again have a wonderful day thank God continue to bless you and I'll let you go to doing create keep on making great music...
United States, California, Every Where
Absolutely amazing
The music had great sounds and tones that really grabbed my attention. Vocals were on point and complimented the music and style. I really enjoyed it a lot. Just wanted to give you a little feedback didn’t have anything negative to say about it at all. Thanks for your time
United States, Arkansas, Mountain Home
Brand Your Brand
Following me on Tik Tok: @mrqrock #mrqrock Facebook: Q.Rock Foundation Enjoy your life to the fullest share subscriber and enjoy our song. Contact: +27744594680 Following me on Tik Tok: @mrqrock #mrqrock Facebook: Q.Rock Foundation Enjoy your life to the fullest share subscriber and enjoy our song. Contact: +27744594680
South Africa, Cape Town
cool as the night
Jim lives Sweden rocks as usual The Film Noir Soundtrack of the modern live. ???????????? So now i have to tip that 1 million digits for the bleenies All for the bleenies They also go to hell. That fuggn bleenies
Switzerland, Basel
How will we touch tomorrow
wow what a beautiful song love the sounds and muscianship............this song has a really good melody lines I can hear this song over and over............they the song was put together is very unique..........just love the way its sung the vocals are spot on the guitars, drums and. Both guitars were played perfectly...............can't say enough about this song ............I want to thank you for letting me review your amazing song thsnk you.......... This is steve from voodoo dancer and thank you again.....................
United States, New York, Middle village
jazz di atmosfera voce adatta al genere la canzone si snoda salendo piano piano di tono per arrivare ad un bel punto con cori ben fatti e poi si ritorna al giro jazz pero' e' originale e ben strutturata come canzone
Italy, dalmine bg
N1M force us to review
Ante todo, pedir disculpas por estas palabras, nuestra intención no es molestar a nadie: La plataforma N1M nos obliga a hacer críticas al trabajo de otras personas, sin otra alternativa (como compartir canciones o eventos). Nosotros no somos los más capacitados para decir qué es lo que está bien o no, musicalmente, los gustos de la gente son muy diversos y, como es normal, no vamos a ser nosotros quienes juzguen las horas y horas de trabajo de otros músicos. Esta plataforma musical, sólo intenta sacar provecho de los músicos, no se aprecia en ningún momento que pretenda dar a conocer el trabajo de los músicos adheridos a su plataforma y, menos aún, los que tenemos cuentas gratuitas. Desde hace varios meses, no nos contabilizan las reproducciones de los temas ni tampoco nos permiten realizar campañas de promoción como "spotlight". Realmente N1M es una de las peores plataformas, tiene contratadas a una serie de personas que se encargan de repetir los mismos mensajes de apoyo, desde perfiles falsos, simulando ser fans. Los mismos perfiles, que luego, dejan de seguirte y un tiempo después vuelven y te dan el mismo mensaje de apoyo, una mentira más para que compres sus promociones falsas. Por supuesto, el trabajo que ha hecho Tommy Jensen, es un gran trabajo. Ha realizado una composición plena y ha transmitido parte de sus conocimientos y su creatividad al oyente para despertar sentimientos diversos. Eso es la música. Es el oyente quien ha de decidir si está bien o no una composición, si transmite las sensaciones o no, si estimula algún sentimiento al escuchar esa canción. Recomiendo que todos los músicos se den de baja de esta plataforma, están gastando su dinero de manera innecesaria. Feliz año nuevo.
Spain, Valencia