Live for Today

Wild & Free

Song Reviews

Live for Today by Vanessa Delaine

There is a good message in this song, it has an interesting choice of instruments that blend well, and production techniques that result in a well-balanced sound overall. Easy to listen to & will likely grow on you, as it becomes more familiar.

Canada, Ontario, Oshawa

Live For Today


This one has a catchy intro and a really good message! It has a nice movement to it, and is a call to action song. Check it out I think you'll like it. I also really enjoyed the layers of instrumentation as the song progressed. Even though she's telling you to live for today, she keeps it balanced with suggesting you need to keep your feet on the ground while you become all you can in life, and be totally free. Great music! I think you'll like it, I sure did!

United States, Oregon, Springfield



Nice strong beautiful vocal lead, I like the production sound and strings of guitars and I can feel the heart in this showing you've put in some dedicated work on your art. I love the message More artist should study the roots of their culture of art more to be better at their own art. Keep up the good work and stay in the lab creating new material to stay fresh and on your toes. If you're ever looking for a hip hop collaboration hit me up I'm versatile. Peace!

United States, South Carolina, Rock Hill

A catchy folk song


"Live for Today" is a laidback song touching many genres. The recording and mix is well done. It has a rough "garage" sound that fits the song very well. It´s always a matter of opinion, but I would prefered to hear a little rougher sound on the drums and a slightly rough tube sound on the lead vocal to make it a bit more "dirty". But WOW this is great stuff and can´t wait to hear the rest of the album. Keep up the good songwriting ! All the best -Kris

Norway, Drammen

Living Free During COVID times

Live for Today sounds great! A wonderful band sound complemented by Vanessa’s excellent voice. Reminiscent of great female singer-songwriters and vocalists of the 90s with a slide guitar that sounds like an old Stones tune. Live for Today is a blast during these tough times. If you’re in the mood for an upbeat song, tune in and live on. Also, don’t forget to stay safe during this crisis.

United States, Washington D.C., Washington D.C.

Live for Today


This is a very nice country song, I like the vocals and I like the guitar work too, the songs is grooving, that´s cool, I like that this song sounds handmade and authentic. The songwriting isn´t bad but in my opinion the song could be be more surprising, I like it when some chords doesn't´t fit to what you expect, but this is my own taste , you will find such songs seldom in country music, keep on the good work

Germany, Hannover

Live For Today, Vanessa Delaine


I find it always interesting to hear what artists are doing in other countries. This song is a pleasant surprise for me. Of course it's not what I would record because it's not my kind of music. But, this is an interesting arrangement. i like it because it's different than what I would call normal. The instrumentation is somewhat unique and the way the instruments are used is also a little different. The vocals are right on, in my personal opinion, for this arrangement. The music and vocals compliment each other like a good recording should be, regardless of the style of music. I give it 4 stars for sure.

United States, Wisconsin, Osseo



Love this upbeat country, nice guitar at the beginning and traditional county style vocals. Which changes in the chorus becoming more upbeat with the added harmonica which adds impact to the song well worth listening to

United Kingdom, Portsmouth uk

Live For Today


thank you so much for allowing me to review and listen to your song I really love the title it's the true message and a true meaning behind in the park today. Containing migraine music never stay inside of a box that can you share your gifts and talents with the world and never be afraid to go to the next round. Hope you have a wonderful week does far hope you had a blessed New year be more creative this year and never stopped sharing. Please keep me posted on any music that you may have coming out I was to All general music gospel rap Christian Pop r&b Jazz just to name a few but my favorite is Gospel. Once again thank you for sending me your song I really love the title and I really love the meaning of this song hope all is well God bless.

United States, California, Every Where

Live For Today Review By Peter Newton


Smoothly into the ears is my preferred method of transport of music, Vanessa delivers a beautiful environment of blues and rock into your music box. The vocals are thoughtful and positive with a sing-a-long chorus. The production of the track is layered and interesting with lots of crafted moments that are impressive. I personally love the shimmery guitar that sounds like "what's the frequency Kenneth" from R.E.M. Great track, great vocals and production, great musicianship, totally awesome !

United Kingdom, Jersey Channel Islands

LIve for Today....


Surprising this song, starts out low key then kicks in to high gear. I love the lyrics since it is a "Cone back song" Harmonica or organ, don't know but you got a great mix of instruments and your style is between honky tonk and pop rock. Great pace phrasing and easy going composition. A song you can crank up in a break up. ...."Don't need you to come around!" You mak us feel the music and wear it well. Great song! I hope it goes top of the chart and I suggest you class it in more genres like Pop Rock and Blues Rock. You have a great voice for this song plaintiff and passionate.

United Kingdom, Chepstow South Wales

Live for Today...


