When Christmas comes around

Christmas Joy

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Song Reviews

Review of When Christmas Comes Around

I had the pleasure of working with Matt Terry - pre X factor. Great song written by Ed Sheehan. I like the only piano rendition. You have a very unique voice, low tone, an accent - also had the pleasure to know the Japanese singer Keiko Lee. Your voice reminds me of her as well. I like this rendition and your artistry. We followed you for a while now, and wish you much success. I would have given it 5 stars, but I would have liked to hear you stretch your range a little more on the bridge, or a falsetto. Yo have the chops, perhaps stretch a little more. I would also do more original work - get a songwriter or write yourself and create something new and original. But for your core foundation, I'm there for you.

United States, Georgia, Atlanta

review of Christmas comes around

panio start was nice but I had trouble hearing vocals, panio bass keep the song moving nice and smooth but words wre hard to understand, overall not bad at all but could not get the story message the music flowed nicely , could maybe cut the musical part down a bit and clear up the vocals , it seemed like a good story and one I would haved liked to have heard. What I did hear was good and smooth making it a nice tune to listen to. Ending a little sudden! but overall not bad.

United States, Texas, Cushing

Sincere Music

Sincere Music For anyone to enjoy... This is a very nice idea for a original Christmas song.The Lyrics are sincere, but could use work. This is such an honest delivery... It certainly is sincere in it's delivery. Thanks for sharing Your Music - keep up the good work...

United States, Louisiana, Lake Charles


Absolutely Fabulous. Simply Marvelous. I could not run out of positive accolades with regards to this song. It is hauntingly beautiful. A Ballad of Epic proportion. The warmth of the holiday expectant season coupled with the anticipation of love during the same holidays. Bravo. This will be an All-time classic as well. Sincerely, Shug White, BINGETVEXCLUSIVE MULTIMEDIA

United States, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

When Christmas Come Around Review

I know, I'm real late for this review but at least you'll be able to have it for next Christmas. I like it! I would take some of the reverb off the vocal AND if possible try another mic. This one doesn't do justice to your voice. This song is perfect for you. It does need another string arranger that plays synth strings more like real strings. I would change that as well. If budget allows, I would add acoustic guitar, not to be out front but to set a mood. Good job!

United States, New York, Uniondale

When Christmas comes around ?

Uma grande produção para uma música bastante alegre, com um ritmo contagiante que nos impele à dança. Acho que é realmente uma música que deve estar no top da música Pop da number one music. Também gostei muito de outro tema disponível . Penso que está no bom caminho, e que em termos de produção musical está realmente muito bem feito e tenho de lhe tirar o chapéu e dar as congratulações por isso. Fico à espera de novos temas, com a mesma qualidade. Votos de grande sucesso!!! JB

United States, New York, New York

Beatiful voice

Hello! - Here is an attractive deep voice, that has some flavor. - There is maybe too much reverberation on the voice. - The orchestration is realized well. - the piano is put forward well and the returned sound is correct. - But how come that there is so much breath in this recording? - This problem is particularly audible at the beginning of the piece. - It is boring, but the sound recording of a piano is delicate to realize... I hope that it is a real piano! Otherwise... Have a good day!


Congratulations!!! I listened to your music and I loved it! Congratulations for your songs, good music and beautiful song !! Best artist !! Keep it up... I gave you 5 stars because you deserve it !! I wish you good life !!! :)

Italy, Genoa

Lovely Song

What a lovely and melancholy tune. It's perfect for those of us who have mixed feelings about the holiday. I could listen to this song over and over again. We want to hear more from UTE, please.

United States, Washington, Tacoma


A nice contemporary sound of a song that has a good real production sound and an artist that what to do with her vocal ability.The song has the ability to not only retain your interest but await the next musical turn in the song.The overall sound has some adele like qualities to it and in the song itself contains momemts of joy and hopefulness but yet also has some undelying sadnees and poignant moments at other times.The keyboards give a nice foundation for where the song needs to travel to and the song never seems to reach for anything that is out of reach.Well done by everyone involved and good luck in future endeavors.

