Tripp Keller
9 years ago

New Album Soon!

This is Tripp Keller letting you know I am 80% finished with my album. It will be a small track list at a maximum of 10 or 12 songs and as I continue with this project I am constantly adding and subtracting songs from the album to successfully give my album that certain feel I want. My whole idea of what I wanted changed halfway through the making of the album so please be patient with me as I am still discovering what I want and how I want you, the listener, to enjoy this album. I am also in the process of making short films and model photography and writing story boards for future music videos, so my energy is in multiple places right now. Thank You for subscribing and giving me a chance, it truly is appreciated. If you are interested in my photography please visit my instagram @trippkeller and if you know anyone that would like to participate and model for my photogrpahy in the Chicago area please contact me at trippthechief@gmail.com Again thank you!





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