Tony Yarborough
United States, North Carolina, Durham

About Tony Yarborough
Born in 1966 September 28th to be exact Durham North Carolina allowed this singer songwriter and producer to be born right in the middle of Tobacco Road. At 4 years of age Tony started playing percussions with an Afro Cuban Jazz Ensemble that was next door.
In the 7th grade Mr. Oliver Hodge put Tony on tuba and became his first band director.
2 years later the job of band director transferred to mr. Clark Edgerton 3rd.
4 yrs of state championships and other awards for this Hillside High School band paved the way for the entertainment bug to grow in Tony.
1990 Baltimore is the jump off! As a drum Tech for gifted drummer Greg "GG"Granger, on an unforgettable night in Takoma Park Maryland at a wonderful little spot call Takoma Station at a gig for an exceptional saxophonist mr. Marshall keys, Tony had the opportunity to get on stage and sing Bobby Caldwell's "Do For Love" and got his first paid gig. After a few years of pursuing music full-time, after many Studio dates and many live gigs this young man headed home. Back in Durham North Carolina, Durham Community College this young man was able to secure a position as the teacher for a digital recording course.
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