United States, Pennsylvania, Ellwood City

Sad Christmas song

Your song lyrics were very honest and sad. They were self blaming when he's the one who cheated. And I bet he cheated without telling you his feelings towards you changed. So he is a lowlife cheat. At least if a person is planning on cheating, tell your current partner BEFORE the act of cheating, that is usually the standard agreement in most partnerships. Sadly most cheats don't keep this part of the agreement which makes them liars and cheaters. That's my opinion of the lyrics. Now for the tune. I like it. It is easy on the ears and lingers after the song is over. However, the low note where the vocals taper off is a bit irritating. THAT NOTE NEEDS BOOSTED. That or the vocalist needs to practice giving it more volume. But that's just my opinion. Overall I gave you a 3 star because your song did not sound bad. You were on tune, and it was a good arrangement. I didn't give it a 4 star because it depressed me. Thats the emotion you threw out and it was on target but I don't listen to music to get more depressed, I like music that lifts me up. I would give a 5 star if you hit the emotions I'm wanting to feel, but you didn't. That's the thing about music, it is very audience specific orientated. What I like others may hate or vise a versa. Anyways, overall you earned a 3 star and you put in good effort and time in this one... you know, I think I'll change it to a four star because you have a good song just the wrong audience, me! Namaste.

United States, Oklahoma, Lahoma

When Christmas Come around

This is a nice christmas song, for family cooking and siting around, when it cold out side, the track is nice and soft and her voice is not bad, some part could be a little bit clearer, but it ok and the hook is good.

United States, Virginia, Chesapeake

Simple and beautiful

A simple and beautiful melody built around the Christmas theme. There is a sad melodious pattern that comfortably repeats throughout the song. The lyric comes back to the title of the song "When Christmas comes around", and each time it does, it has a welcomed effect, making the listener feel a sense of cohesiveness . The piano is played in an adept, effective and moving way. I hope you enjoy When Christmas comes around as much as I did.

United States, New York, Port Washington

One For Your Christmas List

It is always a pleasure to hear Christmas treated with a different perspective. I love the feel of this song, I think the striking piano work suits it wonderfully. Perhaps the piano follows the melody a little too much during the song, maybe cut back to chords for some of it. But overall, it works really well. If you can afford it, some real strings [violin, viola and cello] in the background would make it really special.

Australia, Broadview

I love Christmas songs and I find this one sweet.

Maybe we can make a numberonemusic Christmas CD, this one should be on it! I like this is a song with a story, different than many songs and a story about Christmas. Many would choose only a simple melody for Christmas, and this song is chosen as a story I think people can relate too. Christmas is for many people not always a happy time. I think this is a good song in between all happy Christmas songs.


Marveldust among the snow flakes

--------------ON A SCALE OF 1 TO 10 RATE THE FOLLOWING ------------ PERFORMERS VOICE- (9) A beautiful voice. LYRICS - (0) At times I found it very hard to hear the lyrics. Perhaps you can send me the lyrics. SONG MELODY - (8) Love it! Definitely lends itself to that feeling of wanting to get together with family and friends. INSTRUMENTS - (8) The piano was a good choice. Great timing and a soothing Rhythm,. RECORDING – (9) Nice clean sound very professional, had no trouble feeling the music. TITLE – (9) “When Christmas Comes Around “A good choice for a title, considering the time of year for its debut. A pretty Christmas song such as this can make you lonesome for friends and family. ARRANGEMENT OF SONG; (8) It certainly came across to me as very pleasant and enjoyable to listen to. Brian E. Arsenault

United States, Kansas, Topeka

Hello from Jerzy...

I like the song.. but.... I wish You sing it with more energy...and as a Pianist My self I will advise to play softer...some parts Piano is on top of the vocal... any haw ... need some work and it will be a GOOD song... and PLEASE make a little FUN when recording...enjoy ... Jerzy...

United States, California, Los Angeles

When Christmas comes around

Beautifully done! Real modern Christmas song. Congratulation Ute and keep going this way. Hope that other people will enjoy this song as well. Recommended song for coming holiday season. Merry Christmas!

Australia, Sydney





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