Treble Attack
10 years ago

Treble Attack is Back!

That's right folks! We apologize to all of our fans and supporters around the world for not staying in touch more often! Things got a bit hairy for me and the boys when our website got hacked! We are also in the early negotiating stages of a deal with a major label but the discussion seems to have ended. Make no mistake though, Treble Attack is ready to carry on our beloved musical crusade! We found a distributor who will have our EP available for anyone to purchase on ITunes, Deezer, Spotify, and Amazon, and other great retailers. We continue to meet with industry contacts in search of funding for a tour and a follow-up album in 2015! Please continue to show your support for us and we won't let you down! Email your favourite local DJ and request our song, Can't Stand Lovin' You. And as a mailing list member, you are entitled to a free copy of Can't Stand Lovin You. Just email us your request and we will be SURE to reply! Take care all of you, my faithful Trebleheads, and we'll see you in your hometown someday! We need more "Likes" on facebook! It helps to impress the music execs and producers we meet. :-)





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