Ignis Fatuus

Film Scores

Song Reviews


good evening sir I just got through listening to your music very unique I love the style of the song I love the creativity song. Keep on showing the music keep on being a blessing to other people and never be afraid to go to the next level and do something that you didn't do different on your last album. I grew up to listen to all types of music genre music has a kid up until now. I hope you had a wonderful week that you and your upcoming weekend thank you again for Sean keep me posted

United States, California, Every Where

Music of Dreams and Vsions

What a wonderful dramatic instrumental tune, film og colors. Close your eyes while listening and the inner movie will send you on a journey. Violin and Classics band instruments maling with a heavy drum rythm makes the tune a hybrid between classical music and rock.

Denmark, Gilleleje


ignis Fatuus by Veil .. yes i like this alternative classical track . it has an haunted sad feel to it lol . i like the key board melodies . this music could be featured in a harrow film or a gangster film or even an haunted film yes this music is well produced

United Kingdom, Birmingham

Interesting stuff

Dark but mellow, experimental. Seems like a contemporary 20th century art music with hints of goth maybe, but also in some folkish kind of way. Reminds us a bit of The God Machine (90's band) instrumentals and dark moods. Non-conventional stuff!

Israel, Jerusalem


To my mind this track would make a great movie soundtrack. It evokes strange, dramatic images of a scene in which the hero/heroine go through a perilous journey of the soul, culminating in final victory over adversity. Love it!

Argentina, Timbues

VÉU - Ignis Fatuus

Fantástico essa obra... Soa como algo que permaneceu ou encontra-se no oculto, mas que agora está prestes a ser revelado o segredo que há séculos a humanidade nunca conseguiu observar. É chegada o dia D do VÉU ser desvendado. E nada será como jamais a humanidade pensará!

Brazil, São Paulo

Great sound for music

This wonderful classical music reminds me of some of the best romantic movies of the romantic poets and adaptations of Jane Austen or some post romantic films. It’s great to listen to some actual classic music like this nowadays

Spain, Madrid

your song

Hi Veil, thank you again for sending me your music for reviewing. I find this song as well as all your music work very nice and interesting, this music work has a lot of drama and sadness incorporated to it which makes the music you produce very beautiful and very interesting, I could say also, very special. I like your songs ans I just wish to tell you, keep the great job you do up, many greetings from Germany, Alfredo from King Mambo

Germany, Muenster

Music for the heart & Soul

The gradually built tension that characterized also the former tune I reviewd from this band is once again soothing and moving. This one is especially suited for violin lovers, it's like a violin's monologue. An instrumental piece that is not so innovatiove but keeping it simple and true. A small, simple and somewhat personal story which is told in just a few straightforward musical sentences, allowing the listener contemplate his own personal memories and emotions.

Israel, Tel Aviv


First up, I will say that I don't usually listen to classical music, not because I don't enjoy it, but just not part of my musical diet. Having said that, I did enjoy this piece. It took me on a pleasant journey, although a bit long and boring, i that was how it was intended. Technically quite simple but that is fine. Nicely recorded also. Very well suited to a score in the type of movie that I wouldn't watch. Not meaning that as criticism, just not my flavour.

Australia, Hamilton Island

English feel

I could definitely see This song being in a serious dramatic film. I’m digging the layers and dramatic build up as well as unexpected changes in you guys’ songs in general. Well thought out and well planned. Keep up the good work and I’ll keep looking forward to the music you continue to put out. Great tone and quality of recording as well. We need more of this type of stuff out there

United States, Louisiana, Shreveport

Expressive late romantic composition!

The composition has a great neo-classicist flair. The triolic figures of the piano provide for a continuous driving flow. At some point a beautiful and expressive melody of the violins starts to dominate the musical happening. Selective use of the percussion instruments ensures emphasis, especially when it comes to culmination. The only criticism is about the sound which seems to be programmed. Performed by a real chamber ensemble the piece would shine in its true colors. But I know that it is extremely difficult to produce a real orchestral recording. And the most people would not hear the difference :-)

Germany, Halle An Der Saale

Very Beatuiful

This is a very beautifully crafted ballad. Worthy of recognition and has the ability to make a terrific score in a film of suspense, reminds me greatly of requiem and is amazing. It brings tears to my eyes. I feel like listening to this with my eyes closed and imagining a great movie scene, perfectly modern with a post-modern flare, and has a terrific enclave of appreciation at every turn. I like the way it is written.

United States, New York, New York

Igniting a Five Star review... Ognis Fatuus

There is Proof positive that there are other life forms living among us hidden within the frequency of this song. It’s the creative forces coming together in time, crescendo at the perfect nanosecond, diversions, misdirection, shadow corners, crying in the night, close the curtains, and bite your lip song. It takes the direction you feel, and makes you feel it a little more. Mila is sleeping, and Android is recording, so I get to rate this one alone: engineering top notch. Score: begs for more. Energy level: wow straight to... wtf, it’s over? Intro: Dagmar Krug on steroids. Live performance value: High... that’s it from me except great job on this one! Iggy Ice

United States, New York, New York

sempre bravissimi

sempre bravissimi sempre bravissimi sempre bravissimi sempre bravissimi sempre bravissimi sempre bravissimi sempre bravissimi sempre bravissimi sempre bravissimi sempre bravissimi

Bleons Review of Viel

Here we are floating off into space..looking back at earth she is smaller and smaller, Tears invade my vision. Yes, this is what it reminds me of. Or being engulfed in the waves as the violin plays, but a hand is reaching down and pulling me up as the drum beckons us to return to some kind of sanity. How did we ever get here? There is sadness in that catgut string as it is pulled in many directions, as well as gladness. At first, the piano does not care but then suddenly just halfway thru the composition. They merge and swim together, the oar is the drum bashing the waves, for now, safe a moment, floating in darkness..but somewhere underneath us, is a beast, hungry and searching, all I can do is hope the preditor will move along and not detect me here in these dark waters. And I think for the moment I have won. It is a moving piece and it certainly brought out some emotions in me. Being no expert on classical music, but this is modern and very solid, the sound is very good as well. Thanks for the request!

snakebite music review


United Kingdom, BIRMINGHAM


Thoroughly enjoyed. Soothing, thought-provoking and equally uplifting. Length is very appropriate, leaves you wanting more. Personally, I would not recommend anything else to be added or removed from the track. it is a perfection on its own.

United Kingdom, Bath Spa

Cool sounds like success

Violins forevermore in the dreams and dreamscape critically acclaimed the process of the day. What more can we achieve with the future than continuing our search for the understanding of a harmony that swells the soul

United States, Minnesota, Minneapolis


I'm currently listening to Ignis Fatuus for the fourth time. The band logo could be that of a Black Metal band, so upon my first listen of the song I was sort of expecting some distorted guitars to jump in but they did not. Not that they were needed. The song is haunting, it invites the mind on a journey through the repeating melody of the piano, joined by a beautifully played violin. The second half of the song has a more cheerful vibe to it, the "repeating" piano melody has been exchanged with a.. I'd describe it as a sort of saloon melody. Glad I found and listened to this song.





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