Wow????????????Vanessa you took me on a journey of imagination. In every word you said I was actually able to put myself there. Living for today very freely. I was captivated by your soothing vocals immediately . Awesome piece❤

United States, Louisiana, Baton Rouge

Carpe Diem


Really smooth intro with the slide guitar and soulful mountain sound. Lyrical truth and honesty shine through in the message with gracious melody. Love the chorus when the drums kick in and the blues harp just puts it over the edge. Sweet breakdown and what a delight to hear the layered voices at the end. Overall I well thought out track with plenty of originality and a rainbow of sounds for your ears delight!

United States, Delaware, Wilmington

A good voice


There's a good mix of different kind of music in this song, from the folk guitar to the contemporary pop. Your voice has a melodic style, but the rhythm is modern. This is an interesting job.

Italy, Monfalcone, Trieste


La canción está muy bien, pero me gusta sobre todo la voz de Vanessa que me recuerda a una cantautora de mi ciudad (de origen canadiense) Jill Hali. Una voz muy dulce. Por lo demás una canción con una buena estructura, e interpretada tanto vocal como instrumental con bastante calidad y fuerza. Me gusta el sonido de la armónica mucho, es uno de mis instrumentos preferido. Lo peor que veo y que no lo veo mal es la percusión que hay de fondo demasiado grabe. Buena canción.

Spain, Sevilla

Great Message.


in America, we completely believe in freedom and liberty, and feel so strongly about both, we celebrate a national holiday in honor of it them each year on July 4th. As a child of the sixties, our battle cry was always "Freedom!", brilliantly brought forth in song by the late, great Richie Havens. Having had the great fortune of touring with Mr Havens for 3 years, this is one reason your song "Live for Today" so moved me. Your strong yet sensitive voice rings true. The choice of instruments and placement is perfect. Your production quality is excellent and radio ready. I'm looking forward to hearing it on the radio. Keep up the good work, Vanessa! And keep Living for today! Yours in song, Michael Grande.

United States, Arizona, Huachuca City

Eric's Review


I like this one a lot. This is a very cool tune. I have very few suggestions... I would bring the full band in earlier. Takes a long time to get there and they sound great behind your lyrics. I would keep the harmonica in the blend after the B section. It's a really unique sound and feels great in the mix. If I were recording this, I would punch the drums up throughout - making them more "boomy" and I would bring the lead guitar up in the later chorus - pushing the intensity up in the entire mix - including your voice (like I mentioned last time) toward the end of the song. Really like your multi-tracked voices at the end. Would like to have heard more of that. You've still got the "freedom" thing working in it - and I would run with that theme and really get into the vocals. Whatever the case, this is a really good song.

United States, Georgia, Atlanta

Outstanding Country-Song


A typical feature of country music are direct messages. Brilliant versatile sounding acoustic guitars carry these ambitionated composition including a great intro. I really like the slide guitar sound in addition with banjo and harmonica which all together playing the main role in this composition. Vanessa Delaine song is about own feelings trying to be free in strange times. The lyrics come from the heart and touch the soul. Her own gentle played acoustic guitar make the music rich and brings the listener on the next level. Also the drummer is playing very engaged and straight on the point. All instruments really stand out in this arrangement including the bass in the backround. Perfect studio-recording where all instruments really there, where they should be on a track of this quality. An impressive arrangement much more creative than others influenced by traditional Country-Music in perfect orchestration. Listen with open heart and I´m sure you will like to add it. Let others know your recommendation.

Germany, Hamburg

In MY Opinion


Greetings, Thank you for choosing me to review your work, I count it an honor to be included in such a task. My hat is off to you and anyone willing to step out and share their gift, talent and love of music to the public. Be it a musician, singer, song writer, actor and so-on. I myself, via 40 some years of experience in the fields, on the road, in the studio, radio, TV, video, and management, consider myself to be a seasoned musician, singer, song writer, studio-sound tech/engineer/ owner/operator, stage manager, find it sometimes hard/difficult and perhaps not even fair to sit in a seat, voicing My Opinion concerning another's creative efforts. Especially in certain genres of music I am not all that familiar with concerning very important elements that make up and meet the required standards to justify the various levels of ratings and grades. So, in saying ALL that, I will limit myself to MY Opinion concerning the quality of the work according to My ears, and the standards I have been familiarized with thru-out the years. I hold to the old - saying " Beauty Is In The EAR of The Beholder ... LOL. The sound quality of the recording over-all is very crisp and bright and clear, I really enjoyed the backing music. Vocals are smooth and natural, sort of - down to earth. The mix levels let me know who was still in charge of this song. Very easy to sit back and listen to. Nice job. Congrats. I mean no offense in any part, I myself take all feedback and use it as a tool toward my next project. I pray you feel the same way. Either way, I say to you, keep doing what you do, keep kicking and enjoying what you do. I tell folks all the time for many years. When it stops being FUN, then it's time to stop, and stand back and think about what we are doing, why we are doing it, how we are doing it, what we and others are getting out it. Is it what we want, and how we want it. IF NOT. what are willing to do from there? Thank you again for asking MY OPINION. Johnny

United States, West Virginia, LUMBERPORT





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