8 years ago

November Update

Hi all fellow musos. Mal Content from U-WATT here. I hope you are all having a great time and life is being kind. We are still busy gigging and now have incorporated three of our own songs in to our live covers set. We are working on more but at the moment we play Dry Your Tears, Polonium Tea and Spiralling Down which are all our own work. You'll find a video of us on YouTube playing Polonium Tea at a summer charity festival this year. Thank you for your interest in us, as we haven't recorded any more material yet, here we are on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/uwattofficial and our own website www.u-watt.co.uk where you can find videos of us performing our own material and covers from our sets. Copy and paste the links as clicking on them probably won't work. You will also find us on Soundcloud, YouTube, BandCamp and Reverbnation and if we haven't already done so, please send us links to your pages so we can reciprocate. Your support is much appreciated so thanks again and keep listening in, Mal for U-WATT :)





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